chapter 13

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the cab leads us under Adams fancy hotel into the parking lot, there were more fans outside but they had no idea it was Adam because we had black tinted windows. once we are in the lobby Adam walks right to the front desk where he announce to that lady that he has someone staying with him so he will need a extra room, it was a bit cocky but very cute. the lady behind the counter tells him the room next to his is free "perfect" he replies. he walks back over to me and hands me a room card "you know you don't have to pay for me to stay in a fancy hotel for the night i can just go home to my mum" i say "i know i don't have to zoella" he says with a smirk on his face "but i want to plus i can't let you go back to your mum your ment to be on the run remember, where's your teenager spirit aye?" "i havn't got much of that" i reply "doubt it, plus the music industry has to hear the amazing voice of your zoella" Adam says, i giggle a little and reply with "you know you can just call me zoee" "i know, but i like zoella" i smile as we get into the elevator to head up to our rooms luckily this one doesn't travel at the spend of a jet or have a glass bottom floor.

Adam opens his room up and we both walk in, everything is sorted neatly just how i expected. Adam leans up against the head of the bed and gestures for me to sit down. i sit at the foot of the bed with my legs crossed and facing Adam.

he looks up at me and smiles not like one of his normal bright smiles kind of a weak smile like he's trying to hide something i tilt my head with a concerned look on his my face as if i was asking 'you okay' Adam looks back down into his lap and whispers "umm.. i have to leave tomorrow afternoon"

my heart sinks a little, i know i would never have a chance with being with Adam as a couple but i love to be around him, these past 12 hours have been the best 12 hours of my life and that's all due to the man sitting opposite me "its okay, we will just have to have lots of fun before you go" i say trying to sound like im not despite to spend every minute with him "sounds like a plan" Adam replies.

i try to change the topic because i don't want to think about Adam leaving yet "so is it just you here or is tommy and the rest of the band here too?" Adam gets up onto his knees and turns to the wall behind him, he pound the wall with his fists several times and yells "TOMMY ARE YOU STILL IN THE COUNTRY?" this is one of the many reasons why im in love with this man, he's so damnm cheeky, several minutes later a tired sounding tommy yell in reply "if course you disk where else would i be?" Adam looks back to me a says "yeah he's still here" with a cheeky look on his face, he turns back to the wall and yells "good come here and bring ash... oh and an assortment of guitars please and thank you" i can't help but burst out into laughter "if i must princess Lambert" tommy yells in response.

tommy and ashley walk through the door 5mins later with their  arms full cradling their guitars. tommy hair is purple with bits of blue, messy but very attractive he is wearing a queen shirt and black track pants with adventure time slippers. ashley has half of her hair dyed blue the signature look for her she's also wearing a black shirt with a white rose and tights with leopard print slipper, why can't i be that perfect.

they look to Adam and then to me, the both look rather shocked to see me but i guess if your them you wouldn't expected a teenager girls sitting on his bed considering Adam is still gay to them plus he's 32.

tommy and ashley sit on the couch and tommy asks "so is there a reason why you have ordered us out of or slumber with guitars or...?" "yes" Adam replies "i wanted you to meet my new friend, this is zoella?" both of them just stear at me "you can just call me zoee" i say to break the silence.

"are you kidding! i thought you guys wanted me to be more social and happy. I've made a friend who i really like. play nice will you?" Adam rants to tommy and ash they both lift their eyebrows and give Adam a stear as if to ask 'you for real?' i should be here, i should just go home. clearly  nothing will evolve from this so why is it worth getting hurt "i can just go" i say as i start to get up Adam pulls me back down by my wrist, it stings my cuts and Adam notices im in pain and stutter "sorry, i-i didn't mea-" "its fine Adam" i interrupt. "honestly just give her a chance guys, she plays guitar and can sing!" Adam says while rubbing circles in my back to carm me down, "i will be the judge of that" tommy smirk and hands me the guitar "its on" i smirk back.

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