Can you find me?

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The group found themselves in a room with many stairs, doors and passages. It was a labyrinth. Krista's Labyrinth.
"Well we better get looking, we're gonna get no where if we just stand here." Dipper stated before walking up on of the many staircases. The rest follow behind while looking at the huge labyrinth. It didn't take long before Dipper got to the first door. He opened it only to have fire burst out when he did.
"Wow!" Dipper yells in surprise as he gets out of the way of the blast. The others besides Bill run towards him to make sure he didn't get any injuries. They then heard a voice that echoed around them.
"That's one! Now you guys only have 9 more chances to find me!"
"What! You didn't say anything about that!"
"I thought it was obvious, one door for each person and if none of you find me then you lose! Any way good luck!"
"Okay so we only have a few more chances to find her." Allen says.
"That would be fine if....there weren't so many freaking doors !" Midnight yells out as she gestured to the thousands of doors that spread across the place.
"It's not like we're given a choice, Eclipse. Chaos wants to play this game so we just have to go along with it." Bill stated as he continued to walk up another flight of stairs.
    As time went on, they opened a few more doors. Stan, Ford, Wesley, Allen, even Andy; none of them were the correct door. All that were left to open the doors were Bill, Midnight, and Pacifica. None wanted to take a chance to open a door only for it to be a dead end. It wasn't until they got up higher to the 45th floor that something was heard. A child's giggle.
"Did anyone else hear that?" Wesley asked looking around like everyone else. The giggles stopped and feet padding the ground was heard. They saw a small figure for a split second on the top of the next set of stairs before it vanished out of sight.
"Okay that was freaky." Allen states.
"No kidding." Stan says.
"Alright, Midnight your up!" Andy says as he pushes the said girl.
"Fine I get it, I get it!" Midnight replies as she shoves him off from her. She walked up the stairs and a door caught her eye. It was a black door with chain designs on it as if it was saying it shouldn't be opened. She was about to open the door when another hand entered her line of vision.
"Just open the door already would ya?" Bill voice echoed as his hand pushed against the door.
"Wait Bill hold on for a sec-" Midnight hand also touched the door but then it slammed opened making the two of them fall through the doorway.
"Took your sweet time didn't ya?"
The voice was distorted yet it still sounded female. The two looked up and there she was. A female about 16 years of age leaning against the back wall with her arms crossed while sporting a smirk. The appearance was the same as the one she took outside except for her eyes. They were golden and held a dark mischief flare in them.
"Hope the traps didn't scare ya too much."
"Kirina? What are you..." Pacifica says as she and the others enters the room. When Kuro enters and sees her, he lets out a little whimper and hides behind Allen.
"Sorry sweetheart but Kirina's out of commission."
"What do ya mean?" Ford asks cautiously
"Don't worry nothing bad, only just that she probably returned to Kai." The girl shrugged as if it was a big deal all the while smirking.
"She what!" Everyone but Bill yelled
"Kirina wasn't really a real person in the first place. Only part of Krista's being, more specifically her loneliness."
"Kirina was loneliness?" Midnight states as her eyes widens at the fact. The girl merely smirked as she saw each of their reactions.
"It really is surprising how powerful an emotion can be."
"Then what are you? What emotion are you?" Wesley asks
"You think I'm an emotion? Let me tell you this I'm not. But let me ask you this, if Kirina, her loneliness, was as strong as it was then just how strong do you think her instincts are?"
"Your..." Bill starts but doesn't end as he stared at the girl.
"Ding Ding ding! We got a winner! From the way your eyes widened I figure you found out. That's right Cipher, I'm Krista's instincts."
"Then you know where she is?" Pacifica asks desperately
"What makes you say I know? And even if I knew it would be a wasted effort anyways." The girl waved her hand dismissively.
"How come?" Dipper voice rings out.
"Well no one has ever found her when she plays. What makes you think you can find her? Anyway I think you've been in this room for long enough so, can you find me? "
    One minute they were in the room and the next they were outside of it and the door slammed shut. When it shut the door disappeared.
"What the hell was that about!?" Midnight yelled. Everyone was a bit frustrated with what happened. Pacifica was thinking about what the girl had said before they were forced out. It sounded familiar but she wasn't exactly sure.

"Let's see if you can find me, mama! I'm really good at hiding!"

    Pacifica eyes widened as she remembered that certain memory, the one when Krista loved playing hide-and-seek. No one but her could find her and the only way to find her was to use a simple trick. She walked to the next set of stairs and yelled out something that made the rest stop what they were doing and look in her direction.
"Are you ready!?"
"Pacifica, what are you-" Dipper was asking until a voice responded back.
"Not quite yet!" A child's voice had answered back and giggled a bit at the end.
Everyone was shocked at first, but Pacifica kept going at it following the response. She had climbed up about 8 flights of stairs before coming to a door. The door was white with black vines that sprouted white lilies. I'm the center at the top was a circle which the vines surrounded. A wolf that was looking at the moon was in the circle.
"Are you ready?!" Pacifica once again shouted and this time a different answer was shouted back.
"Come find me!"
With only slight hesitation, Pacifica opened the door. Only to be greeted to a bed room that was familiar. It was the attic bedroom that Krista had been sharing with Andy, but this room only had one bed. Everything else looked exactly the same, even the triangle window seat.
"Hey Pacifica don't" Dipper appears along with the others. They looked in the room and seemed shocked to how it resembles that room back at the shack.
"Oi! Pacifica, where-" Stan yelled out to her but she puts a finger to her lips.  
    Everyone was silent as she walked around the room until she ended up in front of a door which she opened. Everyone watched as the door opened to which they were shocked to see. Pacifica just smiled and kneeled down and said,"I found you." The person giggled before leaping into her arms.
"You found me, Mommy!" The voice had belonged to a child version of Krista.

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