Chapter 6

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"The best memories come from bad ideas"
"Where did you disappear Saturday night and why wasn't you answering my calls Sunday?" Ari said with her hands on her hips.

"Nowhere, I went home and umm I don't have my phone" I lied but the part about me not having my phone was true.

"You're such a terrible liar Omg you can't lie to save your life Ally"

she's right I can't lie people always know when I'm lying I'll probably die if I had to tell a lie to save myself.

"How do you know I'm lying" I don't know why I can't tell her that I was with kai and I forgot my phone in his car oh wait I do she would think more of the situation.

"Because I called your house phone both Saturday and Sunday and Saturday night your mom said she though you was with me and Sunday well nobody answer" well Sunday dad had a doctor appointment to check his heart.

"Arghh fine"

"Omg really awww cute" ewwwww no see what I meant. I told her everything and she start saying cute CUTE.

"NOOOO EEWW" I said crunching up my face.

"Oh shut up you know you had fun" okay maybe she is right I did had fun but so what.

We were walking to class when two pairs of hands went around my eyes. And someone whispered in my ears.

"Guess who" I shivered because of his breath against my ears and neck. I know It was kai, I know his cologne and he is the only one that is always whispering in my ears and plus no other guy's talk to me so he's my only option.

"Kai move away from me" I pulls his hands from my eyes and spin around to face him.

"What?" I asked and I saw ari smiling like a idiot beside me *roll eyes*

"Aww rude, aren't you happy to see me" he asked pouting lord stop it with the pout already.

"Truthfully no" I shook my head

"Uh I'm hurt and here I thought we were friends"

"Yes but your presence still annoys me now give me my phone" I stretch my hands out to him.

"First say you miss me and you are happy to see me" I gasp, what hell no why should I say that in order to get MY own phone. But ari find all this amusing because she was busy laughing now. She knew pretty well I wouldn't do that.

"In your dreams kai, now give me my phone"

"I'm serious, say those words and the phone is yours"

"The phone is MINE" why did I agree to be friends with him again?

"Fine keep it" I took ari hands and went off to class with her laughing which made me want to drag her back and leave her with him instead. I'll get it somehow from him, he have same class with us.
"Alyssa can you tell me the answer" Miss Colleen said catching my attention. I'm screwed my mind was so far away I wasn't paying attention in class.

"Um uh can you repeat the question" I said nervously arghh why am I so worry about kai I should be thrilled that he didn't show up for this period but I need my phone.

Yea keep telling yourself that.

"Pay attention Jefferson" she scolded. She uses your Suriname when she is upset.

I looked at ari and she give me the, what is up look, and I give her the nothing. Yes when you are best friend for years you learn to communicate through look.
"Just say it and you will get your phone, you don't have to mean it" ari said eating her pizza. Even if I do kai didn't show up for second nor third period.

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