Back to how we were

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Krista's p.o.v.
    It's been a few days since the Poker incident and none of my family members have talked to me except Andy. That stopped once he found out and was told by Grunkle Ford to keep away from me for a while. Now me and Andy have different bedrooms but I got to stay in the attic while he stays with dad in his room. Even Bill hasn't come to see me and I really wanted to tell him about the dream I had last night.
    I kept hearing the chant from when I was in the house of mirrors. It sounds the same but I kept seeing a girl with blue hair wearing white clothes singing as she sat staring into a icy landscape. She never turned so I didn't see her face. Unfortunately the dream got worse, I heard screaming and found myself surrounded by crystals as unwelcomed feeling of despair and loneliness settled in.
The crystals began to grow into a darker color and spike out from the ground, but one opening is always left when a hand grabs mine and pulls me from the dream. That's when I wake up from my nightmare. It was weird being all by myself, without Andy's annoyance to make me say a remark which rials him up. We ate in silence and never spoke and when I try to even talk to Andy he gets all nervous and runs out of the room. Dad and my Grunkles have tried to get me to talk about what my relationship with Bill is but I didn't say a thing.
Right now I'm at a contest without my family noticing that I was there. Andy had entered the singing contest with Midnight and it was almost there turn. I sat in the back so no one would see me except that didn't work since Midnight spotted me immediately.
"Kai!" Midnight began using my nickname after we talked every night when she sneaks into my room during my 'detention'.
"Midnight what's wrong did something happen?"
"I need you to sing with Andy."
"Huh? Why?!"
"Something came up and I have to go right now! Please Kai! Just this once?"
"Okay." I sighed as Midnight grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me back stage where I see Andy.
"Midnight where were you?! We're on after this one."
"Yeah sorry but you're now gonna be singing with your sis, Andy."
"Huh?/What!?" Me and Andy said at the same time.
"You need to get over the fact that Kai kept this secret from you when you yourself never asked her about how weird she was behaving. It's time to settle this between the two of you now then let it ruin your relationship forevermore!"
Midnight walked off leaving me and Andy alone with each other for the first time. I couldn't even look at him but then again he couldn't look at me either. We jumped when we heard the announcer voice call for us.
"Alright now for our last performance, it a duet sung by Andy and Kai Pines let's give these two siblings a hand shall we folks." Claps were heard as the curtains were raised. I looked at Andy but he froze. I look out in the audience to see dad and our Grunkles looking at us. Andy wouldn't be able to start us off and I didn't know the song he picked so I sang the one that we both knew.
(Play the song up top)

K- Hey Brother, There's an endless road to rediscover
    Andy looks over at me as I sang before opening his mouth to sing the next part.

A- Hey Sister, Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker
    I looked away knowing what the line applied. I didn't mean to keep it a secret it's just that I wanted a friend who liked me for me besides Andy.
A/K- Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
    We stepped away from each other and soon were on opposite sides of the stage still not looking at each other. Unknown to each other we looked at each other from the corner of our eyes.

K- Hey Brother, do you still believe in one another
A- Hey Sister, do you still believe in love? I wonder
A/K- Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
I was a bit nervous and scared as well but I didn't want to let Andy down. I couldn't let my fault be the reason why he lost the competition. I thought we ended the song there so I pulled the mic away and put my back to his person.

A- What if I'm far from home?
Those words startled me but gave me a little bit of courage to look back at him to see Andy look at me as if pleading to forgive him. So I answered.

K- Oh brother, I will hear you call!
What if I lose it all?
Andy smiled at me as I continued to sing. Happy I didn't abandon him and forgave him for ignoring me. That I would stay by him for now.

A-Oh sister, I will help you out!
A/K- Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
We finally began to look each other as we stop upon the stage. Healing unseen wounds that were made.

K- Hey Brother, There's an endless road to rediscover
A- Hey Sister, do you still believe in love? I wonder
A/K- Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
We were close enough to each other that we grabbed each other's hand and danced with each other with Andy laughing and me giggling from time to time. Not worried about the contest but about how we were going to help each other out just like we promised.

A- What if I'm far from home?
K- Oh brother, I will hear you call!
What if I lose it all?
A-Oh sister, I will help you out!
A/K- Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
By the time the song ended and the announcer stated that we had won, Andy tackled me into a hug afterwards mumbling apologies into my ear while crying a bit. I just held him knowing that I now have my brother back from my twisted family.

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