The tree house

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3rd POV
(Y/N) fell against hanji, shivering at the chill of the morning.

Levi grunted and threw his cape over the (gender). They used it as a blanket.
Hanji smiled and took most of (Y/N)'s weight. They started moving in the direction (Y/n) told them. Zipping through the trees and flying past little rivers and lakes. Dear and rabbits. Wild animals roamed the green but blood soaked land.

After a while of movement (y/n) yelled for them to stop on a certain tree with a strange amount of leaves.
They landed and as they got closer the leaves were hiding animal hides, sticks and logs bound by weeds which were woven into ropes. A door and pathway came from the tree bark as it looked but it can't be, the trunk can't be this big?? Bark was glued together with honey and tree sap making a sort of paste.

(Y/n) opened the door to show a gorgeous little tree house. A hammock in one corner of the room held up with the same sort of rope as outside. Animal fur and hides made blankets and the actual hammock. Seats were made out of sticks and wood and hides.

It looked very cosy. By a window, home made blades and repaired but battered ODM gear rest under the window. A small bloodied hunting knife rest by the door as (y/n) shut the door behind them.

They groaned and walked towards a set of tables made to look like a kitchen. They picked up a half a rabbit that was moulded and rotten. Sighing they tossed it out the window. "Fuck that's a couple days good food wasted"

Stretching (y/n) grabbed some more animal hides and made two more hammocks.
"Make yourselves at home " they smiled.

Hanji explored in amazement.
"So you still eat food then?" She asked, ready to ask 1000 questions.

(Y/n) shrugged.
"I don't need to but I still get hungry and it is uncomfortable to not eat for a while."

"What about water? Do you have to drink pure water? Or can you drink any?"

(Y/n) giggled. "I still get sick from bad water so pure water is always better but  again I don't need to but it is uncomfortable to not drink."

"So how di-" "shut up four eyes! Can't you see they're barely awake!" Levi stopped Hanji. He had already started to inspect the little tree house for dirt but was surprised to see it as clean as it could be.

"Up to your standards little prick? I followed the techniques you used to show me" (y/n) commented, curling up in bear fur in their hammock.

Levi scoffed. Turning away to hide his blush. He was very impressed.

"May I ask why you're in this condition?" Hanji asked, sitting beside the hammock and pulling up the raggedy chair.

"I got into a fight yesterday evening, and I lost control of my anger and my full demonic side took over. Usually after I gain control I feel colder than ever. It makes sense since my body is heated to match the conditions for a full demon to survive." (Y/n) explained calmly, reaching for a wooden water bottle and drinking the water from inside.

They shrivelled their nose up to the water.
"Ugh I hate how hot this forest gets in the summer"

Levi sat on the hammock.
This is where they have lived for so many years?

(Y/n) was starting to fall back asleep, curled up in blankets and covers to keep them warm. Hanji stared, stroking their soft (h/c) hair.

"I missed them" she whispered.
Levi nodded. "As did I" he hummed quietly.

"Levi, I brought you here because I think (pronouns) is of value to us. They could help us. You remember how good they were don't you? And with titans terrified of them they are priceless to us! I-" Hanji started.

"They can't come back!" Levi growled. "You heard them, (pronouns) lost control! Who knows what they could do to humanity. It might be worse than any Titan we have ever seen."


"NO! They made an oath. I am not going against erased history for someone who willingly walked out on humanity and is living their life in almost luxury" Levi growled louder, suddenly standing and tearing down the hammock he sat on.

He stormed to the bark door.
"You play house with a ghost, I don't want any part of them" he grunted as he walked out and zipped away.

Hanji watched with wide tearful eyes, resting her head on her sleeping friend.

"I'm sorry" she whimpered.

She heard a soft heart beat in (y/n)'s chest and felt (y/n)'s calm breathing.
"I thought that would happen hanj, it's none of your doing" (y/n) spoke, one eye open to look at the mad scientist.

Hanji looked up, defeated.
"You won't be able to bring me home hanj, it's okay, I accept that. I'll still be here if you need me okay?" (Y/n) smiled, stroking hanji'S face.

She leaned into their hand, barely able to look at (y/n)'s face.
Hanji started to lean on the hammock, putting more stress on it.

(Y/n) gulped.
'This can barely hold my weight let alo-'  in that moment, the hammock snapped at the hooks. The two tumbled ontop eachother in a mountain of blankets and sticks.

Hanji felt her back slam against the carefully supported ground, grunting at the force. It took a moment before she felt the weight of (y/n) fall ontop of her.
Once the blankets settled and the pair and regained sense of self, they looked at eachother, nose to nose, chest to chest. (Y/n)'s arms above hanji'S head to support them, their legs intertwined with hers.
They sat in silence for a moment, listening to the pounding of their hearts and each other's breath.
Hanji'S face was red with embarrassment but (y/n) was still too cold to show their embarrassment.

In a moment of instinct, Hanji leaned up and pressed her lips against (y/n)'s cold ones. Her eyes screwed shut so she couldn't see (y/n)'s surprise.

Their (e/c) orbs were wide with shock at hanji'S advancement. But after a moment, (y/n) felt themselves lean into it slightly.
However Hanji pulled away before they could tell (y/n) had reciprocated.

Hanji opened their eyes and looked away in embarrassment.
"I am so so sorry!" She squeaked. Moving quickly, she grabbed the shocked (gender) and wrapped them in the bear skin, placing them in the last hammock up.

"I will get you home! But I have to go" she stuttered quickly, giving no time for (y/n) to process what just happened. And In that same moment, she was gone. Like a hurricane.
She had zipped away and back to her horse, charging home as fast as she could.

"What the fuck just happened?" (Y/n) asked themselves in shock.

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