The Circus is in town! Welcome to a world of horror and tragedy.

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Welcome to our world of happiness and joy! Come Everyone to the Spectacular Circus show!
There will be games. Elephant riding, feeding of the lions, etc.
All kids get a free entry! Adults pay $5 each.
We Hope that you'll come to see our show!

"What exactly am I looking at?" I ask as I look up from the flier that Andy handed to me. Andy had showed it to me while we were eating breakfast with our Grunkles and Dad. Bill was no where to be seen, but I knew he was watching.
"Come on sis! Isn't this exciting!? A circus is coming to Gravity Falls!"
"Well I guess it could be fun." I say as Andy goes back to cheering as Dad messes with Andy's hair while Stan grumbles and Ford eats quietly.
'I wish he did that to me. Am I not good enough?' As the thought came to mind I shook my head to clear it and finished eating before heading up stairs to get ready.
It wasn't like it was the first time this happened. Dad always seems to give more affection to Andy than he does to me along with Mom, Aunt Mable and now our two new Grunkles. They always seem to see him over me while I'm left out of everything not that it really bothered me. As long as Andy was happy than I would sacrifice anything to do so.

"Liar liar what a no good lair~"

I looked around to see nothing and the room didn't changed to black and white so it wasn't Bill. I shook my head before grabbing the journal and tucking it into my jacket. I headed back downstairs as I met with everyone so that we could get going to the circus.
    When we got there, the whole place was packed with many people walking into the tent. Or some kids lining up at some rides that were going on. I even caught sight of a house of mirrors and a jungle gym. As the grown ups got the ticket for themselves me and Andy went off on our own. We saw a two familiar figures one with red hair and another with black hair.
"Wesley?! Allen?!" Both me and Andy simultaneously said as the two turned to see us.
"Hey Kai what's up?" Wesley asked.
"Nothing but what are you guys doing here?"
"Actually were waiting for my mom to come pick us up since my car broke down near here."
"And I thought it would be fun to come here for a while instead of waiting for who knows how long for her." Allen cut in as he swung an arm around Wesley.
"Really? What's your mom like?" Andy asked curious.
"My mom's a hag who nags about this and that. And the old geezer of mine doesn't make it any better. She's also-Yeouch! Allen what the hell-" standing behind him was a long red hair women with her arms crossed. All of a sudden Wesley got really nervous as he saw the Allen was nervous as well. The lady pulled both by their ears as she dragged them out of the area leaving both me and Andy alone again.
"That lady was pretty wasn't she sis?"
I nodded as I stared at the direction that the lady went when she left with our friends.
"Anyway let's go!" I was pulled by Andy as we went through the circus grounds. We rode all the rides 8 times and played some games that were there. Now I'm sitting on a bench as I wait for Andy to come back since he said that he was going to go on a couple of more rides before taking a break.

"Mirror mirror who do you see?
A liar who is too blind to see."

      I heard that voice again as I looked around but the only thing that strikes me was the house of mirrors that was behind me. I got up and went into the place as I went through the mirror maze. I made it through before going through another hall full of mirrors but they hung off the walls. I kept walking until I got to the end of the hall where I faced another mirror.
"This is getting really ridiculous." I pushed the mirror and fell through as it opened up like a door. I was surrounded in a 360 mirror set. None of them budged when I pushed. I then heard it again that strange melody from this morning and a few minutes ago.

"Mirror mirror who do you see?
A liar who is too blind to see.
Liar liar what a no good lair~
Look and you'll see
Truth in mirrors are plain to see.
Everything you hide now on display
A girl so lonely, she dies every day
Girl with secrets that can kill all in her way
Monster in depths waiting to be free
Waiting for you to waver so it can be free
Die or kill which will it be?
It's almost time what will the mirror see."

After the sick melody ended I was back sitting on the bench like I had never left it. I saw Andy coming my way and pulled me as we ran straight to the big tent. I looked around but I didn't see any adults just kids. We were sitting at the top row, everyone was chatting and yelling as they waited for the show to start. I got a chill down my spine as I watch a light lit up the ring master spot where a boy with black hair and hazel eyes stood.
"Welcome Boys and Girls to the Circus! I hope you all have a wonderful time while here!" He announced with a smile on his face but that was what everyone but me, I heard...

"Welcome to your world of horror and tragedy! Now all you must stay."

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