Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is my first story so please feel free to leave some comments on how to improve. This first chapter is not very good and I am in the process of rewriting it and improving it. I feel like it does get better as it progresses so please give it a chance :).  There will be some mature contents so please don't report also PLEASE don't copyright.

'To the international airport please.' I tell the taxi driver and his head bobs in response. Who would have thought after this crazy year of ups and downs, heartbreaks and make ups, that I would be in this cab driving to the airport? Let me introduce myself, I am Adelaide Rose Wellard and I live in Seattle with my four brothers, Harry, Ty, Hunter and my twin Conner. My mum died 6 years ago causing my Dad to work overtime and in New York, we hardly ever see him. You are probably very confused right about now so, let me tell you my story of the new boy and how he proceeded to change my life forever. It all started with Madness.

'Is it madness,

to give all you've got,

even though you get nothing back,

is it madness.'

The chorus of 'Madness' by Guy Sebastian plays loudly in my eardrums. I turn a corner and begin sprinting down my street. I turn to cross the street when a strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls me backward. WTF? I yank my headphones out and turn around to see Ty. I groan.

'What now Ty?' I explode pulling out of his grip. Ty stares at me in disbelief.

'That truck. The one down the road? Yeah. That could have hit you. You clearly weren't paying attention to the world around you with those earphones in!' He scolds. I roll my eyes and look down the street. A large moving van is coming up. We are at the end of a long street and this van is at the other end. Not to mention that it is driving slower than walking pace. Ty is one of my older brothers. They are all overprotective but he is by far the worst. I turn to face him about to yell when I see his face. It is full of concern. The hard streak inside of me softens and I put my hand on his shoulder. I smile softly.

'Thanks.' I say.

Ty grins back 'No problem little sis! I am going back to help Conner with his homework. Be more careful next time, okay?' His eyebrows furrow together. I nod. He looks both left and right before he jogs across the road and disappears in the front door of our two story house. The house is the last one on the street so it only has one house next to it. The house has been empty for years but it has just been sold recently. The moving truck slowly comes to a stop outside the house and I realise that the new neighbours must be moving in. A black Sedan pulls up afterward followed by a white Jeep and a brown Kia. A woman gets out the Jeep and reaches in the back seat for something. A cleanly shaved man gets out the Kia and goes over to talk to the moving truck men. The woman pulls out a large brown box and then a suitcase. She awkwardly holds the box and half drags half carries the suitcase and heads towards the stairs. She gets onto the pavement before she drops the box. She curses loudly and I run over to help her.

'Hi. Do you want some help?' I ask bending over to put the scattered contents back in the box. The woman looks up and a large smile fills her features, the smile reaching her eyes.

'Oh! That would be lovely, Sugar!' I pick up the box and she pulls the case along. I follow her up to the house. She pushes the door open and walks down the hallway. The house is almost identical to mine with a staircase to the right and a large living room to the left. I follow her into the kitchen and put the box on the granite countertop.

'They will drop the rest of the stuff off tomorrow, Honey.' The man says as he walks in. He dumps a briefcase and a set of keys on a table that has been shoved out the way.

'That's great, but will you be here? I have work tomorrow.' She says.

'No, Lachie could grab it. He should be home.' The man says turning around. I twist my fingers together, feeling very out of place. Suddenly the woman looks at me like she just remembered I am here. Her blue eyes light.

'Sorry, Sugar! My name is Jemma. That's Zach, my husband. I didn't catch your name.' Her voice went up at the end indicating it was a question. I smile quickly and stick my hand out.

'Adelaide. I live next door.' She shakes my hand. 'Would you like any help?' I ask, gesturing around the house. She shakes her head smiling.

'My son, Lachie should be helping.' She scowls when she says his name. Zach pipes up 'I'll go get him.' Zach says scowling, clearly annoyed by the fact that his son isn't helping. He marches out of the kitchen.

'Well, I better get going. Let me know if you want me to help with anything, my brothers and I will be happy to help!' I say cheerfully walking down the hallway.

'Thanks, Adelaide! I'll be in touch!' Jemma calls after me.

I just reach the door when it flies open and I am face to face with a boy made from heaven. 

As I mentioned before, I am currently rewriting this chapter and I do realise that this is an extremely short chapter but I promise if you do continue on reading, the chapters do get much longer and in my opinion more interesting. Vote xx

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