We meet once again

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Krista stood at one of the many windows that were on the highest floor of the building over seeing the darkness creeping through Gravity Falls.
"Kuro." She called for her faithful companion, who walked over to her. Krista sat on the floor as she pet Kuro when he was close enough.
"Soon it will be over. Then I won't have to feel like how I did ever again. Just a little longer. Then everything will be alright." She muttered to herself as she snuggled into Kuro's fur.
Kuro looked at his friend and felt sadness come from her. He knew that this wasn't right, but didn't want her to be angry with him. Instead he nuzzled her face to comfort her as the chaos continued on outside.

Meanwhile with the Others...
"Tell me why we're running again?!" yelled/asked Wesley
"If you don't want to end up as Hell Hound chow then I suggest you keep running!" Bill yelled back at the red head.
    The group of 10 were currently running through the forest trying to reach their destination. The crystal flower that was on top of the cliff, where Krista was currently.
"Come on you guys hurry up! If you lag behind, I'm not saving your hide!" yelled Kirina and Midnight as they saw some begin to lag.
Surprisingly the Stan twins were keeping up pretty well along with Pacifica, Dipper, Bill, and Allen. The rest were falling behind. They were close to the area where everything all began, when they decided to rest a bit.
"This place hasn't changed a bit well except for all the dark haze surrounding the area." Midnight stated as she looked at the area
"Haze?" Bill questioned. He saw the black haze and knew that it wasn't a good sign.
"Don't let the haze touch you!"
Everyone backed away from the haze before it lashed out suddenly. It grabbed hold of Andy, Wesley, and Ford then engulfed them. It soon covered the whole area engulfing everyone else. The blaze haze travel swiftly up the area to the huge flower, and settled onto the icy snow before vanishing. Leaving the gang on the ground, distorted a bit.
"Is everyone alright?" Pacifica yelled out. The others were getting out of a daze as each notice that the ground was now icy cold.
"Snow? What's snow doing here?"
"Allen I think we might get out answers soon."
"Why say that Wesley?"
"Well if the giant building doesn't give you a hint than I don't know what will."
"Giant building?" Bill said as he looked towards it. Everyone had looked from where they were to the building that they had landed in front of. The doors slowly opened releasing a wild icy wind that sent shivers through each one of their spines even Cipher's.
"Look like we're being invited in." Stan said
"Well it would be rude if we declined now, wouldn't it." Bill stated before he walked towards the building. The others hesitated before following as well. Kirina was shaking as she stepped closer and closer to the building for the negativity that she sensed was even more dreadful than before.
As soon as all of them walked through the building, the doors slammed shut.
"Looks like we can't go back." Dipper stated as he saw the doors shut.
"She doesn't want any of us leaving. That's the least of our problem."
"What's that supposed to mean, Cipher?" Midnight questioned as she looked around at the interior.
"If you used with your eyes as much as your mouth you'd see why up ahead." Bill's eyes were flaring a bright blue color.
    Up ahead watching amused was no other than the person they all were searching for. Krista Pines. She stood with a smirk planted on her face with Kuro next to her.
"I'm so glad that the Hounds didn't get you. It wouldn't be that much fun otherwise."
"That's enough, Krista! Stop this now!"
"Stop? But the fun is only beginning. Besides you all should know why I won't, or at least Bill and Kirina do."
"What's she talking about, Kirina?" Pacifica asked as she looked at Kirina who currently had her head down. She turned to Bill, only to see him growl as his eyes began to glow brighter than before.
"I thought you love games Cipher? I figured you'd love this one?"
"A game? You find this game amusing!"
"If I said yes then what would you do? Stop me? Unlike Cipher, I don't have a circle that can seal me away." Krista mocked at the group as they glared forth at her. She paid them little mind as her eyes were trained on Kirina.
"Come on Kirina. If you want to say something then just say it. I'm sure you have something that may interest me."
"........." Kirina stays quiet still not looking up from the ground.
"How boring," Krista stated as all she got was silence until a sudden thought came to her,"alright let's play a different game. All you have to do is find the real me."
"Real you?"
"Yep, and I'll even let Kuro accompany you and in exchange Kirina stays here with me, so I hope you have fun guys." She snapped her fingers and all vanished leaving her and Kirina alone.
"It's about time to come home don't you think?" Kirina didn't say anything except look at Krista. She closed her eyes then her body was lit up in a bright blue before slowly disappearing. "You never really liked to fight did ya, Kirina? How boring of you. Well at least that's one taken care of. Now all that's left are them."
    She soon began to walk to a nearby door and as she walked through she sang a familiar melody.

"We'll meet again don't know where, Don't know when, But I know we'll meet again some sunny day..."

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