Circus Horror part 3

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Bill's p.o.v. (After Krista left to the Bigtop)
    After what happened with Chaos, I decided to walk into the tent that held Pinetree, Fez, and Sixer. I was in my other human form so it really was no wonder that they knew it was me.
"Come on Pinetree, you don't even recognize me? How cruel."
"Bill!" Seeing all 3 of their faces glow with anger really give me great pleasure.
"Great to know that you still remember me Pinetree!"
"Bill how did you-"
"Escape well I can't tell you that. But I can tell you that it took a little bit of Chaos to undo the unsealing. Now I can get you out if you want." I fingered swung the keys to the caged door in front of them.
"In exchange for what Cipher!" Fez yelled gripping the bars.
"Nothings much only that you don't get in my way after I let you go.Deal?"
"Forget it Bill!"
"Oh well then I guess your just gonna be-"
"Krista! What are you doing back here?!" I looked behind me and saw Chaos standing at the tents entrance. Nothing seemed to be wrong as she walked towards me while I met her half way, but she surprised me by giving me a hug.
"Oi Chaos what's wro-" I felt a pain in my side. Looking down I saw a knife  impaling me in the gut with Chaos's hand being the one that held the knife. I threw her off me and grabbed her by her throat in mid-air letting her hang. She didn't even try to fight it then I saw her eyes. They were dull to where no one was there.
"Aren't you gonna kill her off Cipher?"
"Should've know it was you, Poker."
I looked to see him standing at the entrance sporting a smirk. Poker was one of the only demons that can sneak up on me without getting caught. He doesn't do deals but his victims are usually kids that are easy to control. Kids that have darkness welling up inside that even they don't know about.
But Chaos shouldn't have been affected since she's wearing the-
"Looking for something?" In Poker's hand were the gold triangle earrings that I had given to Chaos.
"You must really care that girl Bill if ya gave her these earrings? If she didn't take them off after your guys' fight it probably would of been much more difficult to control her like this."
"Poker! She has nothing to do with this!"
"Oh but she does, ever since she made a deal with you." I could feel the Pines family glare directed at me. I looked at Chaos as she hung limply in my hold before I let her go making her hit the ground with a thud. I feel on my knees glaring at the smug bastard.
"That's a good expression but let's see an even better one." Poker snapped his fingers and I was suddenly pinned down by somebody as they wrapped their hands around my neck. I was about to kill them until I saw it was Chaos.
"Poker, you bastard!" I choked out when her grip tightened. At that moment I couldn't care for the Pines or for Poker, all my focus was on Chaos. How her usual electrifying eyes sparked were now as dull as the murky waters and her bright smile was no where to be found. Like someone I knew was replaced by someone else, but I knew that wasn't the case. I cracked a smile as I looked up at her seeing her on top of me.
"What's so funny Cipher?" I ignored him and lifted my right hand to her cheek , placing it there as her hands again tightened more.
"Hey Chaos if there's anyone that would kill me I'm glad that it's you. So hurry up would ya I hate seeing you like this." I let go of her cheek and as soon as it was placed back on the ground the tightening stopped.
Something cold landed on my face, I looked up to see her dull eyes watering and spilling over. I had heard her call my name. The hands retracted and went up to her own face to stop the watering of her eyes. I sat up, even if my neck was sore, and took her hands away and looked into those electrifying eyes that sparked.
"Hey Chaos." I said casually as I could in this situation. Unfortunately our reunion didn't last long.
"What the hell do you think you are doing? Kill him!" Poker snapped his fingers as Chaos grabbed hold of her head.
"Kai!" I grabbed her tightly not realizing what I yelled out. Her eyes were going back and forth until she pushed away from me and scrambled away until she herself crashed into a box that spilled out a set of daggers. She screamed as she held her head; I turned towards Poker to see him looking ever so nervous.
"Poker!" My body was engulfed in red as I walked to him.
"Come on Bill? Old buddy? Let's talk about this, you know I was joking around right?" Nothing could save him now as I held him by the neck.
"..." I said nothing as I lite his body on fire turning it into a ash pile that blew away as soon as the wind kicked in. I remembered Chaos and ran over to her seeing her still holding onto her head before settling down when I snapped my finger as the golden triangles were placed on each ear.
"Thanks Bill..." she said before falling asleep resting against my chest. I tugged her more closer as I lifted her up in my arms.
"...No problem."

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