Chapter 37

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The New Boy has hit 500 votes!! Yaya!!! Thank you all so so much!! This chapter has excessive amounts of swearing in it. I apologise if this offends you but I wouldn't skip this chapter as it has some fairly important events. Unedited!

After about 30 more minutes of silence, until my surroundings become more familiar.
'Miss Wellard, just warning you that the press might be at your house. If they are, I will get you up to the house and then you are to lock the door and wait for one of your brothers or father to come home. If they ask you any questions, just say no comment and keep walking.' Scott instructs and I nod, scratching the back of Sam's ears.  We finally pull into my street and then I finally realise how much trouble I am actually going to be in when I get home. Scott was right, there is multiple white vans with different channels on them. 'I'll grab your bag. It looks like your brothers are home so, you run in and I will be with you shortly.' Scott instructs me when the car comes to a stop. I nod and open the car door, Sam leaps out and starts snapping and snarling at nearby reporters. I take a deep breath before getting out the car and I am almost instantly blinded by flashing cameras.
'Where were you hiding Miss Wellard?'
'What will your father say?'
'Are you going to press charges?' Voices bombard me from every direction. I clamp my hands over my ears and stumble forwards.
'No comment!' I whimper and I try to push past them but they have formed a sort of human barrier and I am trapped against the car. Microphones and cameras are shoved in my face and I begin sobbing. 'No comment!' I repeat myself but no one seems to notice. I squeeze my eyes shut and push myself against the car. Suddenly one of the female reporters squeals and I open my eyes. Someone is spraying the reporters with the garden hose and gap in the human wall appears, I take my chance and slip through them. It turns out it is Hunter who is holding the hose and Ty is standing next to him, glaring at the reporters who are now scurrying back to their vans, yelling unintelligent things. I sob even harder and run towards them. Hunter turns the tap off and we all hug.
'Hey Ads.' Ty says stroking my ratty hair softly.
'What you been up to?' Hunter says smirking once we stepped out of the embrace. I smile softly and choke out a laugh.
'Staying away from Mar-' I begin before Ty shushes me. I look over my shoulder and see Scott standing there, holding my bag in one hand and Sam's leash in the other.
' Here is your bag... I better be off.' He stammers before handing my bag to Hunter before speed walking back to the car and driving off.
'You are in so much trouble with Dad by the way.' Hunter says as we walk up to the house. I look at him strangely when he calls Martin Dad. Hunter shrugs 'Well he IS our dad so we may as well call him that.' I look over at Ty and he keeps his gaze fixated on the door. I frown and we walk into the lounge room to see Harry, Conner and Martin sitting on the couch lazily. They all stand up when I walk in and Harry and Conner envelope me in a hug.
'Why didn't you trust me?' Conner whispers harshly in my ear before walking back to the couch. Martin then gives me a hug but it is very forced and awkward.
'Nice to have you back Addie.'
'I go by Adelaide.' I snap and Martin raises his eyebrows. He walks over to the window and pulls back the curtains and peers out. None of the reporters are still there. He then turns back to the rest of us.
'Boys, I am sure you have something to do?' His voice goes up at the end, indicating it was a question.
'Um yes I do. Conner, wanna come with me?' Ty asks striding to the door quickly, plucking a set of keys off the table. Conner stands up quickly and follows Ty out the door, shooting me an apologetic look.
'Claire wanted me to take her shopping or something...' Harry mutters, stumbling out the door, leaving Hunter, Martin and I alone.
'You should be punished for what you have done.' Martin says with no emotion in his voice. I have a flashback to when Hunter attacked me and when Martin slapped me. I glance over at Hunter and he is glaring at me darkly. 'I have a meeting to attend to. Hunter? Would you mind staying with Adelaide?' He asks coldly.
'Would be my pleasure. It would be nice to catch up with my little sis.' Hunter says smiling and I get a shudder at the thought that this was planned. I watch with tears in my eyes as Martin leaves the house and I gulp when the sound of the dead lock as it slides shut. I barely have time to register it before Hunter's fist is flying towards my face.

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