Circus Horror part 2

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"Hey..uh Andy I'm gonna go to the bathroom okay?"
"Hurry back okay the show is just getting to the good part!"
I made my way out of the tent without being seen. Once I had gotten outside I saw that everything was rusted or in ruin like it had been there for ages.
"Damn and here I thought I could at least have a semi normal day."
"Man I just can't leave you alone even for a day, can I kid?" A familiar voice sounded from behind me.
"Bill!" I ran to him actually happy to see his crazy demon self.
"If you're here Eclipse can't be too far away." He stated as he looked around for Midnight.
"Midnight is helping her Dad out with stuff at home and didn't come with us."
"I see." He said uncaringly.
"Anyway Bill we have to find dad and my Grunkles! They came with us and now I can't find them anywhere!"
"Let me tell ya something kid I don't care if your dad or Grunkles are in danger. Actually it's better then that way they can't get in my way like they did the last time."
I stared at him as Bill wore a crazed look on his face as he laughed. I felt something crack but paid no mind to it.
"Fine if you're not gonna help then I'll do it myself!" That seemed to snap Bill out of his laughter. I walked away from him as he tried to get me to come back.
"Oi! Chaos I wouldn't do it if I were you."
"And why not? Because it would be putting your plans in jeopardy?" Bill was suddenly in front of me holding both my shoulders.
"This is suicide Chaos! Just forget about them and let me get you outta here." He stretched his hand out waiting for mine, but I probably did what he didn't expect. I slapped his hand away and brushed past him as I made my way to the other tent behind the Big top.
"I told you I'm not leaving anyone behind. Even if I'm the one that's always forgotten in the end." I muttered the last part. The earrings dinged now and then before I took them off, throwing them to the ground. I pushed forward into the smaller tent. I walked in cautiously as I looked around before I set my sights on a caged traveler for the animals.
Instead I saw my dad, Grunkles, and other adults. I walked to the caged and tried to get my Dad and Grunkles to pay attention which worked.
"Kai what are you doing here!?"
"Come on dad I wasn't going to leave ya behind. What kind of daughter would that make me?"
"Ah! You little squirt! You are a reckless one aren't ya! I like that kid."
"Grunkle Ford do you have any idea why that boy wanted to separate the kids from their parents?"
"Boy?," Grunkle Ford asked as he gripped the bars as we talked for the first time," you meet him?"
"Ya he's the ring master from what I can tell."
"Krista you have to get those kids outta their or something bad is gonna happen."
"Like bad I spilled on the sofa or bad I open a rip to the world of demons?"
"The bad as in you could die bad."
"Oh~. So any idea what-" I stopped as I heard footsteps draw closer. I ducked under some storage boxes and hide as a figure came over to the caged traveler that held the adults. I couldn't hear what he was saying but Grunkle Stan sure had a colorful variety of words coming from his mouth yelling at whoever it was. I snuck away quietly and got out of their as I made my way to the Big top again.
    Bill disappeared and I didn't see him anywhere. I entered the huge tent again only to be greeted with silence yet I couldn't help but notice slumped figures on the seats. Then a bright light shined right at me blinding me. A figure walked towards me and grabbed my arm pulling me with them until the brightness went away. I saw that I was in the middle on top of the ring master spot with the hazel eyed boy next to me smirking down at me.
"Seems like we have a volunteer for the next act?" He looked at me with a dark look in his eyes I couldn't help but feel a shiver go down my back.
I couldn't move. My body went stiff as one of his hands gripped me shoulder as the other hand was in front of me. I knew I had to run but nothing seemed to listen as he whispered in my ear in a dark distorted tone. His fingers snapped in front of my face and everything went blank as I slowly fell unconscious.
"Now the real show starts now and you're the main event little one."

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