Chapter 31

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Xavier's POV
'Xavier! Hurry up! I can't lift this box on my own!' My 13 yr old sister, Jenna exclaims. I look over my shoulder and glare at her.
'Jen! Can't you see I am a little busy right now!?' I say looking down at the three boxes piled in my arms. Word of advice, pick a house and stay it in! It is a pain in the bloody arse packing and unpacking all your shit.
'You are no help whats so ever!' She huffs before dragging a purple suitcase out. I roll my eyes and walk into the house. All these bloody houses all look the bloody same! I stomp up the stairs and find a room that has not got a box or bag in it. I find one at the front of the house with a window looking over the house across the road.
'Mum! This is my room now!' I yell over my shoulder and drop the boxes on the floor with a thud. Something inside smashes and I swear under my breath.
'Ok Sweetheart!' My mum's voice fills my room. I then trudge back down the stairs and continue to bring the bloody boxes, bags and small furniture into this bloody house, where all the houses look to bloody same.

Adelaide's POV
After my little crying session, I went back up to the room and see Conner and Martin sitting around the table eating. They look up when I walk in and Martin smiles.
'Hey Ads, do you want something it eat?' He asks happily, oblivious to my red and puffy eyes. Conner notices.
'My name is Adelaide.' I snip at him and stalk off to Conner and my room.
'Addie, wait.' Conner calls after me. Ignore him and keep walking. I hear the sound of the chair scrapping across the floor and then footsteps. I burst into my room and through my towel on the floor in the corner. I notice that the beds have been made and I walk into the bathroom. 'What's wrong?' Conner says and I slam the door in his face, locking it.
'Can you just leave me alone!? You obviously want to be here. I don't!'
'Adelaide! I don't want to be here anymore then you do!'
'Then why are you cooperating with him!' Conner's voice stops but I hear his breathing. 'Exactly.'
'Ads-' He begins but then trails off.
'Piss off.'
'Is there anything I can do?' Conner asks in a meek voice.
'Actually yes, ask Martin if he is working tomorrow.'
'He is.' Conner says confidently. Perfect!
'Ok, now grab my laptop for me.' A minute later my laptop is slide under the door. 'Ok, now go away.'
'Are you hungry?'
'You thirsty?'
'Do you want Martin to talk to you?'
'Do you want to go home?
'No.' Wait a second! 'I mean, yes.'
'Ha! I tricked you!' I hear Conner's soft chuckles through the door. When he realises that I am not joining in, he sobers pretty quickly and after I while I hear his footsteps padding away. I then pull out my laptop and pull up Scarlet. Her parents were very wealthy and I am sure they wouldn't mind me borrowing some money to get a plane ticket.

After I had everything sorted, it was 1 o'clock and Conner was fast asleep. When I went back into the bedroom, I felt a wave of guilt. Should I have gotten Conner a ticket? No. He likes it here. I then quickly packed up all of my new stuff and my toiletries. I then hid my case under the couch in the living room and then go back to my room. I slid into my bed and try to fall asleep.

I wake up to light shining in my face. I rolled over and realised Conner wasn't in his bed and the window didn't have the dark screen on it. I get up and take a long hot shower before dressing in a pair of loose grey tracksuit pants and a black hoodie. I slip on my Ugg boots and tie my curling hair into a loose messy bun. I then walked out to the kitchen. Conner looked up from me at the kitchen island.
'Oh hey. Are you feeling better?'
'Not really. I am just going to have a day in bed.' I say and fake a sneeze.
'You don't look very well. You look tired.' I am. I hardly slept last night worrying about what would happen if I got caught.
'I didn't sleep well.' I say feeling another wave of guilt. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
'I was going to go to this football convention today but I can stay home if you would rather.'
'No!' My voice came out strangled and Conner gives me a strange look. I cough trying to cover up my overeagerness 'You go, I wouldn't want you to miss out.'
'Okay.. well I better be going then.' Conner says slowly before giving me a kiss on the check and running out the door, well going to the elevator. I then find a piece of paper and a pen.

Dear Conner and Martin,
I am meeting up with a friend for a few nights. I will be completely fine. We are going camping and I will have no service so don't try calling me. My friend is called Sophie Harding. Her parents know I am coming and I will back on my birthday.
Don't do to much fun things while I am gone.
Love Ads.


Sophie Harding was a girl who used to go to my school. We were relatively good friends until her father got a promotion and they had to move to New York. I needed to write down a name to make it more believable. Hopefully Conner will remember Sophie. I then fetched my case and bag and made my way down to the lobby. I stopped at a ATM and took close to a thousand dollars out the bank. I stuffed it in my purse and hailed a taxi.
'Where to ma'am.' He says as he helps me put my case in the car.
'The airport please.'
'Certainly.' He says before pulling away from the cirb. I breathe out a sigh of relief and stare out the window, thankful the taxi driver didn't try to push conversation. I wasn't in the mood. We arrive at the airport, I gave him the money and check my bag in. I then go through customs and sit down at the gate and wait for my flight to be called. Halfway home a begin to panic. What have I done!? I have quite literally ran away from home! Swallowing my nerves, I avert my mind and think about what I had to do next to make my plan a successful one.

I chew on a piece of gum as the plane lands and I listen carefully to the pilots instructions of where to collect my bag and everything. When the seatbelt sign pings off, I leap up and bound out the plane. I rush through all the customs and dragging my cases behind me, I spot Steph standing in the corner with large sunglasses covering her eyes and a large floppy sunhat. I bite back a grin as I make my way over to her.
'Steph!' I call out and her head jerks up and looks in my direction. A wide grin crosses her face and she begins to walk towards me. When we reach each other, we hug and she grabs my bag.
'How was the flight?'
'Fine. I was worrying pretty much the whole time though.' I admit.
'Don't you worry your pretty little head! We have it all planned out.' Steph says confidently.
'Steph can I ask a question?' I ask as she begins to plow her way through the crowds, using my case as a shield.
'Yeah what?' She calls over her shoulder.
'What is with the outfit?' I ask looking over her black jeans, black combat boots and black long sleeved shirt.
'Well this is a mission and probably the only mission I will ever be on so, I thought I might as well have some fun with it.' Steph explains and I giggle. We go outside and see Lachie standing outside Scarlet's red Volkswagen Golf. My heart skips a beat and Lachie's low ride jeans and black v-neck shirt, leaving nothing to my imagination. He is arguing with a man in a black who is obviously a security guard.
'Lachie!' Steph hisses and Lachie looks over. He smiles when he sees me and then turns back to the man.
'Ok! Look, they are here now! We are leaving!' He snaps and the man looks at me and Steph. He grunts before walking away. I wrap my arms around Lachie's neck and he buries his face in my neck.
'Hey.' I whisper.
'Hi.' He replies smiling.
'Ok! Thats enough! We have to go!' Steph snaps. She climbs in the passenger seat leaving me and Lachie to get in the back. The second we get in, Scarlet turns around and points her finger at us.
'Now, no business between you two. NOTHING.' She says sternly and then turns back the right way. She starts up the car and I bite back a grin. She loves this car with her life. She has even named it, Ruby. 'So, how are you Ads?' She asks looking at me in the rearview mirror.
'Nervous.' I admit and Lachie squeezes my thigh slightly.
'Don't worry, we have it under control.' He says and I smile grateful.
'Lets goooo!!' Steph hollers and turns up the radio. Scarlet shakes her head at Steph and puts the windows down as she turns onto the highway. God, I have good friends.

Sorry this is a shorter chapter. Next one will hopefully be longer. xx

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