chapter six

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zoee's pov:

The frount of the line aproched faster then i thought. i was only about twenty people away from meeting the man that basicly rules my life. i can hear him talking and laughing with the glamberts in front of me. his voise is like having the sun in your chest, it makes your heart melt. his laugh is unforgetable and like no other. as i reslise what im about to go through i start to laugh and cry. its like ever emotion inside of me has just got a kick by a caffeine boost. my hand are shaking out of control and i can feel the smile on my face widen even further when i see that im only 2 people away. i try to stop the tears flowing from my eyes so i dont look like a freak for adam. i look down at my hands to make sure i still have my poster for adam to sign when the security gard at the frount of the line taps me on the sholder and tells me to make my way up to adam. i manage to cough out a stuttered "o..o..kay" as i make my way to the desk that is parked in frount of the man himself. 'dont fuck it up zoee' is all i hear as i get closer to the desk. i look up then see a stuning man with bright blue welcoming eyes giving me a smile that makes my heart skip a bet.

"hey, sweety! nice shirt" adam politly says to me in his angel like voice. it takes my a while to proses what he said to and i try to reply but all the comes out is a high pitched almost sielent "oh my god".

he laughs a says "dont worry im not going to bite, whats your name?"

"ahh.. um.. it zoee" i reply with more confedence.

he quickly say "oh i love that name"

this just makes my heart flutter.

he then asks me if i wanted him to sign my poster, i can feel the tears coming but i stutter out a "yes please"

as adam moves his hand qickly across my posters with pen in hand i can feel the tears starting to become more of a steddy stream.

he looks back up at me and over top of all my crying i say to him "thank you so much for saving my life" but is sounded more like 'th-th-thank yyyou so much f-forrr s- sa-saving my life' with small hic-ups in between each word. i didn't mean to say it, it just came out. i didn't want adam to think i was a crazy suicidal chick but that's what i am so... there is a sielent pause between us but then

he quitly replys "its okay babe, and remember i will always be here for you" his eyes travel down to my forarms and his eyebrows push together and his smile turns into a frown as he studys the scars on my arms.i quickly pull them out of view and look back to adam and he looks back at me with real sad-ness in his eyes, he doesnt say anything though.

"c-can you sign my t-top?" i ask trying to get my scars of his mind and he quickly replys "yeah sure thang" but as he leans across the table to sign the peice of fabric hanging off my shoulders the security gard gently pulls adam back a wispers somthing in his ear and then adam wisper somthing back.

"security isnt going to let me" he says

"but if you wait outside on the corner for me i will come do it when hes not on my back" he wispers and pulls a funny face at the security gard. i let out a little giggle and he smiles. the other security gard tells me its time to move along.

'bye sweety,and dont forget what i said" adam says in his angalic voice and with a slight wink.

"th-ank you so much a-adam" i reply with tears still rolling down my cheaks.

this is quite possible the best moment of my life. Adam freakn Lambert just called me babe... holly fuck... as i was walk out with now huge waterfall coming out my eyes and my freshly sign posters in my quivering hand em comes up behind me and rubs me on the back. she must of heard what i said to Adam... crap... she's says to me "every little cell in your exquisite body is perfect. every little thought in your mind could be mistaken for one of Shakespeare's and don't let other people say that's not true" and that lady's and gentlemen is exactly why i love this glamily, the care for me and love me no matter what, they support me and help me no matter how dumb the idea is... plus we have a really sexy glamily king, who omfg  i get to meet at  'the corner' soon... holy fuckn fuck.

the five of us make our way out of the signing all emotional wreaks. all of the girls were talking about how crystal clear his eyes are and how perfectly shaped his hair was but i have no words for this moment. its like the audio and this strange movie that is my life is just frozen and my mouth is wide open doing nothing apart from catching flies.

we all deside to go to subway to look back on the day. have a could we say bert-view (review). i tag along behind with my jaw still hanging from its hinges. all the girls order but i have no desire for food, my brain is still a whirlpool of little mini flash backs of what just happened. i excuse myself and go for a breather outside. the main point of the 'breather' is so i can make my way to the corner to meet Adam so he can sign my shirt but being the selfish bitch that i am i didn't want the other girls to know.

i stand at the corner of a busy intersection assuming that this is 'the corner' Adam was refusing to. i stand there awkwardly with one hand in my pocket and the other clinging onto my elbow. my feet are doing random shit that makes me look like a total dork but im so nervous i hardly even notice. my eyes are still leak with the occasional tear drop and ever now and then my bottom lip quiver like im about to burst into tears but i keep it together.

5 minutes pass

then 10 minutes

then at 15 minutes when i ready to give up on all hope and make my way back to subway because come on why would an amazing celebrity like Adam Lambert have a spear 10 minutes from me. i turn to walk back to subway and i smack straight into someone's chest... owwww... but ohhh what an amazingly toned chest this is and who ever this is smells like fuckn angels.


hope you guys like is so far.

once again important sorry that i stopped updating, i hope some of the people who were reading start reading again because i promises you guys i will be updating a least once a week for now on.

sorry this chapter is kinda shit I've kinda forgot where i was going with the story but important back on track now!!!

plus i know the grammar and spelling might be bad i write these on my phone so that why.

please leave a coment or a like if you want me to continue updating!!! :)

and if you share it with any glambert friends you may have that would be awesome!!!

thanks for reading and once again im so sorry for not updating.

tweet me- @glambert_nz

insta- caitlin_bert

caitlin :D xxxx

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