Chapter Fifteen❄

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Elsa's P-O-V.

Darkness,  that is all I am seeing right now. I can't feel anything,  I felt numb. I can't feel my limbs.
What happened to me?  I can't feel my body and I felt like I am drowning in a middle of a black water with no one around to save me. No one and yet I still felt comforted by the fact that I am still drowning.

"Elsa.  Wake up." An angelic voice said from somewhere though I can't see his face. "Elsa please."
After a few more moment of being drowned in the black yet comforting water of misery,  I can finally see light.
I was blinded at first yet it slowly opened up like a view that is being revealed to me. It was blurred at first until I saw his face getting clearer and clearer. I saw the boy in my dreams facing me.

"Frosty." I whispered,  unconsciously.

His eyes widened. "Wh-what did you call me?"

My eyes begun to adjust and I saw Jack's worried face in front of me. I looked around the room which is color white and a bright light in the middle of the ceiling. There is a table beside my bed and a television hanged on the wall which facing the bed that is placed in the middle of the room. A long bench is on the side and a window on the other side of the room. I glanced back at Jack again.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry.  I am just... Never mind. Where am I?" I am out of my mind,  thinking he is the one in my dreams.

He sighed sadly. "I just thought....  Uhm...  You're in the hospital. You fell unconscious when we are in the park talking so I rush you here. I am so worried."

"Oh." I sighed. "I'm sorry...  Did Lyra know?"

He nodded. "I called her using your phone on our way here."

"What did the doctor said?"

Just then the doctor came in and smiled warmly at me when he saw me already awake. He is young,  probably in his late twenties. His green eyes and black hair is quite attractive along his features and his pale skin is getting paler with the light in this room.

"Good to see you,  Ms. Winters." He said. "My name is Dr. Leonardo Sanford."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. "So,  what's wrong with me?"

"You're just stress. Are you up late at night this past few days?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes. I am finishing some reports for the museum."

"Lack of sleep can also be the reason for your being unconscious." He said while scribbling something in a notepad he is carrying. "I guess you need to relax and take some off when it comes to your work."
He tore the top sheet of the notepad and gave it to me. "You need to drink this medicines and vitamins that I prescribed to you and relaxation always helps. No stress for now,  Ms. Winters."

"Just call me Elsa." I smiled.  "And I will try to do that."

"Oh. You should really do that.  I guess,  Jack here can take care of that,  right?" He turned to looks at Jack.

He just nodded and looked at me again.

"You're allowed to go home." The doctor said before giving us a smile and walked away.

I stood from the bed and Jack helped me to walk. We went to the parking lot and drove off going to the museum.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked.

I nodded. "I am just going to rest this off and I will be fine in the morning."

"Okay.  I will be visiting you tomorrow after class." He said while a smile tagged in his lips.

I smiled. "Okay."


It was the day after my sudden emergency in the hospital and I am in the living room of the museum,  waiting for Jack to come around.

"Oohh..  Prince charming isn't here yet." Lyra tease while sitting beside me.

I rolled my eyes. "Prince charming?  Where did that come from?"

"You know,  the fairy tale books I am reading." She shrugged while showing me a book with the Cinderella on the cover. "So, tell me some updates Ms. Elsa. What did he say?"

I rolled my eyes. Why is she reading those books?  She is too old for them but what can I do?  She is really a bit childish.

"I was rushed to the hospital,  Lyra." I sighed. "I don't understand anything he said before that.  I was dizzy." That part was a lie though. I remember what he told me I just don't want Lyra to know it now until everything is still chaotic.

Lyra groaned. "Ms. Elsa. It is your chance already to have your happily ever after and your being dizzy ruined it."

"Lyra,  why are you so interested in my love life?" I chuckled.

"Because it is about time for you to have someone to love!  You have been shutting out all the boys that are showing preference to you." She explained. "And you're so cute together."

I laughed. "Whatever you say,  Lyra.  Whatever you say."

"But I am serious. You need to find a man of your own and be happy." She frowned. "And I think Jack will be a perfect guy for you."

"And why do you say that?" I chuckled. "Any evidence you want to present?"

"Oh. Not today,  your honor." She teased. "My ship will soon sail."

I laughed. "Oh Lyra." 

Just then a maid came to inform me that Jack is here so I told her to let him in. Lyra winked at me before going away and I waited for Jack to come around.
His familiar footsteps echoed around the silent hall and I can't help but to get nervous every time I heard it getting nearer and nearer.
Then suddenly,  he walked in the room and I can't help but to flash him a smile. His white disheveled hair and the warmest smile was revealed to me,  the kind of smile that will leave you breathless. My heart skipped a beat and sends butterflies in my stomach.  Why am I feeling this way?

"Hello." I greeted with so much happiness in my voice.

Another smile crept in his face and his husky angelic voice came in my ear like the sweetest music in the whole world, making it stop for turning.



Cliffhanger. :) don't hate me.  Lol.  ❄ I love you snowbabes. :) ❄❄

>Sapphire Snowflakes. ❄❄

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