Chapter 3

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"Bad boy has bad mood swings"

The next class I had was Drama and our teacher is Miss Julie she is a nice layback teacher the most layback one they have, I like her.

Ari and I took a seat in the middle of the class and was waiting for Miss Julie to come, while other students were either not here, on their phone and others busy talking.

Finally, Miss Julie show up with a couple of student behind her including kai I looked at him and our eyes caught but I looked away quickly. Ari must have noticed because I heard her chuckle.

"Okay class well we are starting a new book today so I will be pairing you guys in groups but it will be a pair of boy and girl" she picks up a paper and started calling names.

Josh- Aria
Joey - Danny
Clair-zack I haven't seen Clair before she must be the new girl with kai. I wonder what relation they share no I'm not jealous I'm just curious.

Naomi- Brandon
Couple names pass until mine was called.

Alyssa- kai did she say kai as in the new kid kai.

Do you know any other kai ally?

"So now go sit next to your partner" Miss Julie said and the student started moving around. Ari went and sit with Josh with a big smile on her face, of course, she would be happy she is probably doing a happy dance in her head. I was about to get up and look for kai when i felt someone present next to me I looked up and saw beautiful brown eyes which belongs to none other than kai.

"Hey glasses"

"Um hi," I said biting my lips something I tend to do when I'm nervous.

His eyes switch to them then to my eyes again.

"Good now that we have covered that, the book that we will be doing is Romeo and Juliet" she sounds excited to do the book most of the girls are because they were squealing while the boys groaned and I groaned with them and put my head on the desk. Why? Because I hate that book.

"Hmm someone don't seem interesting like the rest of girls," kai said beside me which made me lift my head.

"I'm not like most girls and I hate that book"

"Whoa really? First girl, most find it romantic, why don't you?"

"Well, I find it stupid because why would you end your life for someone, a life that was given to you, life is special it is a gift and those two kids took it for granted because why for love? They were still teens for god sake"

"Damn someone sounds like they don't believe in love"

"That's because I kind of doesn't" he was about to say something when Miss Julie cut in.

"Well students instead of doing our usual read then act out the book when we are finished I decide to change things up, instead each pair would get a scene or part from the book and would act it out, you have until Friday to practice and showcase your acting skills" students cheers again. She shared out a sheet with the parts we will be acting and guess what, kai and I got the scene where Romeo and Juliet first met and kiss LIKE WHAT THE HELL.

"I love this part" kai muttered which made me glare at him.

And just in time, the bell rang indicating it's time for lunch.
"You guys have a hot scene, why Josh and I couldn't have gotten that," Ari said pouting.

"Hello he have a girlfriend but I would gladly switch parts with you" honestly I would, I hate romance well I like it in books but that's all friction and this is the reality and I hate it in reality much less me acting a romantic scene that's just a big NO.

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