Back to the Falls

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    A small blue go race car barreled through the trees with two kids occupying it. Both girls, who could be mistaken as twins if it weren't for their different features.

    My name is Krista Pines, and the girl next to me happens to be my new found friend, Midnight. Weird I know. I look more related to her than my own family. I also have an twin brother, his name is Andy short for Andrew. Fortunately, he not in this situation.

"Krista! It's gaining on us!" I looked back to see it gaining on us.

    You might be wondering what kind of a situation were in right now so let me start from how it happened.
    According to dad, it had been 10 years since he last came to Gravity Falls, a dead beat town that was full of mystery, is what he said. He dragged me and Andy along with him, forced or other wise. We had got on a bus to get there and when we did we were greeted by an old geezer wearing an eyepatch and another geezer wearing a lab coat.
    Our Grunkle Stan and Ford. Stan had a business called the Mystery Shack, the mystery was why people came in the first place. Andy and I had turn 12 last summer. I couldn't see anything good happening while we were here, unlike Andy who looked on the sunny side of things.
"There's a goat on my bed,"I stared at the goat as he began eating the sheets, "and now he's eating it."
"Come on Kai! Lighten up and have some fun would ya!"
    Andy had taken more of Aunt Mable's personality rather than dad so it was hard to stay mad when he was around. For the first week it wasn't so bad if it wasn't for the scares I got from Grunkle Stan; not to mention the creepy feeling of being watched that I kept feeling from the forest.
The day had started off as usual with dad leaving with Grunkle Ford while we had to help Grunkle Stan out in the shack. As I cleaned the so called merchandise, Andy had somehow once again try to flirt in his own special way. It had crept the girl out that she threw it on the floor and walked out the door which made him sulk at the blow off.
"Andy, can't you take it down a knotch? That's like what the 5th girl since we got here."
"But Kai! Summer is all about romance; what's a summer without romance!"
"A vacation?"
"I bet ya the one for me will walk straight through that door any minute now." Andy had pointed at the door as Grunkle Stan walked through it which made him look horrified while I couldn't help but laugh at.
"Ah, Gross!"
Grunkle Stan looked around and pointed at the cashier who went by the name of Wesley. He was about 16 and the son of Wendy who used to work at the shack.
"Wesley I need you to up some signs."
"I would but its," he puts his arm out like he's reaching, " too far away."
Grunkle Stan rolled his eyes and asked if either of us wanted to go put the signs up.
"Not it!"
"Not it!"
"Not it."
"No one asked you, Allen."
Allen was the handy man for the shack when things needed to be replaced or fixed. All he did was shrug and got back to fixing the light bulb.
"Alright," Stan looked at us both before shoving boards, a hammer, and nails into my arms, "you!"
"Come on Grunkle Stan! You know that the woods gives me the creeps. I feel like I'm being watched every time I'm even near it." I kept trying to convince him until he practically shoved me out the door. I collided with another person because of the shove.
"I'm sorry."
"No it's my fault."
    I rubbed my head since I was still a bit dizzy from the collision before looking straight at... me? I was shocked when I saw her. This girl had black hair as long as mine with red highlights in it and her eyes were that of crimson. We mimicked each other for a while seeing that he still couldn't believe it before we ended up laughing at ourselves.
"Well  I guess people were right when they say you have twin somewhere." We stated together. She helped me pick up the stuff I dropped before introducing herself.
"I'm Midnight Cross and you?"
"Krista, Krista Pines but you can call me Kai, almost everyone does actually."
We talked as I nailed signs up onto the trees until I try to nail one in a tree that resounded like metal.
"What the?"
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"I think it some sort of panel. Help me open it will ya."
After a couple of pulls we finally managed to get it open to reveal an panel switch that was covered in moss like it had been there for a long time. Curiosity got the better of me when I flipped one of the switches.
"Hey Krista, you should look at this."
I looked over my shoulder to see a square shaped opening on the ground and in it was a box that read 'Do Not Open'.
We opened it up anyways and in it was a red book with a triangle on it. We opened the book to see a bit of writing along with illustrations of a triangle in the middle of a circle surrounded by different kinds of symbols.
The writing said.

Trust No One in Gravity Falls

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