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3rd PoV
Levi revelled in the moment, taking every opportunity to get close to the half demon.
He didn't have any chance before to remember every bit of your face and he was desperate too keep you.

Eventually he fell asleep, glued to your side.

By the sun rise, (y/n) was still grumpily in bed but Levi was wide awake, waiting.
He was waiting for you to wake up, wanting to confess as soon as he could.

'I need you, no one can get in my way' he thought.

As the light hit your eyes, you rolled, groaning loudly.
"Fuck the god damn morning... it comes too early" they whined, reaching for a blanket but grabbing Levi's hair instead.

"OW! Fuck off im not a god damn blanket brat" he growled, swatting away your hand.
This made (y/n) chuckle.
"And I am? I know I don't have to breathe or anything but damn do you want to split me in two?" They giggle making the captain blush.
He lets his arms rest a little.

"Sorry" he muttered, not wanting to admit how nervous he was.
The captain sat up from their spot, looking at the slightly more awkward but very monotone Levi still lying down and holding on.

They stretch as he starts to talk, not noticing the commander walking in.
"(Y/n) I wanted to tell you, before anyone else can have the chance...
I l-"

A loud crashing could be heard as a door slam in the other room. Without thinking, (y/n) stood up and walked to the door.

Levi's heart instantly being pulled with them.
He scrambled to his feet, starting again.
"As I was saying, I-"
"Sorry not now Levi!" The captain said, walking into their office and finding the bookcase that was rested on the wall with the door was completely toppled, books sliding all over the floor.

The lock on the door was picked and broken but the one into the bedroom was untouched.

"Sorry Levi but I think my office got broken into just now" they mutter, trying to look for clues

Levi growled, breathing heavily.
"Fine, I'll tell you tonight, let me go to briefing" he said, walking out the door.

(Y/n) shrugged off his unusual behaviour and rushed to Erwin's office.

Erwin opened the door instantly.
"Captain (y/n) but weren't you with Levi?" He asked, confused.

"Yes I was but someone-" you started but he cut you off.

"What did he say to you?" Erwin asked, pulling the demon into his office.

"He started to say something but someone broke into my office and he couldn't finish! You have to he-" you carried on panicked.

Erwin sighed and smiled.
"He didn't finish, thank fuck" you hear him mumble before he smashes his lips on yours.

(Y/n) PoV

I was scared, thinking the military police was still here I went to Erwin instead but he seemed weirdly focused on Levi.

In the confusion, he kissed me. His warm, plump lips on mine and his soft hands holding my face close to his.
My heart jumped.

What was happening.
His body was so close to mine, nose brushing nose.

My eyes shut as I let myself drift into the kiss only for him to pull away and hold my waist.

"My apologies, I had came in to tell you about your schedule for the day and I felt a little embarrassed and needless to say jealous of what Captain Levi was up to" he growled the last words.

Did the commander like me?

"S-so you broke my bookshelf and kissed me?" I asked, blushing softly.

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