New Captain?

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3rd POV

The pair slept soundly into the night, holding eachother in their slumber.
They were almost dead to the world. Well until the Commander came knocking at the door.

Levi was up first, unable to move because of (y/n).

"Who's there?" He grunted. Not happy to of been woken.
"It's Erwin, could I come in or do you want to come to the door?"

Levi looked down at (y/n) and hid them under the blanket.

"I can't move because of my foot, come in Commander." He sat up slightly, careful not to disturb them.

Erwin walked in and shut the door behind him.
"A cadet, armin has told us he's worked out the identity of the female titan.
In three hours we will be holding a meeting about it. I expect you to be there." He states at first before looking around.

"Understood sir. What are you looking for?" Levi asked.

"(Y/n) I expect them to be at the meeting as well." He says, walking into Levi's office, expecting to find them on The desk or the couch.

"They're here, keep your voice down. I expect waking a sleeping demon is never the best of moves. They were never a morning person as you could say" Levi muttered quietly, pulling off the blanket to show (y/n) in very deep sleep. He didn't show much of them though so the Commander couldn't see them cuddled up to eachother under the sheet.

But the Commander was already running green with jealousy, but hid his emotions better than Levi.
"I expect you'll tell them when the time is upon us" he spoke through grit teeth and walked out.

Levi set an alarm.
(Don't tell me how, if they have ODM gear, they have clocks)

And curled back into bed with the demon.

The alarm blared through the room, rudely awakening the scout and the demon. (Y/n) growled and turned it off.

"Ugh the birds aren't even awake yet" they grunted.

Levi suppressed a chuckle.
"There is a meeting. Erwin came along in the middle of the night and told me to get up for now" he said, reluctantly leaving the warmth of bed.

He instantly felt as cold as ice as he left (y/n)'s side. (Pronouns) had to be very warm and after being by them for almost 8 hours.

He missed it as soon as he left their warmth.

He started to get changed, allowing the demon to wake before attempting to make his bed.

(Y/n) crawled out of bed and stretched.
They still had most of their uniform on from the night before so instead of changing, (y/n) stopped in the middle of the room and started smoking.

No as in their body started to produce a whole load of smoke. They were burning off the germs, sweat and smell from the night before.

"Mmmm like it's just been freshly washed" they hummed before tossing on their jacket.

"Amazing, is that how you have survived without showers?" He asked.

"Well no I bathed in the river but if I had to clean my clothes that's all I'd do."
They shrugged turning around to see a shirtless Levi pulling up and buckling his (pants/trousers).

Blood ran to the poor demons face but before they said a word Hanji broke through the door.

"Oh (y/n)! You're wanteddd" she sang, eyes shut so they didn't see Levi.

Once her eyes did open, she gasped grabbing the demon and pulling them out.

"Decency Levi!" She shouted and slammed the door.

"You want to wake any more titans?" (Y/n) commented sarcastically, walking down to the meeting room Levi mentioned.

Hanji followed, laughing.

(Y/n) sat in the meeting room's corner as Levi, eren, armin, mikasa, Hanji and Erwin all walked into the room.
They all discussed who the female titan was, eren, armin and mikasa all oblivious to the demons presence.

"I believe it is Anne leonhart who is the female titan" armin started. Explaining his case and plan for attack.
Eren started to go into fits about this accusation.

"Have you got any solid proof that it's her??!" He growled.

"How about an eye witness to Annie's transformation?" (Y/n) chirped from the corner.
They stood and seemingly teleported fo Eren's side.
"Is that enough proof for you?" They asked.

Eren PoV

I can't believe I'm hearing this? How could they accuse her like that!!?

"How about an eye witness to Annie's transformation?" A shadowy figure suddenly appeared, leaning over my shoulder.

It was warm, sleek soft skin and huge (e/c) eyes. A-an angel??
Who is this?

"She knows me personally and therefore I can't be seen in the walls and against her.
She will then have nothing else to loose." The figure rambled.

Armin POV
Who is this? They're so smart, and gorgeous.

I feel my heart leap in and out of my chest.
Rank? Or cadet?

Mikasa PoV
I don't trust that figure. I'll ask Sasha what she feels, her instinct is never wrong.

They might hurt eren. I don't like them.

3rd PoV

(Y/n) hummed.
"I like your intuition, armen? Or was it armin?"

Levi spoke up.
"Captain, you haven't introduced yourself, care to humour the poor bastard's confusion"

(Y/n) chuckled and nodded.
"Apologies, I am captain (y/n). I haven't been assigned a squad yet but I've been doing some undercover work ever since you first took your form. I was tasked to see if there were any more of you. The only one I have solid confirmation on is Annie leonhart."

"I hope you don't mind my intrusion or my brash nature" they added on after a short pause.

"I've heard a lot about you titan boy, I hope you can live up to the hype" (y/n) smirked, sitting down at the table now.

The group took the rest of the night to formulate 3 plans.
They had an hour to rest up before informing everyone else of the plan in the morn.

(Y/n) was to stay with hanji, as they could quickly set up more traps.

Hanji'S team couldn't see much from their vantage but they saw the bright yellow lighting crashing down and Titania emerging.

(Y/n)'s heart sunk.
"This isn't going to be enough traps for her. It'll hold her temporarily but without enough traps on the floor she can kick her way out."

Hanji'S eyes widened as she saw the demons sorrowful eyes at the female titan.
'This can't be easy for them. I suspect they're closer to Annie than they let on'
She thought, watching as (y/n) jumped down and grabbed some metal rope, finding the ends and waiting at the floor for the titan.

Soon Annie started running through the interior town, chasing mikasa.
As soon as they were in range, Hanji yelled.


The barrels blasted, sticking harpoons into the fleshy creature.
(Y/n) ran, wrapping her ankle in a blur faster than light and holding onto the two ends, yanking the rope to topple the titan and allowing the blanket of spikes to fall.
They held onto Titania's leg, keeping a tight grip on the ropes.

Annie PoV

Hanji spoke to me, threatening my existence.

I don't want this. I just want to be ordinary!
I looked around for help, trying to find a part of my body that could escape.
That's when I saw them.
The familiar face of the demon who raised me like a mother.

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