chapter five

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~~next morning~~

zoee's pov:

"zoee get outta bed! we are going to be late for addys first interview!" emily yells

"okay okay im coming!" i grown back.

I quickly get change into my trespassing shirt, black jeans and my docs. I rush down stairs with my posters for adam to sign in hand to be greeted by 4 crazy glamberts all dressed up. They handed me some mini black and yellow flags and we headed out the door with our newly dyed hair with black and yellow strekes.

"get ready for a full day and lambert stalking" mMrgan ( one of my fellow glamberts ) squells.

We all chear and sing along to pop that lock.

Once we arive at adams first location which is a morning tellevison show we wait outside quietly but full of exsitment.

A few minutes pass before a black four wheel drive pulls up beside the building. Excitment levels rise higher and the volume of the small crowd gets loader. Although i dont get that feeling that i had last night at the airport when he walked out of customs... this just all feels like a dream. A big man in a black suit who must be a security gard jumps out first, followed by that tall sexy figure also known as Adam Lambert. He looks stunning wearing a 'bad boy' leather jackets, thight pants and finished off with a glamed up touch of lepord print boots. We all start to sing the words to his new single 'Trespassing' at the top of our lungs while he walks past waving towards us with the large man closely behind him.


After another three hours of chasing Adam around the city of auckland as he pops into radio stations and tellevison studios doing interview, all 5 of us find our selfs at starbucks just a few blocks over from the location of Adams signing which begins in a hour.

We all sit down with our coffees and start to talk. Once again for the third time this week the topic of ourselfs is brought up and i still dont really know what to say. so i just listen to the interesting storys of others and give a breif outline of my life when its my turn to speak. Jamie is 16 (the youngs of the 5 of us) and lives in the south island. Shes wants to be a teacher and clearly she has very good perents because they paid for her plan tickets unlike mine who dont even know if im alive our not. Paige is also 18 but she left school last year and she currently flats with emily. She also works at the aj hackett bungy jumping place on the auckland haubour bridge... what an awesome life. There's also morgan whos the oldest of the bunch (23 years old) who has a boyfriend named steve and lives in wellington studing bioligy. and then there is emily who you all ready know about and then me.

After a good amount of talking we have all finished our coffees and we head out the door. Relizing that we are running a bit behind time and the meet and greet is almost about to start we sprint down the side walk so we get a good place in line.

we get there and the event had just started. Although i couldn't see adam i knew he was there, people walk past us with freashly signed poster and some with a few tears in their eye... I can just imagine what im going to be like when we get to the frount of the line, an emotional reck.

Thanks for reading Glamberts!! i hope this chapter is a bit better then the last few, i spent more time on it :) things will start to get exsiting next chapter :D

please please please vote and comment because i really want to know what you think so far :))))

please also share this with any other people you may know who might like it. <3

tweet me: @glambert_nz

- Caitlin :D xxx

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