Chapter Twelve❄

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Jack's P-O-V.

Hanging out in the nearby cafe with Mer and Hic is something I need to do after a stressful examination. They seemed to be confident with their answers due to Elsa's help when they are studying.

"When are we going to visit Elsa again,  Jack?" Mer asked. "I kind of missing her already."

Hic laughed. "Do you miss her or the food they are serving?"

"Both." Merida answered. "Come on. We should visit her after this exam week. We need to thank her for helping us."

"She does have a point Jack." Hiccup agreed. "So,  when can we meet her?"

I shook my head. "I don't know.  My parents are telling me to not to be close to her. They said she have a bad reputation."

"Uhh...  What reputation?" Merida frowned. "She looks pretty fine to me."

"Yep." Hiccup nodded. "I think there is nothing wrong with her."

"Gossips are circulating that she became the mistress of Mr. Winters and killed him." I answered. "I don't believe it though."

Mer rolled her eyes. "Seriously?  She don't look like a killer to me plus she is the kindest girl that I have met. Plus,  I know that you like her Jack."

"I've got a girlfriend,  Mer." I answered. "I have no right to like someone else."

Hiccup snorted. "A girlfriend you seldomly meet? You told us you were attracted to her because she reminds you of someone but you told us that she changed. We saw her actually. Talking to a boy named Eugene yesterday."

Merida coughed. "Talking?  They were kissing!"

My eyes furrowed. "What? Are you telling me that she is cheating on me?"

"What do you expect bud?  You never talk to her now." Hiccup said. "You are busy with Elsa while she is busy with her new companion."

"I think I need a word with her." I sighed.  This surprise me. Why am I not hurt to learn that she is already having another guy in her life?  Maybe because I have never loved her in the first place. It is always Elsa who are in my heart. She may not remember me now but I know she will someday. But,  being demanded to not talk to her will be a bit hard and I know that I can't disobey my parents now,  they took me in when I am helpless. I don't want to hurt their feelings even though they are not my real parents.

"Jack,  look...  We know that you don't have anymore feelings with that girlfriend of yours.  I think you need to broke up and set things straight. Plus,  this is our last year in College. We are going on our separate ways soon." Mer sighed. "And I guess,  Elsa likes you too. I mean,  look how attached she is already with you. She seems to trust you enough for her to let you enter in her own world. The world where only her lives in."

"The museum?" I asked,  sarcastically.

Hiccup made a face. "Her dreams,  dummy."

"Look,  she have a dream about who knows what and called you in two in the morning." Merida pointed out. "She open up to you and she trusted you enough with her precious tidbits of her life."

"Because I am her friend." I said.

"We are her friends too but why isn't she opening up to us?" Hiccup asked. "Maybe because she knows you the longest out of the three of us but she knows Lyra for almost the two years she considered her whole life!  Why not call her?"

I sighed.  They do have a point but the thing that hey don't know is that we are already connected before because we already knows each other before. She just don't remember me or my name.

I just shook my head. "I don't know I am confused now."

"Okay.  Enough with that.  Call your girlfriend and straighten things out or what. Your life is a big mess." Merida said. "You need to end things up with her and start a new one with Elsa. She is far more okay than Rapunzel."

"You know that she is your friend too." I frowned.

"That was before." They said.            

"She is far more prettier than Rap." Mer mumbled but enough for me to hear.  I just ignored her statement and grab my phone from my pocket and dialed Rap's number.

"Hey." She greeted the receiver.

"Hey Rap. Can we meet?" I asked.

She laughed nervously. "Sure...  Uhmm.  When and where?"

"Four o'clock today.  In the Plaza." I answered.

"Oo.... Kay....  Sure....  See you. Bye." She hung up and I just sighed and shoved the phone back to my pocket.

"What did she say?" Mer asked.

"We are going to meet later." I said.

"Well,  good luck bud." Hiccup laughed.


I am sitting on a bench that is shaded with trees nearby. This is my favorite place. I glanced at my watch that indicate the time. 4:10 pm.
Sighing. She is always late when it comes t
Something like this.   

"Hey." A voice said behind me.  I turned around and saw Rapunzel smiling at me.  She is wearing a skinny jeans and high heels and a black off shoulder blouse. She sat beside me and took a deep breath.  Her hair is in a tight bun and her make up is professionally done as always.

"I think we need to talk about us,  Rap." I said while lowering my head. "I never thought we would be in a situation like this."

She nodded. "I know...  I am sorry. I know that everything came when I started to change to gain popularity in school. I didn't realize that it is not that important."

I sighed. "I think we need to put an end to all this. I know you are already having an affair with some other guy."

"I am so sorry about that." She whispered. "Eugene is such a great guy and I know that we are already in a complicated fall out situation."

"I understand." I smiled. "Don't worry. I think I am also falling in love with someone."

Rap chuckled. "You mean the pretty curator?  Yeah.  It Is all over the uni lately. You are seen with her every time you are out."

"We are just friends." I rubbed my neck. "And she is the smartest girl that I know."

"Actually,  you two look great together." She laughed. "If I am not your girlfriend. Well,  ex girlfriend.  I would definitely ship you both."

I smirked. "As much as I wanted to, I think that is not going to happen."

"Why not?"

I sighed in frustration.  "My parents are believing those gossips about Elsa. They want me to keep my distance to her."

She smirked. "Come on Jack. I know you better than that.  No one can stop you when you want something and I know that you're not giving up to Elsa."

"You know me too well,  Rapunzel." I said.

She sighed. "She is the one you're looking for. I know that."


"You told me before that you are looking for a girl and if you found her,  you will be the happiest man on earth." She laughed. "She is the one you're looking for.  I can see that. I can see a spark in your eye every time you mention Elsa's name."

I blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Jackson Frost is blushing." She stated. "I just hope you're going to be happy with her."

"Thank you Rap." I said while holding her hand. "I hope you will be happy with Eugene too."

"I hope I will." She smiled and we hugged each other before we went on our separate ways.

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