Chapter 32

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We drive for around an hour and a half before Scarlet pulls into a service station due to Steph and Lachie whining that they were hungry. The second she parks the car, Lachie and Steph basically far out the car they are trying to get out so quickly. Scarlet and I get out the car after them and watch as they sprint across the carpark.
'So, are you having any second thoughts about this?' Scarlet asks as we follow them into the KFC.
'To be honest, yes. I could am going to get into heaps of trouble when I get found.'
'But you won't be found. And also, we would get into more trouble because we were helping you.'
'You would?!' I ask horrified, pausing midstep. Scarlet looks back at me.
'Well if the police get involved then yes we would.' She says and when she sees my expression she adds 'but you aren't going to be found so it is going to be fine.' She assures and I follow her into KFC.

Steph and Lachie are being served and there arms and hands are pointing everywhere. The poor girl behind the counter is looking around everywhere trying to put all of Steph and Lachie's requests into the computer. I walk over to them and shoot her an apologetic look. I then grab both Steph and Lachie's ear lobs and drag them away from the counter, while Scarlet takes their spot and orders for all of us.
'Ow ow ow!' Lachie whines and I smirk down at him. He turns his head slightly and looks at me with pleading eyes.
'Ads! Let me go!' Steph squeals shaking her head around. I let her go but hold onto Lachie.
'Princess, please let me go!' He whines and Steph squeals.
'What?' I ask looking at her, she looks like she is about to burst.
'He called you Princess!' She whispers and I roll my eyes. I look down at Lachie who is bending over to ease the strain on his ear. I smile triumphantly.
'Stop smiling.' Lachie growls and that makes me grin.
'But I am taller then you when I do this!' I exclaim and Lachie groans. Steph finds an empty table and walks over to it and I follow her. Lachie grabs onto my waist and wraps his arms around me when I begin to walk. 'What are you doing?'
'It hurts my back when I walk like this. It doesn't hurt as much when I hold onto you.' Lachie smirks, attempting to look up at me with his blue eyes. I roll my eyes and keep walking. Lachie wraps his arms around me again and we walk over to the table. Steph raises her eyes when she sees Lachie and I. I give her an expression that says "don't even think about saying anything" and I let go of Lachie and he stands back up to his proud height of 6'3" making me look tiny. He rubs his ear and I blush when I see the firm red mark on it.
'Sorry about that.' I say sliding down next to Steph.
'All good.' Lachie says sitting down opposite me.
'Oh Lachie, you sit here. I have to show Scarlet something.' Steph says standing up and sitting opposite to where she was sitting. Lachie shoots me a glance before moving and sitting next to me while I stare daggers into Steph and she smiles sweetly at me. She takes off her big floppy hat and slides her sunglasses up on to her head. Then Scarlet walks over juggling two trays. She puts them down on the table.
'What is it?' Lachie asks as I take the boxes off the trays and place them in front of everyone.
'They are ORIGINAL TENDERS BOXES.' Scarlet says happily sitting down next to Steph.
'And what is in that?' I asks opening my box up.
'Potato and gravy, snack Popcorn Chicken, creamy aioli, regular chips, 3 chicken tenders and a drink.' Steph lists. I raise my eyebrows at her and she shrugs. 'I like KFC.' We laugh at her and then begin eating.

Half an hour later we are back in the car and driving. I stare out the window and ignore the chattering going on around me. My eyes begin to droop and I lean back in my seat. I fight the sleep that threatens to over take me but, I am exhausted and soon give in to the fatigue settling over my body.

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder softly. I blink my eyes open and jerk back in surprise, Lachie's face is centimetres from mine. He smirks and looks down at me.
'We are here.' He says softly
'Oh...Um..ok..' I stammer before sitting upright in my chair. When I fell asleep, I must have rested my head on his shoulder. I blush and Lachie's smirk widens.
'Yes you did fall asleep on my shoulder.' He says and I turn crimson when I realise I said it out loud. 'Don't worry, it was quite cute actually.' He whispers the last part in my ear and then smirks before getting out the car. I quickly scramble out the car and gasp at the sight. There is a beautiful lake that stretches out as far as the eye can see. Scarlet and Steph are walking down the stair way and onto a little port a few hundred meters away from where I am. They are each holding a large cardboard box. 'You can help me you know, Princess!' Lachie calls from behind me. I turn around and see he has unloaded all of my bags out the car. I feel the heat creep back into my face as I grab a suit case and sling my shoulder bag over my shoulder. I then let Lachie lead the way down the port. A deep red Wake-setter boat is tied up to the wooden post and is rocking with the gently waves lapping at its side. Scarlet and Steph are already in the boat and Lachie hands over my bags and looks back at me. 'You getting in?' He asks.
'I.. uh...' I stammer. I now have the attention of all three people.
'You have never been on one before.' Lachie states and I nod slowly.
'You haven't?' Steph says as she raises an eyebrow.
'But I thought you have been on my one before.' Scarlet pipes up looking at me from the drivers seat. I shake my head fiddling with the hem of my jumper. 'Yes you have! When you came to my lake house that summer!' She exclaims and I shake my head again.
'No. I watched from the bank, remember?' I say softly looking up to meet Steph and Scarlet's eyes. I watch as realisation sets in their eyes.
'Oh...' Scarlet whispers looking down.
'I guess...' Steph starts before trailing off.
'Can we go now?' Lachie breaks the silence and us three girls nod curtly. 'I'll hold you from here and Steph can grab your hands.' He says walking behind me. I swallow and nod. Scarlet holds onto the dock, making sure it doesn't move and Steph reaches over to grab my hands. I take a deep breath when I feel Lachie's warm hands on my hips. 'I got you.' He whispers huskily in my ear and I nod.
'I know.' I whisper. Then, before I can chicken out, I grab Steph's hands and jump onto the back of the boat.
'Good job Ads!' Scarlet calls and I blush.
'Thanks.' I reply and we laugh. I slide down into one of the multiple seats and watch as Lachie unties the ropes and then jump in the boat. The boat rocks vigorously and I grab onto the closest thing which is Steph. She squeals when I leap onto her and Lachie looks at us.
'Oo girl on girl action, I like!' He says looking over us. I blush and scramble off Steph while Steph poses and says.
'I know you like it.' Before blowing him a kiss. We all laugh and Scarlet pulls away from the dock. I clutch onto the handle on the side of the boat and stare at the water. I feel the seat sink next to me and I realise it is Lachie. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I settle into his side.
'You right?' He whispers in my ear, his lips brushing it.
'Yes.' I reply breathlessly.
'I have got you, you aren't going to fall in. You can swim right?' I give him a scornful look.
'Yes I can swim!' I snap and Lachie smirks.
'Just making sure.' He says and I roll my eyes.
'Hold on!' Scarlet voice suddenly yells and then the boat flies forward at a rocketing speed. I squeal and bury my face into Lachie's side. I feel Lachie's chuckles as they vibrate through his chest and his arm tightens around me.
'Wahoo!' Steph screams and I look up to see her at the front of the boat howling into the wind. She looks back at us and her hair whips around her face. She is smiling widely and her eyes are alight with excitement. I smile back at her and she turns around and faces the wind.

We arrive at our destination about 10 minutes later and Scarlet pulls the boat to a slower pace that I can tolerate. I detangle myself from Lachie and look up. Wow. The house is amazing. It looks like it is out of a magazine or movie or something. It is double story and is a only a couple meters away from a sandy stretch of beach before the water. It has grass everywhere else and a dark and lush green forest behind the house. It seems that all the lights are on making the house stand out in the early evening light. Through the large floor to roof windows, the interior looks very warm and inviting. Scarlet pulls up and honks the horn and Mason's head appears in the window. He grins and turns back before running out a sliding door. Sam and another boy follows him down to the dock.
'You made it!' Sam hollers

'We were getting worried!' The other guy shouts.
'Took your time!' Mason yells.
'Grab the boat Sam!' Scarlet yells and all three boys reach out to grab the boat. They tie it carefully to the dock so it doesn't bang against it too hard. We all pass the bags and boxes up to the boys and then Steph gets out using the help of Mason.
'Hey baby.' He says before he kisses her. While they are having their make out sess, the guy helps Scarlet out and kisses her delicately on the cheek. My eyes widen. Scarlet blushes and hugs the guy. I mean he is cute. Very cute. Blonde hair blue eyes and very tall. He is clearly toned under his jumper.
'Oh and you must be Adelaide.' He says, his arms around Scarlet. I nod.
'And you are?' I ask grabbing onto Sam's waiting arms. He pulls me up and Lachie gets up before pulling me back against him. I glance up at him confused and I see he is glaring at Sam. Why? What did Sam do?
'Oh, we have met before.' Blondey says and I feel heat creep onto my neck.
'We have?'
'Well technically yes.' I glance over at Scarlet and she rolls her eyes.
'Joe! Stop messing with her.' Oh. That's who he is. Joe grins and looks at me.
'I am Joe. We spoke on the phone for a bit.' He says holding his hand out. I reach out and shake it. Lachie then pulls me back against his hard chest.
'Oh ok.' I say laughing.
'Guys can we go inside now? It's bloody cold!' Sam whines and we all laugh at him.
'Put a jumper on.' Steph says as we all pick up something.
'I didn't pack one.' Sam mumbles back and Scarlet gasps.
'I told you to bring one retard!'
'No you didn't!' Sam retorts and Scarlet rolls her eyes.
'I specifically told you to pack one because I knew you would forget!'
'Ok fine!' Sam snaps before stalking up to the house. We all follow him up and when we step inside, warm air flows over me. The interior in the house is exactly how I expected it, warm and cozy yet fancy. The two boxes go onto the kitchen bench and my bags are placed at the bottom of the stairs.
'Ok so, there are three bedrooms. Steph and I have one, Scar you are sharing with Joe, Ads with Lachie and Sam you are on the couch.' Mason says walking around to the other side of the bench. My heart beat increases when I realise that I will be sleeping with Lachie again. For a while.
'Aw man! That's not fair!' Sam whines.
'Well maybe you should have brought a girl.' Lachie says and everyone laughs but me. Steph is Mason's girl, Scar is Joe's girl so.... that means, I am Lachie's girl?

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