chapter 16

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Adam and i catch the bus back to the hotel.

the only reason for this was because we just wanted to feel normal, like no one was looking at us while we sat here, but people were, you could here that faintest whispers from around us, people were saying things like "oh my god is that Adam Lambert" "who ever that girl in she looks a bit to young to be with him"

this comment had me outraged, i wanted to stand up, turn around and yell 'adam is my boyfriend bitch, and yes im 18 and he's 32 but love is love' i held back from saying this just encased Adam wasn't really that serious about the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing. so instead of making a scene i snuggled into Adam and kiss his cheek "i love you" i whisper he slides his arm around me then plants a kiss on my forehead "i love you back" he whispers in reply with his lips still against my head.

the decision to take the bus my have not have been our brightest of ideas because as we start to approach our stop we see a few men with cameras at the ready, some one on the bus must have spread the word, i fucking hate humans sometimes. "ohhh for fuck sake" Adam says while dropping his head down.

Adam tilt his head up a little so his eyes could meet mine "im sorry, i just wanted to feel like we could be like everyone else" he sobs "its okay, we can deal to these bastards" i reply while rubbing Adams back in effort to calm him down, he smiles "lets demolish them" he says with a wink "your still my cousin though" he adds. i think it hurts him to be calling me his cousin because Adam tries so hard to just be a normal person without getting hammered by the media, and he doesn't want me in the firing line, but i know he wants people to know who i really am.

"sorry..." he adds again with a frown.

the bus stops and we start to make our ways out.

"isn't he a bit to glittery for a girl like you my darling?" a scummy looking old man from the back of the bus calls out, his hair is greasy and gray, it falls down to his shoulders, he has many a faded  looking tattoos on his arms and scars on his face, he leans back in his seat looking very proud of the comment he made. what a foul man, i can't take what he said, i can't stand her letting him abuse Adam like this "i will have you know you old bastard, that Adam is no longer g-" i start to scream in response when im cut off by Adam "im her cousin... im just here cousin" he says, i feel relieved that Adam steped in when he did, i could have just pulled the pin on a media hand grenade, but he saved us "i suppose that's what all the kissing was about, aye?" the old man says as we turn our backs to step of the bus, i just ignore it.

"get to the hotel lobby straight and fast, wait for me their but try to stay out of sight from the cameras" Adam whispers in my ear before we step further onto the pathment.

i recognise some of the men from our other outing together, there is also a few fans.

as i walk straight for the hotel i scan the area for any recognizable faces, Emily, Megan any of the glambert that i have come so close to.

Adams hand is still on my back as he leads me from behind, we are starting to get swarmed, the noise levels get higher, fans start scream and media start firing there stupid questions from all angles.

"can you explain to use way you two were spotted kissing Mr Lambert"

"is it true Adam that you two arnt  cousins at all, your infact lovers"

"sir are you aware that it is illegal to have sex with under age girls in this country"

"Mr Lambert can you explain to us the quick turn around between you a sauli and now yourself and this clearly much young mystery girl"

this is when i lock eye contact with Emily, she stands there with here arms folded, tears rolling down here face, she stairs at me like I've recently competed a burglary or something.

Emily has done so much for me in the pass, so to be with Adam by myself makes me feel bad, even know she has helped my run away from my mum i couldn't even tell here that i was going to meet her at the corner. Adam means equally as much to her as he does to me but i havnt even asked her to lunch with us or anything. i feel so horrible, i feel so selfish, i wish i could just explain.

just keep walking zoee, ignore here.

i put my head down and speed up, leveling Adam behind me. im almost at the doors of the hotel, when i walk straight into someone. i havnt cheeked to see who it is yet but im pretty certain its em, sure enough i look up and find the upset looking Emily steering right at me.

"i can't believe you have just ignored me after all I've done for you!" she spits in my face.

"im sorry em" i quickly reply

"thats not good enough, the lest you could have was replied to one of my texts, i was worried sick about not knowing where you were" she says, surprisingly embracing me in a friendly hug.

I've been so selfish, she deserves to be with Adam too, and still she has been worried about is me.

"im sorry" i whisper mid hug

"come with me" i say, grabing  her by the hand and drawing her into the hotel.

we sit down in the lobby, as i was instructed.

"well come on, spill. why are you with Adam" she queries.

"umm...well" i dont know what to say, i can't tell her we are actually together.

"Adam took me to lunch and then he asked me to sing and he liked it so he's helping me with writing songs till he leaves" i lie

Emily looks convinced.

"so is that why there was picture of you two looking rather intimate up the sky tower in the news paper this morning?" she asks with a disappointed smirk.

"i don't know what you talking about" i lie again.

"come on zoee, don't play dumb, i know that's not everything you two have been upto, you know twittering as exploded because of you" she sternly replies.

"fine, Adam isn't gay anymore and i guess he's just being experimental" i say with a shamed look on my face.

i don't want Emily or anyone for that case to thing im just a test subject, because test subject or not I've fallen under Adams charm.

"lucky bitch" Emily replies with a friendly smirk on her face.

Adam appears through the glass doors and scans the room till he finds me, he smiles as we make eye contact and makes his way over. his smile turns more into a frown when he notices im not alone.

"ahhh.... zoella, who is this?" Adam says with a worried look on his face.

i hope he's not upset that I've invited someone here without asking, i know how he likes his privacy.

"umm, this is my friend Emily" i say in a calming voice.

"ohhh so not a news report or something like that" Adam jokes and em nervously shakes her head. "awesome! im Adam" he say with a little wave in emilys direction.

Emily steers at him in amazement, i give her a little nudge to reminder her to speak "ohhh ahhh i know, i mean nice to meet you" she stutters.


hey glamberts!!!

sorry i took for ever to update and sorry that this chapter was kinda dual, i didn't really wanna publish it but i hadn't write anything in a while.


DID YOU HEAR THE INCREDIBLE NEWS ABOUT QUEEN COMING TO NZ ON THE 3RD SEPT!!!!  lol if you didn't know im from new Zealand so im so excited, hopefully i will be able to get good tickets so i can final see Adam live!!!

please vote and comment so i know if you like the story so far, and don't worry there will be an update coming very soon!!! infact im going to start writing right now! :P

hope you have a great day and if you have been or are going to queen and Adam that you enjoy/ed every minute of it, i know i will.

twitter @glambert_NZ

instagram caitlin_bert

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