Chapter 29

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Before I went to bed, I had a quick shower and then spent 5 minutes searching for my laptop so I can Skype Scarlet and Steph... and possible Lachie.
'What are you doing now?' Conner groans, his voice muffled from his pillow.
'Looking for my laptop.' I reply.
'You threw your last one out the window, remember?' I suddenly blush.
'Well, thats one thing we can do tomorrow.' I say softly before climbing into the bed.
'Hey, watch this.' Conner says before clapping twice, loudly. The lights suddenly turn off and I gasp in surprise. 'How cool is that!?' Conner exclaims excitedly and I giggle.
'Goodnight Conner, I say softly.
'We are going to be ok.' Conner says softly and I nod.
'I know.' I say when I realise he can't see me. We then try to fall asleep.
Even though the bed is very comfortable and probably cost a fortune, I can't fall asleep.
'Conner?' I whisper-shout.
'I am awake as well.' Conner replies. I wriggle out of my blankets and blindly cross the room until I feel the edge of Conner's bed. I then slid down next to him and only then to I begin to feel drowsy.

I wake to the sound of water running. I sit up and am quite disorientated until my eyes fall on my credit card. ADELAIDE ROSE WELLARD. The card clearly states. I then look around the room and my eyes fall on a window that is black. I walk over to it and notice there is a small remote on a small table that is next to the window. I pick the remote up carefully and study the glass screen. I press a button and the window lights up. It is an amazing view and if I squint, I can see the Statue of Liberty. 
'Whattcha doin'?' Conner asks from behind me. I turn around and all he has on is a towel around his waist and his hair wet and messy.
'Do you think you could put some pants and possibly a shirt?' I ask my nose wrinkling up and Conner snickers.
'When did you wake up?'
'Like five minutes ago.' I reply walking over to my case. I pull out a dark green dress with long sleeves and a pair of black tights.
'Oh ok. Get ready and do you want to come down and get breakfast with me?'
'Sure, if we can go out afterwards.'
'Fine by me.'
'Now, get dressed.' I say, shooing him off to the bathroom. I then quickly get dressed and slip my black ankle boots on. I run my brush through my hair a few times and then decide it is best to just let it do whatever it likes, which is wavy and messy. I then knock on the bathroom door just as Conner comes out. 'Give me ten.' I say before applying fountain, eyeliner, mascara, a teensy bit of blush and light pastel pink lip colour. I then walk out and see that Conner is not in the room. I grab my black furry coat, purse and phone. Conner is in the kitchen reading a sheet of paper.
'Read this.' He says as I am putting on my coat.

Conner and Adelaide,

As I suspected, I couldn't get today off. I left two room cards with Tina and I will be home at around 6. Be careful if you are going to leave the apartment. Have fun,


I roll my eyes and scrunch the note up.
'Lets go.' I say to Conner before walking to the lift.

Once we were in the elevator Conner breaks the silence.
'He must be pretty loaded because this is the penthouse, he gave us two platinum cards. PLATINUM!' I stare at him. 'The penthouse would have cost an absolute fortune!'
'Ok thats enough Con.' I say and Conner shuts his mouth but grins at me. The elevator dings again and the doors slide open and we are in the dinning room. We walk over to a sign that says "Please wait here to be seated." and then a woman with a sharp face comes over.
'Hello, welcome to the dining room. What was your reservation?' She asks formally with a forced smile. Conner glances at me.
'We don't have one.' He says.
'Then I am sorry but I can not serve you.' She says, her smile vanishing. 'Please leave.'
'But we live here!' Conner protests and she then begins to flap her hands, shooing us away.
'Wait! Our father is Mr Wellard.' I cut in, cringing when I say "our father" and her face turns pale. From the corner of my eye I see Conner look at me in confusion.
'Please forgive me! Please, come right this way.' She says breathlessly. We follow her through the fairly busy dining area and she leads us into another room. 'Please, sit.' She says gesturing to a table with a four chairs placed around it. Conner and I quickly sit down and loop our coats over the chair. Several other waiters and waitresses come into the room and push our chairs in and put the cloth napkins on our laps.
'Would you like a drink?' A young girl asks softly. I nod.
'Please, what do you have?' The girl laughs nervously.
'I think the question you should be asking is, what don't you have?' I smile at her and she smiles back. The first woman grabs her shoulder and roughly pulls her back and steps in front of her.
'I will have a word with you later Laila.' She hisses to the girl, whose face has now turned a pale colour and then turns back to me. 'Would you like a hot or cold drink?' She asks with another forced smile.
'Hot please.'
'We have hot chocolate, latte, cappuccino, peppermint tea, English tea-'
'A hot chocolate would be nice thanks.' I cut her off. I have a feeling we would be here forever if she kept going. The woman turns to Laila and Laila scurries out of the room. Another waiter places a menu in front of me and waits whilst I find something. I choose a blueberry muffin. Within four minutes, the food and my drink have came. Conner chose a iced coffee and a bacon sandwich.
'That was intense.' Conner says and I nod before taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
'That is the best hot chocolate I have ever tasted.' I moan looking down at the frothy goodness. Conner laughs. We then eat our food, trying to ignore the waiters that are floating around the room, ready to retrieve anything we request.

After breakfast, we go down to the lobby and collect the key from Tina. She was all too pleased to see us.
'Would you like me to call your driver?' She asks and Conner nods.
'Please.' She nods and presses a few buttons before holding a phone against her ear. 'Hello this is Tina.... Yes... Brad Kep... Mr and Miss Wellard are here...' She then cover the speaker part of the phone and looks at Conner and I. 'Where are you two off too?'
'The shops.' I say before Conner has a chance and he gives me a disgusted mixed with pleading look.  Tina nods and tells the person on the other end of the phone where I want to go.
'Brad will be here in about five minutes. Sorry about the wait, you can wait over there.' She says pointing to a group of couches and chairs in the corner of the lobby. We turn to walk off but then she stops us. 'Oh! Wait! Mr Wellard told me to give you these.' She said, handing over two small boxes, one wrapped up in pink paper, the other blue.
'Thanks.' I say taking the boxes with a smile. Tina smiles at me.
'My pleasure.' Conner and I then go and sit down. I hand the blue one to Conner.
'Martin.' I reply. We rip open the boxes and I nearly drop mine. It is a brand new, rose gold, iPhone 8. I look over at Conner and he has the jet black one. I frown at him and he smirks.
'Must be a perk of being Mr Martin Wellard's kids' Conner says.
'But the iPhone 8 isn't even out yet!' I exclaim and Conner shrugs.
'I know.' Conner replies. Suddenly Brad comes in, his face slightly red.
'Mr and Miss Wellard, this way please.' He says breathlessly. We follow him out to the shiny car and he opens the door for us to climb in. 'To which shop do you want to go?' He asks as he pulls onto the busy streets.
'One with an Apple Store and a Forever 21 please.'
'and Rebel.' Conner adds and I roll my eyes.
'Is there a good mall nearby?' I ask and Brad smirks.
'What is your price limit?' Brad asks and Conner and I share a glance.
'There is no limit.'

We drive for about 20 minutes before Brad pulls over.
'I will wait out here until you guys come back.' He says once he has opened the door for us.
'You know you don't have to keep opening the door of us.' I say once we are out and Brad has shut the door behind us. He looks a bit startled by my comment.
'And you don't have to wait around for us, we can make a time to meet back here.' Conner adds. Brad looks like he might fall over.
'But...but... It is my job.' He stutters. 'Mr and Miss Wellard.' He adds at the end. I shrug.
'We won't tell on you.'
'No, it is ok. I will wait here.' Brad says more confidently. 'Be careful.' He says before getting into the car again and pulling out his phone. I look at Conner and he shrugs.
'His loss.' He says simply before walking through the crowds and disappearing into the large, automatic doors.
'Conner!' I screech, racing after him.

The doors open when I stand in the sensors and I am blasted by warm air. There is three layers of shops and it is buzzing with activity. I spot Conner walking into Rebel and I chase after him.
'Thanks for leaving me.' I snap.
'Sorry.' He says absentmindedly.
'You know what, meet me out the front of Rebel in four hours.' I snap before storming off.
'Ok!' He calls after me and I roll my eyes. My mood increases as I walk into store after store, spending hundreds per shop. Hmm, this place couldn't be that bad...

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