Chapter 30

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The New Boy hit 1K views! You have no idea how happy this makes me! I am actually ecstatic! Thank you guys so so much! Anyway I am going back to school in a few days and there is a possibility that I won't update every three days and might extend it to every four days. Anyways, worry about that when the time comes!


3 and 1/2 hours later, I am currently sitting in the foodcourt, sipping a large chocolate frappé from McDonalds. For whatever reason, there are just random power points located around the tables. I have plugged my phone in and am now going through the steps to set it up. I had to get a trolley from the amount of bags that I have gotten. Martin is more then likely going to be annoyed at me for spending that much. I don't care, he can kick me out of the house and I will just go back to my real home in Seattle. I finish my frappé and make my way back to Rebel.

Conner is already waiting when I arrive and his eyes widen at my trolley, which is nearly overflowing.
'You sure went wild with the card.' He says eyeing the multiple bags. I shrug.
'It's all part of the plan, right? Anyway, where is all your stuff?'
'I have already put it all in the car.'
'Oh ok. Let's go back to the apartment.' I say pushing the trolley out. The cold air hits me and I shiver as Brad and Conner load my stuff into the back of the car. Brad then gives the trolley to this random person and hands them a note and told them to put it away. Whether the person will actually do it or not, only god will know. Brad then opens the door to the car and lets Conner and I in. 
'Back to the apartment now?' Brad asks, looking at us in the mirror. I look at Conner and he nods.
'Please.' He says before going onto his phone.

Once we get back, Tina gets a doorman to carry up our bags. Conner and I go up to apartment and Conner instantly goes into our room and throws himself on the couch in front of the wide plasma screen and plugs up his Xbox 360. I open my new rose-gold MacBook Pro and begin to set that up. Once I have done it, I notice that it is 10 to 2. I go over to the phone and press the room service button.
'Hello, how may I help you.' A high, feminine voice says
'Hi, can I order some food please.'
'What would you like?' I quickly order my food and then go back to my laptop. I log into Facebook and get up Scarlet's profile. I DM her.
Adelaide Wellard: Hey Scar, Can u chat?
Her reply takes a few minutes.
Scarlet Clover: Ads! Yea definitely. I'll make a group call with Steph as well. Gimme a sec.
A minute later, a Skype call comes in. I accept the call and it opens and I see Scarlet and Steph's faces.
'Addie!' Steph squeals.
'Hey Steph.'
'What about me!?' Scarlet whines and I smile.
'Oh hi Scar, Didn't realise you were on here.' I lie and Scarlet pouts.
'Don't be mean.'
'So Addie, What has been going on. How is New York?' Steph asks.
'I am not going to lie, it is pretty amazing.'
'Good shopping?' Steph asks and I nod eagerly.
'Actually..' I begin to tell them all about the platinum card, the apartment and my shopping spree.
'God, you didn't hold back!' Scarlet exclaims.
'Yeah, geez. Your dad, I mean Martin, is probs gonna kick you out if you continue to do that!' Steph adds and I nod.
'That's the plan.' Suddenly the elevator dings and I look up. The girl from breakfast, Laila?, Is standing there with a large food trolley. Her face scrunches up as she struggles to push the trolley into the apartment and over to the other end of the dining table. 'I have to go, I'll call you guys at some point tomorrow.'
'Ok, bye.' Scarlet chirps before her face disappears. Steph's stays on for a few more moments.
'Ads, are you sure you are okay?'
'Yeah, I am fine. I am getting a heap of stuff and with any luck, I will be back home before my birthday.'
'That's in what? 3 days?'
'If that's when the 5th of December is then yes.' I say laughing. I look up and Laila is carefully placing dishes with large cloches over the top. 'Look, I really gotta go.'
'Talk to Lachie?' I must have blushed cause Steph's mouth opens into a big o. 'You are!'
'Bye Steph.' I say before shutting the laptop screen. I look over to Laila again and she has just finished putting the meal on the table. She looks over at me and then instantly drops her head when she sees that I am watching her. 'Hey, Laila wasn't it?' I ask walking over to the end of the table where the food is. She lifts her head and looks at me through her long, long eyelashes.
'Yes. My name is Laila.' She barely whispers.
'Sorry about this morning, I didn't mean for you to get into trouble.' I apologise and her head snaps up and she stares at me wide eyed.
'Seriously?' She asks in disbelief. 'Miss Wellard.' She adds, her face tinging pink.
'Please, call me Addie.' I say smiling and Laila smiles back.
'Thank you.'
'For what?' I frown.
'For saying sorry about this morning, even though it wasn't your fault.' She explains as she smoothes her black t-shirt that is turning an almost grey colour, like she has washed it a lot of times.
'What was that woman's name? The one who told you off.' I ask sliding down into the chair.
'Mrs Plant.' She says pulling a face. She then blushes again. 'Whoops, I didn't mean to do that.' I laugh.
'Is she usually that mean?'
'Yes! She hates me for no reason! Well, expect for one.' Laila exclaims, obviously warming up to me.
'Well, I work two jobs and still have school so, sometimes I am like a teensy tiny bit late.' She says holding her pointer finger and thumb up, an inch apart. She then turns crimson. 'Oh, I shouldn't have said that. That was very bad Laila. VERY bad.' She begins muttering. I watch as she shuffles over to the trolley and begins to push it back towards the elevator.
'Wait! Laila!' I call after her. She ignores me, still muttering.
'He is going to punish you for this. Stupid, stupid, stupid!' Her muttering barely audibly as she turns around in the elevator, about to press the button.
'Who is going to punish you!?' I cry standing up, the chair making a screeching noise as it drags across the marble floor. Laila's head snaps up with such force I worry that her neck will be alright. Her eyes are wide and holds sheer terror in them. Her face has gone paler the a sheet of paper, leaving her dark freckles to stand out prominently. Her lips are quivering and her arms are doing little spasms by her side. She looks like she has just seen a ghost, or worse. She stares at me for about 20 seconds before blinking once, twice, three times.
'Please excuse me, Miss Wellard.' She says in an eery voice before pressing the elevator button and the doors slide shut. I shiver and a feeling that someone is watching me, washes over me and I glance over my shoulder. That was really weird. I sit back down at quickly eat my food.

Once finished my food, I go back on my laptop and DM Lachie.
Adelaide Wellard: Hey Lachie, u wanna chat??
His reply takes a solid 10 seconds.
Lachlan Smith: Suree.
Adelaide Wellard: What have u been up 2?
Lachlan Smith: Not much tbh. (( TBH stands for To Be Honest )) I have missed u tho
Adelaide Wellard: aww.
Lachlan Smith: What have u been up to? Oh and Mr Mrisao was rlly pissed that we weren't at school yesterday.
Adelaide Wellard: Haha, good. He is my least fav teacher.
Lachlan Smith: Cause he made u sit next to me??
I smirk.
Adelaide Wellard: Pretty much.
Adelaide Wellard: Naw, just kidding ;)
Lachlan Smith: Sure sure. Oh, what r we gonna do bout the dance comp?
Oh. I forgot about that.
Adelaide Wellard: Oh, I have no idea.
Lachlan Smith: You forgot about it didn't you.
Adelaide Wellard: Mayybeee
Lachlan Smith: *groans*
Adelaide Wellard: Hahaha
Lachlan Smith: But seriously, what r we gonna do?
Adelaide Wellard: I don't know. I don't think we can do it anymore. We will have to pull out.
Lachlan Smith: Aww :(
Adelaide Wellard: When I come back, we can join a new comp.
Lachlan Smith: Okaayyyy
Adelaide Wellard: Do you want me to remove us from the comp?
Lachlan Smith: No! Don't, you could be back sooner then you think.
My heart beats a little faster.
Adelaide Wellard: What do you mean?
Lachlan Smith: You. Could. Be. Back. Sooner. Then. You. Think
Adelaide Wellard: How!?
Lachlan Smith: Gotta go. Talk to you later.
Adelaide Wellard: No! Tell meeeee!
Adelaide Wellard: Lachiieeee!!!!
Lachlan Smith has gone off line, flashes on my screen and I groan. I shut the screen and stack my now empty plates up in a pile and pull up Alec's phone number. He answers within a few rings.
'Hey Ads.'
'Hi Alec, um I have someting to tell you.'
'Yeah what?'
'I can't do the dance crew anymore.' His response takes a few seconds.
'The man who contributed to the making of me, took me to New York to live with him.'
'Aw. Do you want to be there?'
'No. Not one bit.'
'Man that sucks.'
'Yeah, I know.'
'I am gonna miss you a lot. And the rest of the crew. The worst part is, is our next dance is in two weeks time and they would have let you danced.'
'At a club?' I squeak, suddenly excited.
'Yup. Now I have to find someone who can take your place and dance with Lachie.' A pang of hurt shoots through my chest when he says that. 'Ads?'
'Yeah, thats fine. Look Alec, I gotta go.'
'Okay, look after yourself.'
'Yeah, you too. Bye.' I whisper the last part and hang up, squeezing my eye lids together to stop the tears. I walk briskly into my bedroom and grab my only one piece swimsuit. I quickly change into them and pull a dress over my head and walk towards the elevator. 'Going to the pool Conner!' I croak over my shoulder.
'Alright.' I hear a faint voice before the elevator doors slide shut. I arrive at the pool and quickly stuff my belongings in a small locker before diving into the deep end of the pool. I swim lap after lap until I sit up on the edge of the pool, exhausted. I look around and notice that there is no one left in the pool area. I feel my eyes water and deciding not to hold them back anymore, let the tears fall.

Harry's POV
Claire is sitting on the kitchen bench with a mug of coffee in her hand. I run through my hand through my hair and Claire gives me a frown.
'Harry, go to sleep.'
'I can't! I need to find a way to get them back!' I snap and Claire looks taken back. 'Sorry, I am tired and worried about them.' I apologise and Claire slides off the counter and sets the mug down on it. She takes a few steps towards me and wraps her arms over my shoulders. I put my hands on her waist and pull her towards me.
'Harry. Please listen to me.' She says brushing a lock of hair out of my face.
'Mm?' I mumble leaning my head towards her hand.
'We will find away. We have been researching and planning since the minute they left.' She says softly and I look over her shoulder to the dining table, which has sheets of paper and three laptops scattered across it.
'What if he hurts them? He has already hit Addie.'
'If he does, Ads will tells us and we can take it to the police. She doesn't want to be there either.' Claire says looking into my eyes. She is so beautiful with her light blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She doesn't tan easily, in fact she burns but, I still love her.
'Ok.' I whisper.
'Will you go to sleep now?'
'If you come with me.' I say and wiggle my eyebrows to which Claire rolls her eyes.
'Do you think about anything else then sex?!' Claire cries slapping my arm lightly.
'Yeah, Ads and the boys. Apart from that, no.' Claire laughs.
'Alright, fine. Lets go to SLEEP.' She stresses the word sleep and I groan playfully. 'Well, we will see.' She says softly before sauntering out of the room, making sure her hips sway and I take a moment to watch her walk before following her.

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