We'll meet some sunny day

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     It was finally time to head back home. Back to California. Andy had already packed up his stuff and was with everyone downstairs. I closed my suitcase, grabbed it off the bed and headed towards the bedroom door. Before I closed it I looked around the room, seeing it so empty was unusual since I can still remember all the times me and Andy turned into a disaster zone.
"I'm sure gonna miss this place."
    I shut the door and went down stairs to see every one waiting for me. Once I made it down, Dad grabbed my suitcase from my hand, we all followed until he stopped at the bus stop and set the cases on the ground. We begin to say our goodbyes as the bus rolled up to us. It was then I heard barking, before I knew it I was pushed down into my butt with a black wolf on me licking/nuzzling my face. He let out a whine as I stood up.
"I'm sorry, Kuro. I can't take you back with me. But I'm sure one of the guys will take care of you until I return."
    I stroked his head before pulling away. He took some steps back and looked at me. I wanted to take him with me but I don't think it would be the right place for him to grow up. He is after all a hell wolf pup after all.
"Krista! Come on we're about to go!" Dad called out as he, mom, and Andy were already on the bus.
"Yeah! I'm coming!" I yelled back.
"Don't I get a good-bye, Chaos?" Everything turned black and white, nothing was moving except me, Kuro and a certain blonde haired dream demon.
"I thought you weren't coming."
"Had some stuff to do before I could get here. Did ya miss me!" Bill teased
"Not in the slightest."
"Come on, Chaos! That hurts ya know. And here I thought you finally began to like me." Kuro, who was now behind, growled at Bill.
"Of course I like you Bill." I said seriously. Bill ,on the other hand, had turned a bright red in embarrassment and shock.
"Y-ya do?!" He stutters out.
"Yeah after all you are my best friend!" I smiled, and didn't notice how he sweat drop at my statement. He smiled before taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and give to me.
"Don't open it till your on the bus, 'kay." I nodded before everything was back to color. Everyone saw Bill, standing in front of me. He was yelled at by Stan and Ford. I giggled a bit and leaned down to whisper something in Kuro's ear.
"Make sure to keep him out of trouble,okay."
"Oi! Don't ask the mutt to look after me! What the hell!? Do ya trust me so little!?" I heard him yell as I boarded the bus. I took a window seat in the back with Andy two rows in from of me and mom and dad on the other side. As the bus moved, everyone waved to us as we departed from Gravity Falls.
I opened the paper that Bill had given me. In the middle of the page it said "See ya soon" and all around it were multiple signatures from different people. I flipped it to see the back to see that there was only one thing written.

Can't wait to see ya next summer. Love ya, kid.

"Stupid idiot, this doesn't make me happy at all."
My face turned a whole shade of red. I smiled a bit before putting it back into my pocket. I couldn't help but giggle a bit as I watch the sun shined brighter than it did before as we exited Gravity Falls and made our way back home. I couldn't wait to see him next time.

4 years later

Bill was carrying some of the shacks merchandise when he heard the bell on the door ring.
"Welcome to the Mystery Sha-"
He started saying until he say a girl who reached up to his shoulders. Her long red hair reached to the back of her knees and she had blue eyes that were as bright as a crystal. She looked around the age of 16 and her chest was at least an A or B. She was beautiful, that much he could tell. Yet he was shocked to see a familiar Pine tree hat resting on her head.
He dropped the box he was holding as he looked on at the figure standing in front of him. Not caring if he got yelled at later for breaking the merchandise. Wondering if it was even real or if he was dreaming at the moment.
"Hey, Bill. I'm back." Krista says and greeted him with a smile that he longed to see after 4 long years.

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