Chapter 8

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The first few lessons go through in a blur, Lachie not even turning up to school, not that I am complaining. That sicko. I walk in a daze to our spot. 'Our spot' is located outside near the oval. There is a large oak tree covering an old, rickety picnic table. Steph and I found this spot in the first few years of middle school. She used to love it because we have the perfect view of all the boys playing football on the oval. Hell, she still loves it! Steph and her boyfriend Mason, is already at the table. Steph is giggling to something he said. Mason has dark brown eyes and blonde hair. They met at Steph's younger sisters basketball game and they have been inseparable ever since. I approach the table and sit down with a thump.

'Hey Ads! How's your nose sweetie?' Steph chirps.

'Good thanks.' I reply.

'You good for Friday?' Mason asks, circling his arm around Steph's waist. Steph giggles and leans into him.

'Yeah.' I reach into my bag and pull out my sandwich. Conner had bought it for me from the cafeteria and given it to me before I came here.

'Who's house is it at again?' Scarlet says. I jump when I realise she was standing behind me. She giggles and tosses her curls and slides down next to me.

'Urm, isn't it mine?' I ask.

'Yup!' Steph replies enthusiastically.

'Yay!' Scarlet squeals.

'Why are you guys so excited?' I ask.

'Well your brothers are hella cute so you know.'

'Steph!' I wail smacking her arm. 'That's gross!'

'It is true though!' Scarlet agrees with Steph.

Steph and Scarlet giggle and Mason shoots Steph a warning look.

'Oh lighten up Mase! I am just having a bit of fun!' Steph says, lightly pushing him in the shoulder.

'Hmph.' Mason says before getting up and walking towards the gym. Scarlet watches him go and then looks back at us. Scarlet and Mason were best friends when they were younger. When Scarlet moved to the UK, it put a major divide between them and she is still struggling to patch things up with him.

'I should probably go and check on him.' She say apologetically. I smile and nod and Steph sighs.

' 'Kay, whatever!' She mutters. I roll my eyes and finish up my sandwich. Scarlet swings her legs over the bench, grabs her bag and jogs over to Mason. 'So! What's news with Mr Sexy?'

'Mr Sexy?' I ask confused.

'Lachie!' Steph says like it's the most obvious thing in he world. Pain shoots through my chest and I cough awkwardly.

'Fine.' I reply through my coughs.

'Something happened didn't it!' Steph squeals jumping up and down in her seat.

'No!' I reply to quickly.

'Yes it did! Tell meeeee!' Steph wails. Urgh not now Steph! I open my mouth to make a lame excuse but someone taps lightly on my shoulder. I jump and turn around. Molly is standing there awkwardly holding an armful of books.

'Oh hey Molly.' She blinks at me behind her big glasses her green eyes sparkling with intelligence.

'Hi.' She mumbles fidgeting. She has a dark green turtle neck on and dark jeans with a pair of brown boots. The only skin showing is her face and her hands. The complete opposite to Steph. She has short shorts on and a black tank top and sparkly sandals. She is eyeing Molly like she is a meal.

'What do you want?' Steph snarls. Molly takes a hesitant step backwards.

'Steph!' I scold.

'What? Can't the nerd go off to the library?'

I ignore Steph and turn my attention to Molly, silently apologising. She smiles slightly.

'I was wondering if you want to go over those science notes before the test?' Molly stammers. Before Steph can say anything I reply.

'Sure thing. Catch you later Steph.' I grab my bag from under the table and swing my legs off the chair. I lean over and give her a quick hug which, to my relief, hugs me back. Thank god she isn't angry at me.

'Bye.' She mutters. I follow Molly to the library to get some last minute studying before a difficult science test.

I finish the test fifteen minutes before the end of the period and when the teacher collects my test he allows me to leave early seeing as it is the last period. I smile gratefully and stand up. My chair scraps across the floor and the loud screech fills the silent room. Everyone in the class looks up from the test and stares at me. I hear a few sniggers.

'Eyes on your tests!' The teacher barks. Everyone's heads snap back to the test. Flushing red, I grab my bag and walk briskly to the front of the room. In my haste I bang my thigh against a table and the stack of books on the table fall to the ground with a crash. I close my eyes and hang my head when I feel the eyes of the class looking at me. Going even redder I quickly collect the books scattered across the floor and place them back on the desk. I then scurry out the classroom without a second glance silently dying of embarrassment.

It's not a long walk from school to my house. Thankful I wore comfortable shoes, I begin my walk home. I stop at my favourite diner. When I enter, I am welcomed by the owner, Maggie. Maggie was like my second mum when my actual mum died.

'Addie! How are you!' She explodes when I walk in. She wobbled around the counter to me and pulls me into a suffocating hug.

'Maggie! Too tight!' I gasp. Her loud laugh fills the diner and she releases me. I join her laugh.

'Come, come!' She says in her African accent. She ushers me towards a stool. Smiling, I jump up and she walks around the other side. 'The usual?' I nod grinning.

'So how has business been Maggie?' I ask as she bustles around the kitchen. The diner only has a few people in it but, school has finished for the younger ones. Soon it will be full of little children begging their mothers for a milkshake.

'Pretty good! How are the boys?'

'Same as always - annoying.' I mutter. She laughs again and hands me my strawberry thick shake with extra strawberry sauce.

'How is your dancing going? It won't be long before you can create an income!' Pain shoots through my chest the second time that day. Maggie sees my discomfort. 'Oh Honey! What happened?' Her face scrunching up in worry. I take a deep breathe and explain everything. 'Go!' She suddenly exclaims.

'What?' I ask confused.

'Go home! Practice for that audition!' I sit there dumbfounded. She comes around and literally pushes me off the seat. I stumble a few steps and then regain my balance. She thrusts me my bag and the milkshake.

'But I have to pay!' I stammer.

'On the house!' She hollers pushing me out the door. She slams the door in my face and I sigh. I know she means well, but she has a funny way of showing it. I shrug and continue my journey home.

No one is home. I throw my now empty milkshake cup in the bin and walk upstairs. I push my bed out of the way, giving me plenty of space to dance. I quickly change and put on some music while I stretch. The stretching is the easy part. Once done, I put my iPod on shuffle and let my body go...

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