Chapter 13

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A light wakes me up. Confused, I sit up and look around. I am in a forest, what?? Something moves around my waist and I look down to see an arm. I look over my shoulder  and see Lachie sleeping peacefully and suddenly my cheeks heat up. Have I just slept with Lachie? Then I remember everything and blush at the memory of me punching Lachie. Carefully and silently, I lift the edge of Lachie's shirt up. To my surprise there is no bruises on his perfectly toned abs.

'What are you doing?' Lachie asks making me jump. I wriggle backwards out of his grasp.

'Um nothing!' I blush.

'Why did you lift my shirt?' He asks, his voice still groggy from sleep.

'To see if you were hurt from yesterday.' I reply truthfully. Lachie scoffs.

'Yeah right, you just wanted to see my beautiful body.' He brags. I have to give it to him, he does have a good body.


'Yes you did!' He argues. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

'We should be getting back, my brothers are going to kill me.' I say looking at my phone. I have multiple calls and texts from all four of my brothers and surprisingly a few from my dad.

'Well we have a dance practice.' Lachie says, standing up and stretching. I stand up and brush the dirt from my butt. I look over at Lachie and he is rolling his head around to stretch out his neck.

'Can we go home first?'

'Why do you keep saying we?'


'You keep saying we, you can go back home whatever time you want. I don't have to.' He explains in a 'duh' tone of voice.

'Fine!' I huff. I grab my ear phones and put them in before turning on my heel and began my jog home.

When I arrive home, I attempt to sneak past but Harry is in the lounge room.

'What is going on Ads?' He asks tiredly.

'Nothing.' I reply curtly. He needs to stop overreacting.

'On Wednesday night well, Thursday morning, you came in very late, I mean early.' Harry says struggling on how to word it.

'Yeah and?'

'None of us have seen you since Friday after school. How do you think it felt? When you get home from having a nice time to your baby sister not being home. We were worried.'  Harry says standing up. Oh. That does sound bad.

'Sorry?' I ask meekly.

'No. Go upstairs. I spoke to Dad and he said your grounded.' Harry says sharply, not looking at me.

'What?! You can't do that!' I yell.

'Adelaide go!' He barks

'I have stuff to do!' I plead.

'I don't care. I had stuff to do but instead I was looking for you.'

'What's going on?' A tired looking Ty walks in the door. 'Adelaide? Oh you're here!' Ty crosses the room and wraps me in a hug. I squirm out of it.

'Ty! Tell Harry that I am not grounded!'

'No can do Ads!' Ty says regretfully.


'Because, to be honest, you deserve it. We have all been looking for you last night.'

I scream in frustration and stomp up the stairs, throwing myself onto my bed. I scroll through my contacts til I get to Kate. I quickly press the call button and put the phone to my ear. She answers within a few rings.

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