Trusting Cipher part 1

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Its been a full week since Bill has been freed and since I got my dad to let me keep Kuro. Midnight was still unsure about Kuro and she still didn't trust Bill even when I told her that he didn't seem to have any bad intentions. It also seems that Bill doesn't like her either so he pisses her off just to get under her skin.
"Bill!" Just like now.
"What seems to be the matter, Eclipse?"
"Turn my hair back to normal right now!"
"Aw why?~ I think pink suits you quite nicely."
Kuro looked on as the two started to bicker. He shook his head and looked as the curtains were pulled back to see me dressed in the costume Grunkle Stan had told me to wear for the tourists.(pic above). Kuro barked as he saw me which made the other two stop and look. Midnight had a confused look while Bill's was equally so as well as sweat dropped.
"Chaos does Fez always make you dress in stuff like that?"
"Not always I sometimes dress as a wolf, tiger, or a fox hybrid."
"Which one are you now, Kai?"
"Grunkle Stan called it a rare white striped panther."
They looked at each other before turning their backs towards me and started to whisper to each other.
"Hey what are you guys whispering about?!"
"Nothing!" They said it simultaneously. I shook my head before going to where I was supposed to be displayed for the tourists. The blue wig was really uncomfortable but I didn't mind but as the tourists came I could see that Midnight kept on glancing over in my direction every so often. I didn't see Bill anywhere though.
    Most of the tourists left except for a few, there was a bit that kept looking at me which was weird. He looked about 16, black/green hair and brown eyes. He actually talked to me but the conversation got weird when he said something about 'getting me to meow for him'. At that point I grabbed his arm and flipped him to which he landed with a thud.
After I had flipped him, I walked upstairs and laid upon my bed exhausted from the whole day. I fell asleep soon after I had laid down so I didn't hear Midnight come in and take off my wig letting my brown hair onto the bed before leaving the bedroom so that I could rest.

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