Chapter 6

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I grab my bag and run out the door tears falling down my face. I stuff the paper in my bag and start running home. I arrive home coughing and spluttering tears still running down my face. I burst through the door and run up the stairs ignoring my brothers questions and looks. I lock myself in my room and collapse on my bed. Why is this happening? I curl up into a ball and bury my face in my pillow.

'Addie? C'mon what happened?' Ty asks softly.

'Go... away!' I sniffle.

There is shuffling of feet and whispering.

'Ad?' Conner tries. I ignore him.

'Adelaide! Please!' Harry groans after five minutes. Scowling I walk over to my door and rip it open.

'Piss off!' I spit. All four of my brothers are lounging in the hallway. Conner and Hunter are on the floor playing footsies whilst Ty and Harry are leaning against the wall. Harry is on his phone and Ty is staring up at the ceiling. When I open the door they all look at me with expressions of worry. Harry opens his mouth to say something.

'Don't you dare.' I growl at him. He snaps his mouth shut. I slam the door shut and reach for my bag. I throw my phone, keys and purse in. I quickly change into some jeans, a grey hoodie and black vans and go over to the window. I push it open and peer down. It's a long fall. Scowling, I swing my legs over the windowsill and take a deep breath. With all my might I push off the window and jump to the tree. I shut my eyes and let out a little squeal when I hit a hard object. I open one eye and smile when I realise I made the tree. I hear a smirk and look around the tree. Lachie is half out the window watching me. He is shirtless. His body, like I predicted, is amazing. He clears his throat and I look back at his face. He is smirking.

'Done checking me out?'

'No..' I stammer.


'I mean, I wasn't checking you out!' My cheeks turning red.

'Sure sure, Sugar. What are you doing in a tree?'

'Getting away from my brothers.' I groan. He raises an eyebrow.

'Mind if I join you?'

'I am not staying.' I say making my way down the tree. Once I am down I look back up. Lachie is gone. Frowning I turn around. Lachie is standing there smirking. He has a black T-shirt on. 'What are you doing?' I ask looking up to his ocean blue eyes.

'Coming with you, it's late and we wouldn't want the little kitten getting lost.' He says in a baby voice. He pinches my cheeks with his fingers and I growl and slap his hands away. 'Woah! This little kitty is feisty!' I roll my eyes and walk to my backyard.

'If your coming, come this way, they won't see us.' I say. I stop when I get to the fence I attempt to climb over, fail and land on my butt with an oomph. I twist from my spot on the floor and look at Lachie. He has a corner of his mouth up in his famous one sided smirk. Ugh! I want to slap it right off of his face! He extends his hand to help me up and I gratefully take his hand, but at the last minute he swipes his hand away and I face plant in the dirt. Growling I sit up and spit the dirt from my face. I scowl at Lachie who is trying to contain his laughter.

'Real mature.' I snap standing up and brushing the dirt from my shoulders and stick my tongue out at him.

'And that is?' He remarks. I roll my eyes.

'Just help me get over this goddamn fence already!' I snap turning my attention back to the problem in front of me. Well, second problem. I put my hands on top of the fence and jump. My feet finally manage to gain purchase on the wall and I hang there panting. I look at Lachie who is. Still. Freaking. Smirking! I try to scale the fence and feel my top rise up. Suddenly warm hands grab my hips and I gasp.

'Get ready.' Lachie whispers, his hot minty breath fanning over my neck. I shudder. Without warning a push of wind blows in my face as he pushes me upwards and I am sitting on the fence.

'Oh.' I whisper. He must be extremely strong as he just practically threw me up here. I look back down at him grinning sheepishly. I swing my leg over the other side and land on the floor with a light thud. A slightly heavier thud is made behind me and I whip around to see Lachie leaning against the fence, smirking.

'What's wrong Princess? Didn't think I would be over so quickly?'

I scoff. 'Please!'

The smirk widens. 'Lets go Sugarpie.' Lachie says before marching off into the darkness. Shit! Don't leave me!

'Wait!' I squeak scampering after him.

'Did you just squeak?'

'Like a fox!' I reply happily.

'A fox? Don't you mean a mouse?'

I frown slightly. 'No...' I reply hesitantly

'Sure sure.' Lachie teases.

'Foxes squeak!' I exclaim.

'No, they don't!'

'Yes they do!'




'Do!' We argue with each other before I stop suddenly. I can smell salt. Where are we? 'Um Lachie, where are we?'

'Don't you know, Cuddles?' I shake my head. 'The cliff.'

Oh.. the cliff.. My brothers are going to KILL me if they know I am here.

Sorry, I know this is a short chapter. Please vote, comment and share this story with friends! It would mean the world to me! Thanks xx

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