Krista, betrayal scars!

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Krista's p.o.v.
It's been only about a day since I gained my brother faith in me back. When Bill came that night I told him exactly what happened but he just stayed quiet the whole time. Before he left me that night he asked me something strange that it was even out of character for him.
"Chaos, has something strange been happening to you?" I was confused but before I could answer he said never mind and that it was nothing.
'Well he wouldn't be Bill if he wasn't a tad bit strange.' I thought as I laid my head on the counter as more customers came on in. I still worked but only Allen, Wesley, and Andy seem to talk with me now. Midnight was busy nowadays helping her dad at his auto repair shop in the next town over so I didn't see her as much.
"No time for a break sis we still got to work to do."
"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?"
"That's so mean! Even I can work you know!"
"The day that happens is the day that I officially lose it."
Andy and I seem to be a lot closer than before but I can't help but wonder if the rest of my family will accept me as time goes on.
"Alright enough slacking! The quicker they get out then the quicker we can break." Allen stated as he and Wesley carried more supplies into the back.
'I swear you think they're dating or something?'
Customers finally left after 1 so as I was about to follow others to have a break I see dad looking at me.
"Krista after your done do you think we can talk?" I nodded slowly as a weird feeling was building up again as he walked off. Dad never wants to me at least. Ya like I was gonna talk to him or any of my Grunkles.
    I still had Bill's earrings on and I never took them off after the whole incident with Poker. I even promised Bill that I wouldn't take them off again. I don't think I ever heard Bill yell at me before or grabbed me roughly by the shoulders that it would make purple handprints later on. First time I heard him plea to listen and trust him this once. Since then I've never took them off. I told Andy I'd be there in minute using the old bathroom excuse. I stalked dad until he entered a door so I went over and tried to listen.
"So did she agree?"
"Yeah she did. ...Grunkle Ford are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Dads voice seemed a bit shaky.
"Dipper if we don't get her away from Bill then who knows what he gonna do to her!" Ford yelled as he stated his point.
"...Alright. So you sure that gonna get rid of Bill."
"No but it will wound him enough to get him sealed again."
"Come on Ford she's just a kid! Don't go using her for some trap! That's gonna make everything even more worse then how they already are!" Grunkle Stan tried to persuade his brother and my father. They didn't care and went along with it.
I was glad that Grunkle Stan cared about me but out of all the emotions I felt despair and betrayal. Both from the fact that my family would use me to achieve what they wanted not caring about me in the slightest and the fact that my father agreed with so little persuasion. I thought one day he would treat me like he does with Andy but now I know that it was just a stupid dream. Kuro slept in my room for most of the day now and went to play at night in the forest but sometimes he plays in the day.
I walked away from the door and went to Andy, I told him what happened and Allen and Wesley were there too. Andy was in denial while Allen and Wesley were cheering Grunkle Stan on saying "that's our boss!" or " why to go Mr. Pines!". Andy yelled at me saying that he would never say that and told me I was a liar and such. I didn't want to fight because it ended badly but I kept telling him that it was true. Then he said the words I didn't want to hear.
"I HATE YOU!" They echoed in my head as Andy realized what he said and tried to apologize but before how or anyone else could touch me I ran off. I exited the shack not caring if I would get in trouble later. I ran through the forest until I tripped over a root and fell down a steep hill. I found myself looking at the same lake as the one in my dream but no girl was there. I sat on the rock that the girl sat on thinking about everything when I heard the melody again.

"Mirror mirror who do you see?
A liar who is too blind to see.
Liar liar what a no good lair~
Look and you'll see
Truth in mirrors are plain to see.
Everything you hide now on display
A girl so lonely, she dies every day
Girl with secrets that can kill all in her way
Monster in depths waiting to be free
Waiting for you to waver so it can be free
Die or kill which will it be?
It's almost time what will the mirror see."

    I covered my ears as the melody grew louder and louder in my head as it played over and over again. I thought of all that has happened. The good and the bad. Meeting Bill, Kuro, and Midnight. Bill getting rid of the monsters. Midnight and I arguing as Bill actually tried to stop us only to get yelled at. Giving Bill his new name, Will. Midnight teaching me combat, and how to hold a gun. Finally Mom loving me with everything she's got giving me her smile as I felt the love from at least one parent.
Then as soon as the good one came they left slowly as the bad ones came. Dad dragging us to Gravity Falls. Andy getting more attention from dad than me. Me getting yelled at for making a deal. Dad yelling at me for touching his stuff at home. Me bullied at school. Punching those bullies and getting in trouble. Poker incident. Choking Bill. Bloody hands. Anger. Rage. Loneliness. Then the last one being all black with someone saying,"Why don't you die already? Why did you have to live when she could have?" Everything in my head shattered as if a bullet went through my head stopping it for a few minutes.
I opened my mouth and slowly words came out. I didn't care anymore. Nothing mattered. I'll rely on myself and trust the friends I have. I will not hesitate anymore. The girl that everyone knew was gone.

"I know of a place that is within these woods
Where the Moon is out and Sun doesn't stay
Where we can play in the night without being seen
A paradise of the night is what it be

Be at ease little one
There's no need to fear
The monsters will not get you
This I swear, but you have a monster inside you too
But don't fear, it will protect you

Darkness is nothing scary
There are more things that are worse
Trust your instincts and you'll be alright
For they will never stir you wrong

Never listen to what others may say
They will deceive you
Trust what you know and all will be fine
Your instincts are your guide

It's a moonlit night and there's no sun in sight
The stars shine like crystals
The forest brings tranquility
So don't let the sun appear today

There's a place in these woods where the Moon stays
I can play all I like no matter the time cause no one can see
This is a paradise with no sun
My paradise under the Moonlit sky."

"Kai! Krista!" I looked behind me to see that everyone except Bill and Midnight were present. They looked at me as I jumped from the rock to the ground. The wind stopped creating a eerie silence in the woods.

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