chapter 12

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Adam and i take on last walk around the observation deck and then desire to head back down. we walk over to the elevator and my heart starts pounding chest, my feat slow down until i come to a complete stop. i look up at Adam who is about to enter the elevator, he has a concerning look on his face "its okay babe, i  am here too" he smerks i slowly walk towards the elevator till im inside with Adam. i presses the button and the doors close.

i look down at my feat and regret the decision immediately because the floor is also glass and we can see all the way to the bottom, i jump a little till i hits Adams chest, he catches me and prevents me from falling, what a hero "its okay, just close you eyes"Adam whispers so i do just that. i close my eyes and rest my head on Adams muscler chest he rests his chin on top of my head and i wrap my arms around his thin waist and Adam does the same.

many people at school would think it is disgusting that im currently cuddling with a man 14 years older then me, they would call me names like slut and hoe but im happy at the moment so that's all that matters.

Adam flinched a little and whispers "shit" i quickly look back up at him and ask him "what's wrong?", Adam frantically replies "there's glamberts down there, they might recognise you" this is bad "crap" i wisper in response. "do up the jacket so the can't see your shirt and put on the beanie thats in the inside pocket "you carry around a beanie in you pocket?" i laugh "yeah its for emergency, don't you" he laughs back. i put the beanie on and adjust my hair so they can't see the yellow. "okay so if there is are any paparazi im going to say that your my cousin who is living in new Zealand okay?" Adam says "sweet" i reply "okay cool, try not to make eye contact with anyone especially not that pays leave that up to me, head straight to the cab and i will get there as fast as i can" Adam explains "okay cool" "im sorry zoella i didn't mean for this to happen" Adam groans "its fine Adam, how did the find out you were here?" i ask "the instagram photos" Adam explain "ohhh right, fuck we are pretty smart" "ha - tell me about it" Adam smerks.

as we start to get closer to the ground you can here the glambert belting out the worlds to if i have you, "my managers are going to kill me" Adam whispers "yeah they probably will"  i feel my body start to tence as i realize that if it wasn't for me opening my fat mouth at the signing i would be one of thoughs girls down the desperate for just one second alone Adam, but I've had about 10 hours with Adam all to my self, i fell so selfish but privileged at the same time. "i should really tell you something zoella" Adam pipes up "i haven't really been out without a body garde in a while so i have no idea how this will go".

the elevator comes to a stop i just my hair before the doors expose use to the outside world. Adam and i step out and i hear a roar as we start to become visible to the crowd. "just get to the cab as fast as you can and i will catch up" Adam reminds me. i walk out of the building a few metres infrount of Adam and the cameras start flashing and the questions start rolling "hi mama, can you tell us what you and mister Lambert were doing up there?" "do you realize Adam is gay" "you look awfully young to be hanging around with a adult like Mr Lambert, do you have anything to say to that?" i keep my head down and walk as fast as i can, how does Adam cope with this, all these negative questions and these flashing lights. most of the attention is drawn off me and onto Adam, he is sounded in girls with the cameras and phones out trying to get a picture with the man of the moment. out of the corner of my eye i see Emily standing on the side walk stearing at me like a lost puppy. i put my head down and start to walk faster with out being noticed by hear a"zoee?!" bugged she much have recognized me, i choose to ignore her and keep walking till i reach the car.

i still and watch as Adam struggles to make his way through the sea of people and over sized cameras. after a good 10mins of selfie taking and hand shaking Adam final reaches the car door, he opens it and i hear one of the paps yell "Mr Lambert, can you tell us who you special lady friend it?" Adam looks down at me a smerks, he turns back to the crowd a replies "she's my cousin" Adam ducks back into the car and we start to drive off with the seach of people still following us, i see Emily again through the tinted windows i wish i could tell her that im sorry for being so selfish. the car speeds up and we leaving behind the crowd of bodies. Adam turns to me and says "nice job my special lady friend" i smerks and that him in reply.


hi everyone one!!! hope you enjoyed this chapter. please share it with anyone you may know who might like it and also i would love it if you guys could vote and comment to i can tell if your enjoying it.

tweet me: @glambert_nz

insta: caitlin_bert

have a great day - caitlin xxx :D

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