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(Y/n)'s PoV

I was shaking in my spot, I have never felt so much love around me. My heart was pounding.

They all eventually pulled away and I managed to dry my eyes.
"Thank you everyone" I mutter, slightly embarrassed.
"Now come on! Are we gonna sit around or do you want to do some tests hanj?" I say enthusiastically, making the scientist jump for joy.

"Since Sawney and Beane aren't here anymore then we can go there! CADETS! Set up the testing area for me and I'll get our lovely (y/n) here ready" she ordered, the youngest cadets marching away.

Levi stayed sat next to me, hanji sat the other side and Erwin leaned on the wall in front.
"You sure you're up for this?" Levi asked, a slight worried tone in his usual monotone voice.

I chuckle. "Of course I am, I'll be able to handle anything you guys throw at me I promise. Get all the data you need okay?"

Hanji nods before placing her hand on mine.
"Just to let you know, I'm gonna put you in a few restraints just incase things get out of hand."

I smirk, a glint sparking in my eye as I quickly say.
"Oh how kinky~ I thought we'd wait until the bedroom before tying me up but alright~"

The scientist froze as do the two guys in the room.
Blood rushes to all their faces as the thought goes into their heads.
I burst into laughter, holding my sides and falling to my knees on the floor.

I must've missed some communication between the three as I suddenly feel my legs get torn out from under me by my ankles and my wrists getting pinned to my head. I yelp and gulp only to see Erwin holding my legs and hovering over me.
Hanji holding my left arm down with her nose grazing against my ear.
Levi holding down my right arm and his lips brushing against my neck.

I hear a growl and Erwin sits on my feet and slides his hands slowly along my thighs.
I feel heat rushing in my cheeks and noises wanting to escape the air tight lock I put on my lips.

I shut my eyes tight and I hear a whisper in my right ear.
"Don't tease us like that"
Another voice chimes in on my left.
"We don't like to share but do us like that again and we'll have no choice~"
Suddenly i feel a presence right in front of my face as a third voice speaks.
"And now we know you enjoy it you had better watch out~"

Suddenly I feel all the pressure leave my body and I open my eyes to see the captain, section commander and commander all standing as if nothing happened.

"What are got doing on the floor brat?" Levi growled, walking out to the door.

I sit up quickly.
"H-Huh! Wait what happened??" I yelp, feeling my wrists.

"You fell on the floor in hysterics and now you've sat up asking what's happened" Erwin said monotonously, sill leaning in the place he was before.

Hanj jumped off the table and picked me up.
"Come on I'm sure the place is ready for you now!"

"H-huh!? Wait hanj! Tell me what just happened" I stutter, bright red faced.

She raised an eyebrow at me.
"What do you mean? I don't know what you're on about, look we're here now!"

Did I just imagine all of that??

Levi PoV

I'm stood in a corridor, my heart pounding and my blood rushing to ... well.
They looked so helpless, god how I would've killed to be the only one in there. I want you to be mine, to have that stuttering blush when you talk to me.
I love you (y/n).

I walk out and walk to where the others are gathered to watch (y/n) in hanji's experiments after I had calmed down.

Erwin PoV

I felt like a school boy. That was very unprofessional but oh so worth every second.
I didn't care if those other two could see my desperation, I was like putty over you.
I wanted to kiss you in that moment, wanted to hold you there in that second and never let go.
But the cruel world moves on.
I love you so much (y/n) you won't even know.

Hanji PoV

Holy fuck. That was so god damn hot what the hell!
My legs are shaking at this I can barely stand.
How i wanted to tell you but I knew it would ruin everyone's fun if you knew. I love you (y/n), you make me more excited than I would with a fresh abnormal tied at my door step.

3rd PoV

(Y/n) was still very confused at the recent events but obliged to hanji's requests. The scientist bolted a clamp to their neck, one to their waist and two to their ankles.
They still had freedom of movement but it was so they couldn't move further than a certain radius.

"Okay! My first question is do you have any physical features that show you are a demon? I am going to put no-"
Hanji spoke, getting interrupted.

"Actually, to get back into the walls undetected I had to hide my most outward demonic features. I'm not sure if you can see, if you look closely there isn't any patterns in my eyes." The captain pointed out.
"And my ear looks slightly squished?"

Hanji started looking and noting down everything.

"My teeth are smaller than they should be and can you see how two patches of hair don't move in the wind?" As (y/n) spoke hanji's eyes widened, she noticed every detail.

"I've used low level illusions to cover these up that stay until I break the illusion." They hum, leaning forward.
"Do you wanna see?" They ask, looking towards an eager yet scared cadet audience.

Hanji nodded.
The captain stood up straight, rubbing their eyes excessively before shutting their mouth again and moving their hands onto their ears. Their eyes stayed screwed shut as black blood seeped through the scouts jacket. They pushed their hands up onto their head revealing their slimmer and slightly pointed ears.

The demon pulled their hands up their head and almost pulled off a black glitter veil that revealed two maleficent eske horns that curled up and round like a ram's. Their eyes peeled open to show midnight black pits that replaced the colour that once was there.
Pearly white daggers dropped from their jaw as oil dropped from arms length wings each side.
As the captain opened their eyes they smelt fear, nothing but fear.
Their eyes widened to see hanji's face in excited awe but some of the scouts clutching their guns ready to fire.

The youngest group just stared in awe as Levi and Erwin's eyes widened in amazement.

(Y/n) PoV

I show off my true form to my friends and 'family' in loose terms. Letting the groups see as per their request.

My heart is pounding with fear as a smirk curls the corners of my mouth. I hear metal and wood clank together in an nervous fright.
I turn to my right to see five officers and leaders pointing guns at me. I gulp and drop to my knees, watching as a silver bullet brushes against my nose.

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