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(Y/n) PoV

"OW FUCK!" I hear myself yell in a bellowing deep tone, my hand going up to my nose where it burnt.

Levi jumped in front of the soldiers in full ODM gear with swords drawn and anger set like stone. Hanji jumped onto her knees to take a look at my burns.

I pull my hand away and let her tilt my head up with the tips of her fingers.
"It's fine I promise, just a silver burn that's all" I mutter, my fangs showing through my blood red lips as my sky like eyes gaze up at her's.

She blushes slightly as she runs her thumb over my nose. I wince but let her, leaning my head on her hand.
She kisses the end of my nose which made the team behind her growl. Wonder why?

"Okay, so long as you're okay.
Do you mind if I look around your changes?" She asked, pulling me to stand up with her. I nod and look to Levi who has five guns at his feet and the soldiers all on their knees.

I giggle, giving a smirk to the captain.
"Thanks prick~" I tease, making the man relax and walk forward.

"Don't get too cocky brat~" he teased back, flicking my nose and walking away.
Did I see a blush on his face?

Hanji started to circle my body, stepping over the chains that confined me.
She tapped and pulled at my horns first, asking permission before cutting a 'sample chip' out of them. Which hurt.

A fuckin lot!

She then walked around to my ink like wings, poking the slimy substance.
"I haven't figured out what they are either, crocell tells me it's a putty like stuff and it's supposed to mould into a demon's wings once you have a placement in hell or a true job." I explain, tingles flying up my spine as she touches them.

She then walks back around to my face.
"Smile for me babe" she purred.
I chuckle and smirk, showing off the terrifying jaws that brought death to many.

"Beautiful specimen~ so sharp~" she muttered to herself, blushing her usual Titan blush.
I smirk more, opening my mouth as she investigates more. This carry's on for a while until a loud and prominent cough interrupts the moment. I look over to see Erwin almost green in the face.

I chuckle as she groans, looking into my eyes next. She stared for a while, getting close and further away before suddenly clicking her fingers.

"Okay can you and you!" She points to Connie and Jean.
"Get me a chicken please but only if we have more than 4, if not then a sheep" she says, sending the boys off.

Moments later they came back with a sheep, fully grown ram. I tilted my head.
'Where the fuck did they get that?' Crocell whispered in my head.

'So you're back now huh?' I ask, growling slightly.

'Calm it sugar tits, I'm not gonna harm anyone I'll be quiet in here alright.' He growls, falling silent again.

"I thought you might be a bit hungry, so here is a soul for you" Hanji says, pulling off the ram's rope which acted as a lead. She shoved it towards me before stepping back.

My stomach growled as my teeth grew, dripping with saliva. I wasn't hungry, I was starving, famished, ravenous.
I was more than hungry.
My eyes locked onto the lamb as I felt my wings grow.
I dropped to its eye level, crawling forwards and almost melting out of the restraints. This is my meal.
I reached out and touched its padded fur, stroking the beast as my eyes scanned its neck for a vein.
The ram started to panic as my claws dug deeper into its wool. I didn't care, it knows it's inevitable end.
I took a deep and long breath through my nose, smelling the fear this ram produced.
I smirked wide and let it go, letting it run from me.

I chuckled.
"Ba ba black sheep have you any soul,
No sir no sir I sold it for some goal.
Time to pay the price you owe,
And feed the hunger from down below"
My voice mixed with crocell's as we launched ourselves at the ram, teeth bare and eyes sharp.

I flew, falling down onto my prey only to get jolted back by my neck and to collapse on the ground.
I gasp for air, suddenly realising what I was doing. I hid my features and stumbled back.

"AH! Fuck!" I yelped, pulling at the neck collar.

3rd PoV

The demon whimpered like a hurt dog, scratching at the metal around their throat. The ram trotted away from the demon and curling up in a corner.
20 soldiers all held onto the one chain under the section commander's orders.

"YOU BITCH YOU SAID THAT WAS MINE!" A demonic howl escaped the Captain's lips. A voice that wasn't theirs spoke as anger and pain curled through the scream.
"Crocell! calm down!" (Y/n) hissed, curling up on the ground.
"It's okay there was a reason for that I promise, we'll eat soon"

"I DON'T HAVE SOON!" He yelled again through the Captain's voice.

Hanji let go of the chain, guilt and regret coursing through her heart.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to see your reaction to food and what would happen if I took it away" she whispered quietly.

The captain sat up, turning around to see the section commander. One eye was still midnight black while the other shined their original (e/c) orbs.
"It's okay hanj I promise" the captain hummed, holding their stomach as the black eye winced.
A slash of silver flashed in front of the team and the chains fell around the captain.

Mikasa stood above the demon, a sword in her hand.
Armin then pulled the ram infront of them.

"Eat, you're obviously in pain" he hummed, cornering the ram. A caring glow about him.

'Is this kid a fuckin angel or something?' Crocell growled, glaring at Armin.
'No he isn't he's human I checked' (y/n) spoke back to him.

They grabbed the sheep and leaned their head into its neck. They let their vampire like teeth show, sinking them into the dark flesh of the ram.
It squirmed before falling to the ground as the demon sucked the blood that flowed though the ram. Eating it's very life force.

They soon pulled away, blood dripping from their lips.

"Thank you Armin, Mikasa" the captain whispered, dropping the ram at their feet. Turning to see the guilt torn face of hanji, fallen to her knees.

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