chapter four

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zoee's pov:

after another good hour of thinking about anything there is to think about i deside it would be a good idea to start planning my trip to meet my glam-rock king. i txt emily saying: 'hey em! mums a bitch and wont let me go to the meet and greet. but there is no way im not going. got any ideas???? :)' she replies within 2mins saying: 'hold your horses im on my way!!!! pack your shit and tell the bitch that your going to the movies or something and i will pick you up in town good???' omfg i actual love her!! shes a life save so thats what i tell her 'eppppp perfect!!!!! thank you so much em!! see ya soon xxxxx'

to make everything as smooth as possable i tell mum a few hours before em pick me up just so she knows that im 'going to the movies with friends' and doesnt make other plans for me.

i pack everything glamberty; my t-shirt, my neaklaces, my trespassing beanie that i got costem made, my bracelets, and a few of my poster for adam to sign. i also pack afew changes of clothes and some eye-liner. i tryed squashing down my bag as much as possable before walking out the door just so it doesnt look like im doing somethings i shouldnt be....

~~in town~~

after a few mins of waiting for emily i see her pull up beside me in her shiny black car with yellow mags and of course trespassing blaring at full volume. god this woman is amazing. i jump in an we race away chatting about the next couple of days infrount of us. shes tell me about how shes having a few other glamberts stay at her place and that her friend is a hairdresser and that she offered to dye our hair yellow and black for free! i happliy acespeted that offer knowing that it would drive my mother up the wall even more when i get back from my little adventure.

its a good two hour car ride so we get talking about our selfs

"yeah well im 21 studying the preforming arts right now but i hope to move to L.A some time soon and make it big over there" emily tells me. emily is a bit outside the box a lot like me i guess just shes not shy and incecure like me..., she is wearing bright yellow doc martins, black riped jeans with an adam lambert glamnation tour shirt, she has a lip ring, black hair dip dyed yellow and bright green eye covered in eye liner to make them pop out even more. she has the words:

'hey, tear all fall the same,

we all fell the rain,

we can't change...

- outlaws of love, adam lambert' tattooed on her forarm. which i think is the coolest tattoo EVER.

once we get to her place i relize how epic this week is going to be. there is several cars all parked on the lawn and i can already hear female voices screaming the lyrics to cuckoo by adam lambert before i even walked through the door. i get inside and its amazing. its like glambert hevan. posters on the wall, glamberts everywhere, people dressed in black and yellow. i dump my stuff before we all head out the door to great adam at the airport.

~~adam avrives at auckland airport~~

a good four dozen girl with a few boys are bunched around the arival area all dressed in black and yellow chanting to any adam lambert song while we wait for those big sliding glass doors to open and reveal and our glam-rock king. and finaly it happens, the doors slide open to reveal the man we all love, adam lambert. the crowd squells with exsitment and i can honestly say this is where i started to have a bit of a moment. a few glamberts including emily cheek on me just to make sure im not having a heart-attack but the all know im just overwhelmed i wipe a few tears of my face and try to act like this isnt the momment i have been waiting for, like adam isnt the only reason im alive but we all know thats not true. after all the man that gives me reason to live is curently in the same room as i am, i think im aloud to be a bit emotional. he takes picture with a few people and waves to the croud but he is quickly esqusrted out by security.

hey everyone!

i know this chapter was short and crappy (like most of the others so far) but i just want to get the begining out because i have a lot planned for this story that i know you will enjoy ;) so im trying to get the begining out fast so we can get onto the good stuff which will hopefully start in the next chapter or two!! :) once that happens i will be focusing on make the chapter longer and better quallity for all of you. so yeahhhhh :)

please comment and vote so i know if you like it our not. and if you want give me some ideas for story lines in the future for this book that i may just use. keep in mind that i will be hopfully introduing knew charcters along the lines like tommy who i havnt got meny ideas for yet ;)

twitter: @glambert_nz

- Caitlin :D

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