Chapter Six.

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Elsa's P-O-V

I wore a gray dress and put my hair in a tight bun. I slip in my black heels and wore a light make up. I looked at myself in the mirror before heading going to my office to take the token that I will give the in charge later.
I was heading going downstairs when Lyra met me halfway and informed me that Jack is waiting for me downstairs. I nodded and proceed going to the living room and saw him waiting for me. He is wearing a dark blue sweatshirt and black jeans with black shoes. His white disheveled hair looked great on him as always and I can't help but to stare. He gave me his attractive smile as I walked towards him.

"Good afternoon,  Elsa." He Greeted. "You look stunning today."

I smiled. "Well,  thank you Jack..  You don't look bad yourself."

"Thanks. So shall we go?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered and we went outside while he guide me going to his car and drove away.

"So,  what are we going to do there,  Elsa?" He enquired.

"I am going to talk to the one in charge with the archives of the kingdom and to ask if they found something new." I answered while he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Why do you like the history of Arendelle so much?" He asked. "Girls like you found it a bit boring and irritating."

I shrugged. "I guess I found myself connected with the events and I am not some normal kind of girl you will found in your university and let me remind you, I live in a museum."

"So,  that is why you are some kind of linked?"

I nodded. "I can see different life events in my dreams every night like they are real which bothers me a little and I don't know the reason why..  Anyway, how about you? Why did you taken up the course of History of Arendelle?"

He smiled. "I found it interesting and fun."

"Really?" I laughed. "You are the first student that said that. But,  what do I know?  You are the first student that I spend my time with."

"Well,  I want to know something about you." He said. "What is your full name?"

I rolled my eyes. "Elsa Winters. You are obviously not listening on what I am saying yesterday. Is it because I am too young to be a curator?"

He laughed. "Nope. Anyways.. When is your birthday?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. " I am celebrating my birthday when father took me in. That is December twenty one. It is winter that time."

"So,  you are not sure about your real age?"

"Yes..  I just thought that I am eighteen. I mean,  I felt like I am eighteen." I answered. "I do not really remember."

"Why are you like that?" He enquired. "I mean,  you're talking like you're from a different time."

I frowned. "Am I? Well,  I did not notice that. I think I am speaking just fine."

"Well, it is obvious in the way you speak." He smiled. "But,  I guess they are a'right."

"Well,  if that is a compliment then I would say thank you." I laughed. "But if not,  then I would just ignore that statement of yours."

He chuckled. "You are different. Well,  a good kind of different."

"Well,  thank you for the compliment." I smiled. "Well,  let us stop talking about me,  tell me something about you."

He frowned. "What do you want to know about me?"

"I already know your full name so..." I thought for a moment. "Alright,  tell me about your life in your school. What is it like?"

"Hard?  There some exams and stuff. Lectures for the whole day with boring professors and an hour of lunch time with friends then back to lectures again." He said. "Kind of boring. They will give you lectures and then give you assignments and projects, you will be taking up a test for what you learned an hour ago and examination of what you learned in the whole semester and you will forget all about it after the exam. It is not learning actually. It is like they are giving us test on how well did we remember the things we learned a night before the exam."

"What are you doing in time of lecture?"

"Sitting and listening to the teacher." He answered. "And it is really boring if you ask me."                    

I frowned. "Are you enjoying the time you spent in that room while they are teaching?"

He shook his head. "Nope, but not all the time. It is just some of the professors are strict and students are afraid of them. Well, not all of them. But you know what I mean."

I made a face. "Maybe that is the reason why you do not learn that much. You should enjoy studying and not be bragged about it. In my opinion,  you can't learn something if you do not enjoy the way you have studied. Students are kind of bored because they are not interested by the way it is delivered and it is not kind of interesting ?  I don't know how to explain this well, the professors should make a way to get the attention of the students without being strict or cold. They should not be a terror because that is a way of shutting the students out. They should be gentle and welcome the students' enquiries about the topic and you should explore,  in that way you will be learning more and that would be staying in your mind for long and not just because there is a test coming."

"Did you enjoy studying the history?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes and I am still learning. That is why we are on our way going to the palace."

"Oh. You're really should be one of our professors." He laughed. "It is like you know more about the subject."

I rolled my eyes.  "I committed my life for the sake of history. Plus,  teachers and professors knows more than you so you should give them respect even though they are cold hearted and stuff."

"Right." He chuckled.

I frowned. "What. I thought we are going to talk about you! Why are talking about your professors?"

He laughed. "You're the one who asked. Anyway,  I am like you. I am adopted by my parents named as Lily and Jake Frost. I grew up here in Arendelle and that is pretty much it."

"Oh. Okay." I sighed and looked outside.
We are almost in our destination and I can see the gates of the palace already.
He halt into a stop and parked the car in a nearby parking area. We went out and proceed inside the palace.

"It is good to see you again, Ms. Winters." One of the guards greeted me and look at Jack. "You have brought a guest."

I nodded. "Yes. He is with me today to talk to the in charge."

"Oh. Mr. Fitzgerald is in his office." He smiled. "Do you want me to accompany you?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you. Is there royalties present in the palace today?"

"Yes. Princess Alia is in her room." He answered. "She is actually waiting for you."

"Really?  Well,  I am going to visit her after my meeting with Mr. Fitzgerald." I smiled before entering and proceed to the office with Jack tagging along by my side.

"You know Princess Alia?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes. We have been pretty close last year."

He gasped. "Oh. I didn't know you would be having connections with the royal family."

I rolled my eyes. "I live in a museum that talks about their life for generations. Of course I am going to be connected to them for some reasons."

"OK. You're full of surprises." He said while smiling.  I looked at him weirdly as we entered the office.

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