Chapter 7

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'The cliff?!' I wail. Lachie looks at me with confusion, his dark eyes twinkling in the dark light.

'Yeah... and?'

'Oh no!' I moan slumping down. Lachie gently sits down beside me.

'What's up, Buttercup?' I roll my eyes.

'The cliff kinda has a reputation.'

'Yeah, I know.'

'It's where guys like you bring girls the opposite to me know...' I trail off.

'Have sex?' Lachie asks chuckling.


'Why didn't you just say it?'

'Say what?'

'Sex!' He cries happily.

'Ew! No!'

'Aw why?' He asks poking my side. I yelp and shuffle away from him.

'Because there is no need for me to say it!' I argue flicking my hair.

'Say it or I'll tell your brothers you are here with me.'

'That's blackmail!' I exclaim flabbergasted. Lachie smirks. 'And besides you brought me here!'

'Um actually you followed me. I never forced you to come.' Lachie points out. I huff and roll my eyes. 'So are you going to say it?'


'Ok, I dare you to.'

'What are you? Two?'

'You can't turn down a dare!'

'Yes I can, I just did.'

'Oh I get it! You scared!'

'No I am not!' I snarl.

'Then say it!' Lachie says moving his face an inch away from mine.

'Fine! Sex.' I whisper.

'Louder!' He prompts. I sigh.

'Sex.' I say in a monotone voice.

'Shout it out.'

'What? No!'

'I double dare you.' Oo sounds interesting!

'Okay.' I reply smugly.

'3,2,1 Sex!' He screams. I fall on my side holding my stomach as giggles fall from my lips. 'Hey!'

'Never trust a Wellard with a double dare!' Lachie scowls. Silence falls between us as we look out to the sunset. It looks beautiful with the water reflecting the beautiful pinks and purples from the sky.

'It's beautiful.' I murmur.

'You're beautiful.' Lachie replies. I blush. Wait what? Did Lachie just call me beautiful?

'Ha! Your face!' Lachie suddenly barks with laughter.

'Wait, what?' I turn crimson.

'I don't actually mean it!' He scoffs. My chest tightens. I stand up abruptly.

'I better be going home.' I whisper barely holding back tears. I turn on my heel and walk back home.

'Princess! Adelaide! Come back!' Lachie calls after me. That's when my tears begin to fall.

Stumbling, I half walk half run home. I am forced to enter through the front of the house when I realise there is no way I can climb over the fence on my own. I  walk up the porch stairs and into the warm porch light. I fumble for my keys and give up and just knock on the door meekly. Hunter opens it.

'Yes?' He asks angrily. His scowl disappears when he sees it is me. 'Woah, Adelaide are you ok?' I shake my head and fall into his waiting arms. He soothes me and rubs my back. 'Are you hungry?' He asks softly. I nod. 'Conner! Get your ass down here!' He yells suddenly making me jump. Conner appears and when he sees me he stops. I peek at him through Hunter's arms.

'Oh.' Was all he says. I roll my eyes.

'Make her a...' he trails off looking at me expectingly.

'Nachos, those Nutella donuts that Harry got and a chocolate caramel milkshake.' I say confidently. I then retreat back to Hunters chest.

'Bring the ice-cream.' I hear Hunter mutter to Conner.

'Got it!' Conner says before walking into the kitchen. Hunter leads me into the lounge and sits me on the couch.

'Stay here.' He commands. 'Harry, Ty! We have a code blue!' There is a collection of curse words and feet stomping down the stairs. Harry holding a light purple fleece blanket and Ty holding a box of tissues. I cry even harder. How do I have such good brothers? Harry moves swiftly over to me and quickly swaddles me up in the blanket and Ty pass me the box. Harry disappears into the kitchen to help Conner, Hunter turns Netflix on and starts flicking through the movies. Ty comforts me.

'What happened?' He asks softly once Hunter had turned on a random movie and Conner and Harry had brought the food in. They were all lounging around.

'I don't want to say talk about it.' I mutter, munching on the nachos. Why am I so upset? I don't like Lachie! In fact, I despise him! Right?

'Call Steph.' Harry mutters to Conner. Conner nods and gets up.

'Wait!' I cry. Conner stops and looks at me expectingly. 'Don't call her it's like 1.'

Hunter laughs. 'More like 10:30.'

'Oh. Still, don't call her.'

'What about Scarlet?' Harry asks.

'No. Can we just watch the movie please.' I sigh. They all for silent and I snuggle against Ty.

After the movie I say goodnight to the boys and go up to my room. I lie on my bed and rethink everything that has happened today. It has been a long day. The paper! I sit up and rummage through my dance bag and pull out the paper Miss Gorge gave me.

"Dancers required.

The Haze Dance Troop is recruiting new dancers. Any type of dancer is invited.

Try outs Wednesday 12th. 9-10 pm. Have a dance ready to show the troop. Be there or be square!"

9-11? Harry will never let me out! How am I going to get there? It's in two days?

I sigh and lie back down and close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

My alarm wakes me up and I step in the shower and let the warm water wash over me. Once out, I change into black leggings and a random hoodie and pad down to the kitchen. Conner is eating cereal, Harry making coffee, Ty eating toast and Hunter nowhere to be seen. When I walk in all three boys look at me with sympathetic smiles.

'I am fine!' I say before anyone could say anything. They all turn their attention back to what they were doing. I quickly make myself some toast and go and finish getting ready. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and wait in the car. I put my ear phones in and close my eyes. Within the span of 5 minutes, all brothers get in the car except Harry. Ty takes the drivers seat, Conner shot gun and a grumpy Hunter in the back. I roll my eyes and rest my head against the window.

Sorry that I haven't been editing a lot recently. I am having a serious case of writers block :/ Please vote! Xx

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