Chapter 34

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Adelaide's POV

After the swim in the freezing cold lake, we all got back into the sauna and hung around in there for a while before jumping back in the lake. Sauna, lake, sauna, lake. Finally, on our way back up to the sauna, I decide to bail.
'I am going to go to sleep now guys. I am pretty tired after having a full day of traveling.' I announce.
'All right. Night Ads.' Scarlet says hugging me quickly.
'Have a good sleep.' Steph says hugging me. 'Use protection.' She whispers in my ear and I roll my eyes.
'Night Addie.' Mason says.
'See ya Ads.' Joe says.
'Till tomorrow.' Sam says.
I look at Lachie expecting him to say goodnight.
'I am coming as well Princess.' He says causally and everyone wolf whistles and I turn bright red. Lachie laughs and wraps his arms around me.
'I am 15!' I protest.
'16 tomorrow.' Steph adds smirking in the dim light.
'Goodnight guys.' I say before walking up to the house with Lachie close behind me. When we get back inside warmth flows over my body, which is still wet from the lake. Lachie seals the door behind us and pads into the kitchen, leaving little puddles . 'Lachie! You are getting water everywhere!' I whine and looks over his shoulder, pizza filling his mouth.
'nom-m-prmbum.' He mumbles, a blob of sauce sliding off the pizza and onto the floor making a splat.
'Lachie.' Lachie chews and quickly swallows the pizza.
'It's not my problem.' Lachie whines and I stare at him. 'Okay fine.' He grumbles as he grabs a piece of paper towel and wraps the red sauce off the floor. 'Are you happy now?' He asks grumpily. I nod a smile playing on my lips. I am about to take a step towards him when I feel a drip of water runs down my bare legs. Suddenly I am aware of the fact that I am standing in front of a boy nearly naked, wearing only soaking wet undergarments that are probably almost see through. I cross my arms over my chest and Lachie looks at me when he sees me move.
'I am going to go have a shower.' I say sloshing past the kitchen. I make my way up the stairs as quickly as possible, feeling Lachie's eyes on me the whole way up.

I get into the shower and turn it to scolding hot. I yelp when the hot water touches my skin. I quickly turn the cold water on and get the running water to a more tolerable temperature. A sigh of contentment leaves my lips when I step under the water. I lather my hair with shampoo and think over the last 24 hours. I have managed to move cities, board a speed boat for the first time, have an argument with one of my best friends, make up with that friend, find out that the same friend has a boyfriend, go into a sauna with just my underwear on and GET A BOYFRIEND. I smile at the thought of Lachie and wander what he is doing. Suddenly a wave of guilt and embarrassment washes over me. I have been standing in the shower for well over thirty minutes. I quickly turn the water off and reach for a towel. I wrap a smaller towel around my head. I walk out the bathroom and nearly drool at the sight. Lachie is lying on the bed, shirtless and wearing glasses, reading for a text book. I quickly slip into a pair of tracksuit pants an slip a plain black bra on. I am about to reach for shirt when a black thing is on my head. I pull it off and look at it confused. I hear a snort and I look over at Lachie who is looking at me.
'What is this?' I ask my fingers feeling the soft fabric.
'My shirt.' He replies returning his eyes back to the pages.
'You look good in my clothes.' He replies simply.
'Um...ok?' I say slipping it over my head and walking over to the bed. 'What are you reading?'
'Chemistry.' He replies, frowning.
'Want some help?' I ask pulling the towel off my head. Lachie looks up at me and his eyes soften. He smiles softly and nods. I scoot closer to him and stare down at the pages. I feel his eyes scanning my face and I look up at him. He is inches from my face and his hot breath is fanning over my face. I gulp. Lachie smirks. 'You are supposed to be looking at the book, not me.' I say the corners of my mouth perking up.
'I know.' He whispers.
'Then why aren't you?' I say softly.
'Why would I look at a text book when my beautiful girlfriend is with me?' He murmurs before kissing the spot where my jaw and ear meet. I fight back a moan but fail after a few seconds. Lachie smirks against my skin and wraps his arms around my waist, turning me around to face him. 'Found your sweet spot.' He states and I moan again, arching into him. His lips trail along my jaw to my chin and I move my face down quickly so his lips come onto mine. 'A little eager hmm?' Lachie mumbles.
'Shut up and kiss me already.' I groan. Lachie pushes me backwards until I am lying down. He hovers over me and deepens the kiss. His hands trail down my torso until the slip under the hem of the shirt. I gasp and move my head to the side. Lachie's face fell down and he face plants onto the pillow. 'Sorry.' I mumble wriggling out from underneath him.
'It's fine. I was moving to quickly.' Lachie says rolling off of me. I look over at him and try not to look down at his... eager area.
'I am just not ready yet. That's all.' I mumble looking down.
'Yeah I know.' He says wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around him and he kisses the top of my head softly. He reaches over and turns the lamp off and we are plunged into darkness. 'Goodnight my Princess.' He says after he pulls the covers over us.

'Wake up love birds!' A voice hollers in my ear making me jump. I open my eyes and Steph is inches away from my face. I squeal in surprise  jerking my head back and my head smashes into Lachie's face. I hear a groan and I look over my shoulder. Lachie is holding his nose and his eyes are scrunched up.
'I am so sorry!' I exclaim and Lachie waves me off. I wriggle out of his grasp and I am suddenly aware of Steph's bright red face. 'Don't you dare laugh.' I warn and she turns on her heel and runs out the room. I roll my eyes and look back down at Lachie, vaguely aware of the dull ache in the back of my head from where I hit Lachie. My hand goes back to it and I look back down at Lachie and gasp at him. He has blood seeping through his fingers. ' be...bleeding..' I gasp and he looks down at his hand. He swears under his breath and runs into the bathroom, leaving me, breathing in and out through my mouth, trying to calm myself down. Steph reappears with Scarlet and they look at me in surprise.
'What happened?' Scarlet asks softly and I stare at her wide eyes.
'He is bleeding.' I say in a hushed voice, Steph disappears again and Scarlet walks over to the closed bathroom door. 'Scar.' I say when she reaches the door and she stops walking, her hand inches away from the handle.
'Tell him I am sorry and explain that I can't look a blood.' I whisper and she nods before walking in. I hear her swear and the sound of the toilet paper rolling off the cardboard tube. I gag at the thought of all the blood spilling onto the white tiled floor of the bathroom. The room suddenly begins to sway and I fight the urge of vomit. Steph comes back in with the boys and Joe and Sam go into the bathroom whilst Steph and Mason force something small into my mouth. I can't move, I can't talk and most importantly I can't feel. Anything. All I can think about is the blood. Suddenly a stinging sensation is on my cheek and I snap back to reality. I look back and forth between Mason and Steph and I suddenly realise that Steph has slapped me. 'Ow!?' I exclaim.
'Sorry, you were panicking.' Steph apologises looking down at her feet, ashamed. Suddenly the bed dips beside me and I realise Lachie and all the others are back in the room.
'Princess, are you... have you...' Lachie begins softly but then trails off.
'Have I what?' I ask, all signs of nausea gone. Lachie shares a glance at Scarlet and she shakes her head softly. 'Have I what!?' I exclaim and Sam cuts in.
'Are you hungry? Because Mason and Steph have offered to make pancakes for your birthday!' Sam says over-excitedly. I frown and then my stomach rumbles.
'Yeah I am.' I say forcing a smile.
'Great! Lets go!' Sam says and begins to usher everyone out the room. When he gets to me, he grabs my arm and pulls me up. I stumble and Lachie catches me. He growls slightly at Sam and Sam gulps and runs out the room after the rest of the group. I bite back a smile and we walk downstairs and watch Steph and Mason begin the cooking.

I swear, Steph and Mason are freaking couple goals with their cooking skills. We are now currently sitting around the table and Scarlet is wriggling around in her seat.
'Can someone tell me what is going on?' I ask digging into my third pancake.
'Well, for your birthday, we decided to each show you a new thing that you have never done before.' Steph explains and I feel a smile play on my lips. 'The catch is that we aren't going to tell you where you have to go next.'
'It's kind like The Amazing Race!' Scarlet exclaims, writhing in her seat with excitement. Joe places his hand on her thigh underneath the table.
'Calm down baby.' He says and Scarlet beams at him.
'Now! Go get dressed and we will see you at some point in the day!' Scarlet exclaims grabbing my plate which still has half a pancake on it.
'Hey! I was eating that!' I protest.
'Tough luck Princess.' Lachie says and Steph grabs my arm and tows me up the stairs.
'Go get dressed into something comfy.' She says pushing me into my room. I smile to myself and dress into some black leggings and a light pink Hurley jumper. I quickly dress and sweep my hair into a pony tail and open the door. On the floor is a note with "Ads" scribbled on it. I open it and read the text. 
I live in the trees, with ropes and swings. (Sorry, Steph made me write this and I completely suck at it. Hopefully you can find it!)
Is scrawled on the paper. I hold it to my chest and smile. Today is going to be a great day.

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