Chapter 5

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I wake up smelling the metallic smell of blood. I look down, my shirt is covered in blood. Cringing, I sit up. What happened? And where am I? Suddenly I am aware of a throbbing feeling in my nose. I gently prob it and wince when the pain shoots through me. I groan when I remember what happened. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, holding my head. I am in a sick bay room. I pat my pocket and fish out my phone. I have multiple texts from Hunter, Ty, Conner, Harry, Scarlet, Steph and Molly. I quickly scroll through them. They are all asking how I am. I sigh and walk over to the door. I pass a mirror and stop short. I look at my reflection. I have blood smeared on my cheeks and forehead and obviously my nose. My hair is tangled and half out my pony tail. Sighing, I reach for a paper towel and quickly wash the blood off of my face and redo my hair. When I look back at the mirror, I am a lot more presentable. Asides from the blood on my shirt, it is like I never had a blood nose. I am about to leave the room when I spot my bag on the floor. I pick it up and look inside. My clothes and shoes are in my bag. I swiftly get changed and wraps my shirt in my shorts to prevent the blood from getting the in my bag. Checking myself in the mirror one last time, I head out into the main office.

'Oh darling! You are awake!' One of the ladies exclaims. I smile weakly. 'If I were you, I would just go home. You will only be missing two periods.' She says looking at her watch.

'Okay, thank you!' I say. I bid goodbye, sign myself out and walk out to the front of the school calling Harry as I go. He answers after three rings.

'Addie? Are you okay?' He asks with urgency in his voice.

'I am fine!' I laugh.

'Oh ok. What's up?'

'I was wondering if you could pick me up?'



Harry sighs. 'Okay. I will be there in five.'

'How about I start walking home and you pick me up when you see me?' I suggest.

'Fine.' Harry says.

'Thanks Harry!'

'Yeah yeah.' Harry mutters before hanging up. I sigh and put my ear phones in and then begin walking down the road.

Harry picked me up just before a song finished.

'What happened?' He asks once I get in.

'Steph threw a ball at me when I wasn't looking. I got a blood nose and Conner took me to the sick bay.' I mutter fiddling with the wires of my ear phones.

'Conner said you fainted.' He replies flatly.

'Yeah, you know I don't like blood.'

'So there was a lot?'

'Of blood? Yes there was heaps. My sports top is ruined.'

'M'kay.' We turn into the drive way and I get out and walk up to the door. I sigh and wait for Harry when I remember I left my keys on my desk. He lets me in and I walk straight into the kitchen. I quickly make a cheese quesadilla. I haven't eaten all day! Seeing as Hunter took my toast and I missed lunch. I take the quesadilla and bag up to my room and open my rose gold MacBook. Dad got it for me a few months ago as a way to get him back in my good books. I log onto my social media and check things out. I have several messages from Steph. I curse under my breath, I forget to text her to say I am okay! I quickly grab my phone and search Steph under the contacts.

Me: hey luv, sorry I didn't txt u earlier! It has been a bit hectic! I am fine and it's okay! I have dance tonight so I won't be able to see u til tomoz. Luv u! Xx

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