Chapter 10

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Conner and I share a glance before taking a seat. Ty sits down next to me and Hunter slumps down against the wall, his anger leaving him speechless. Harry gradually walks to the middle of the room and faces us.

'What do you know?' He asks suddenly.

'Mom is dead.' Conner mutters. I roll my eyes.

'She died in a car crash, a car came out of nowhere. Conner, dad and I were in the car.' I say. Hunter scoffs in the corner, to which I glare at him.

'That is partly true.' Harry says ignoring Hunter. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Conner straighten.

'Only partly?' I ask tentatively.

'You were coming back from a party, do you remember?' Harry asks. Conner and I both nod. We were very sociable kids when we were younger. 'It was pouring with rain and dad wanted to get home so he could watch the football. Mom was driving because she hated being the passenger, especially when it was raining.' Conner agrees with that statement.

'It was awful, the rain. It was coming down in torrents.' Conner adds quietly.

'Dad forced her to pull over. She complied and they swapped. Dad drove extremely fast and put you all under serious risk. Mom was begging him to slow down or wait till the rain had stopped coming down so hard. Dad ignored her and kept driving. The car was approaching traffic lights and there was ten minutes before the game start. When the lights started to turn orange, he didn't slow down, he sped up. A car came from the other direction and the other car hit the passenger side.'

'The side Mom was on.' Hunter says.

'Mom was really hurt and was begging for help.' Ty says.

'So dad went around and strangled her.' Hunter says sourly. What?! I look over at Conner and he is paper white

'No! That's not what happened you nitwit!' Harry scolds Hunter.

'It's what we think!' Hunter argues. I open my mouth to say something but my throat is all dry and the sound comes out. I clear my throat and dry again.

'What actually happened then?'

'You tell us.' Hunter snaps.

'I don't remember what happened really.' Conner says.

'All I remember was Mom screaming.' I answer.

'You fell unconscious when the seatbelt slashed you across the chest.' Ty speaks up.

My hand instinctively goes to my chest. Conner sees my movement and shuffles closer to me.

'I have homework to do.' I mutter finally getting up and walking towards the stair case.

'Addie wait!' Harry calls after me. Anger shoots through me.

'Don't tell me what to do!' I hiss. 'And definitely don't tell me that you think my dad is the killer of my mom!' Ty's mouth falls open.

'We never said-' Ty begins but I cut him off.

'You guys just assume that it happened!' I scream.

'Adelaide, please stop screaming.'Hunter says standing up.

'Don't talk to me! All of you!' I spit, putting as much venom as I can into my voice. I look at each of my brothers in the face. My heart breaks a little when I see Conner's face. He looks heartbroken. I lift my nose in the air, turn on my heel and march up the stairs.

I collapse on my bed and curl up into a ball. I hold my breath trying to prevent the tears but I fail miserably. Hot tears stream down my face, rolling over my cheeks and down my neck leaving a wet trail. I sob, my whole body shaking and shivering. I suddenly have the urge to scream and I frantically grab a handful of my sheets and shove them in my mouth. I then let myself scream. My scream, even muffled, is still quite piercing. I scream for what seems for hours until my voice cuts of suddenly. Once sure that no more screams are coming out, I pull the sheets from my mouth. My throat is raw and my mouth is dry. My eyes are all puffy and I simply pull of my clothes and sleep in my bra and underwear. Night mum.

The next day I wake up an hour earlier then normal, shower and eat breakfast. Conner is the first one in the kitchen and the second he sees me he opens his mouth.

'Ads, Please talk to me!' He pleads. I ignore him, grab my bag off the counter and march out the door, brushing past a morbid Ty in the hallway. I slip my ear phones in and walk to school at a brisk pace.

The day goes by boring as bat poop and before I know it, it is 8:30pm. I still haven't spoken to my brothers all day so I got Scarlet to take me to the audition at the new dance studio. I am warming up slightly when my phone buzzes.

Scarlet: Hey babes, outside urs now xx

Me: Thx. b down in a sec xx

I quickly grab my already packed bag and sneak down the stairs. Harry is in the lounge on his phone. He doesn't even realise when I sneak past him and out the door. Scarlet's red Mini is parked a little way down the street. She knows how my brothers are and she doesn't want to get me or herself into trouble. I rip open the door and slid in.

'Thank you so much Scar. I owe you one.'I say graciously.

'No problem Ad! Its what friends are for!' She turns the radio up and I type the address into the sat nav.

We arrive at 5 to 9 and Scarlet finds a park right outside the door.

'Are you sure you are going to be ok?' She asks looking around. I would be lying if I said that it was a lovely area. The address lead us straight to a large warehouse looking building.

'I'll be fine!' I assure her. 'Oh and I'll find my own way back, you don't need to come and pick me up.'

'But that's what friends with drivers licenses are supposed to do!' She exclaims.

'Just because you are already 16 doesn't mean you have to be my personal chauffeur!' I giggle. Scarlet giggles with me but then sobers quickly.

'Are you sure you are going to be ok?'

'I'll be fine! Thanks again.' We hug over the middle part of the car and I swing my legs out the car.

'Blow them away girl!' Scarlet adds before I shut the door.

'I will!' I grin. I then sling my bag over my shoulder and walk onto the pavement. I turn and watch her drive off. I then turn to face the building. Suddenly I am overwhelmed by butterflies in my stomach. Swallowing my nerves, I walk up to the door and push it open.

I am met with the throbbing of a dance beat and a brightly lit studio. There are several people on the dance floor doing some complicated moves and for the first time, I doubt my dance routine. I am about to turn around when someone calls out to me.

'Hey! Come back!' I turn around and look for the person that called me. A tall guy around 22 is standing in the middle of the floor. He beckons me over and I go hesitantly.

'Is this where the tryouts are?' I ask meekly. The guy beams back at me.

'You are here for the tryouts?'

'Well yeah.'

'Great! Listen up everyone! We have someone who is going to tryout!' He yells in a great booming voice. The music is cut off and the group of people creates a circle around me and the guy. 'The rules are simply, for 5 minutes we choose a selection of songs to which you dance to. You can use any type of dance and show us your best moves.' I nod. The group disperses and I put my bag down at the edge of the dance floor. I walk into the middle of the floor and look over the group of people around a big stereo. I nod and an electronic beat fills the air. I twist and turn to the beat and pretend no one is watching. Suddenly the music changes to a contemporary type song and I feel my muscles stretch as I leap and twirl. The music changes multiple times and by the end of the 5 minutes I am gasping for air. The first guy comes up to me.

'My name is Alec. What's yours?'


'Cool name. Anyway, in this troop, there is currently 6 guys and 5 girls. For majority of our dances we pair up, girl and boy. As we have one extra boy, he gets to choose who his partner is. After watching your performance, he wants you to be his partner, if of course you choose to join the troop.' Alec says, his smile reaching his eyes. Happiness shoots through me. I am in!

'I would love to join!' I cry. 'But who is my partner?' I ask looking at all of the faces in the group.

'Me.' A deep voice that sounds vaguely familiar says behind me. I whip around and my jaw falls open. Seriously?

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