Break down!

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Krista's p.o.v.
I look at all of them. As the moon got higher and higher into the sky, a cold soft wind blew. I didn't say anything and neither did they.
"Hey kid, good to see your okay. How about we head back to the shack and whip up some of that hot cocoa?" I shakes my head and denied the offer.
"Thanks for the offer but I don't want to."
"Krista come back to the shack! There are many-"
"What!? Creatures who I became friends with when I read through this!" I showed them the journal I found.
"Where did you-"
"You really think I didn't know anything about these woods?! I know this place far more better than you ever have!"
"Kai calm down! I may not know what's going on but you need to calm yourself." Allen tried to calm me as well as Wesley but he was half asleep.
"Come on sis let go back-" I slapped away Andy's hand when he tried to touch me.
"Sis?" "Don't touch me."
"I don't know where you go off behaving like his but Kai we are going to the shack and that's final!" Dad stated as he glared at me and tried to do the same thing as Andy but he was thrown back by a barrier.
    I didn't reply as I begin to hear a devilish voice whisper into my ear bad things. I didn't bother to cover them and listened to what it was saying.
"Do you think they care? They only want you to be bait for Cipher."
"Your already hated what's there left for you?"
"No one likes ya. Maybe they wish for something bad to happen."
"Demons are more friendly than this family."
"Can they really be called your family anymore."
"Your worthless, pathetic, weak! Just kill them!"
It went on and on but I didn't mind. My head was already in a very critical state of something else happened I don't know what I'd do.
"Kai! What are you doing?" I saw another figure enter the scene. Midnight had entered just in time as the scene went into a black and white stage.
"Hey kid looks like you got yourself into trouble again." Bill had entered with a bright light. Midnight was on the left while Bill was on the right.
"Bill! What exactly are you doing here?!"
"Sixer! I'm surprised that you've even asked such a thing! I'm about to save you from making a crucial mistake."
"Bill stop talking or your gonna make it worse." Midnight tried to break up the conversation but it didn't work. Bill waved her off.
"I just came here to clear up a few things that you may like to know about. And before you say anything Pinetree, how would you like to hear about shooting stars death?"
'Auntie's death?'
"What about it Bill?!"
"You honestly don't believe that she would just up and die like that do you? Let me tell ya something the one who died that day was your own daughter Pinetree."
'I died then how?'
"That means that she-. No! Mabel would never strike a deal with you!"
"But she did. She forfeited her life just for your precious little girl." Dad stayed silent as others tried to absorb the info.
"Bill that's enough!" Bill looked over at Midnight and was unamused.
"Your gonna make Kai even more unstable than she already is!" Bill and I locked eyes before I looked away.
"You've grown pathetic Chaos." I flinched at his cold words.
"It's true what Pinetree said to you though. It's slightly your fault that shooting star died." I felt my body get colder as Bill stared at me as he talked.
"Why do you think your always left behind when they go somewhere? The only ones who cared were Llama, Ice, Shark, Fez, Comet and Eclipse."
"Do you care?"
"......" I stiffened in shock. After everything I knew he cared or else he wouldn't do what he did for me. But all my emotions were so mixed right now that it confused me about what I should trust.
I stayed silent as I felt eyes upon my person. I really killed my aunt. No one really cares for me. What was the use when I never had a purpose? I had enough, I wanted this to end.
"Now that's all done let's go back to the shack and chill out okay, Kai?" Midnight reached for me but once again was sent back again hitting against a tree.
"It doesn't ... It doesn't matter what happens." I was breaking down I knew it.
"Kai..." I heard faint call of my name.
"GO AWAY!" I yelled out as a bright circle appeared below me. Ice began to spread from where I stood outward.I was engulfed by a bright blue barrier keeping everyone from getting to me. I was full out crying like the day when Auntie died. I didn't take notice to the dark energy circling me in my state. I just wanted everything and everyone to go away.
    The barrier had turned into a darker blue as the dark energy seeped into me. I didn't care anymore. I let myself go giving into the darkness.
"They'll pay. They'll all pay!"
    Once I opened my eyes again I was looking at a icy landscape. I see everyone looking at me but I just stared before turning my back and disappeared from their sights. With each step I took ice formed and soon I would have a place where no one would bother me.

Note: just picture it like Pokémon movie 3 with the whole crystallized castle.

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