Chapter 19

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"Pain of lost?"


"Ally, Kai's calling again" Ari groaned putting her face into a pillow on my bed.

"Ignore it"

She mumble something against the pillow but I ignore her.

It have been 2 weeks since school close, I haven't been nowhere but by my front door and back, reason? I'm hiding from Kai.

I have been ignoring his calls or sometimes I let Ari answer it, his text I don't respond to any,

So how long are you planning on keeping this up?- Clair

What? - Me

He wants to come by you- Clair

No don't let him- me

I know but I can't keep this up forever I invited Mai so he would stay back- Clair

Oh- me

So I found out the girl that Kai kiss is Mai, even their names are alike, it's like they were meant to be together.

Sorry I had too, but for how long are you going to keep doing this ally? This summer was suppose to be the best- Clair

She's right this summer was supposed to be the best, things have change I'm not the girl i was before.

So why am I hiding in my room because of a guy.

You're right, I'm coming over with ari-me

Really!!!?- Clair

Yes, see you soon- me

"We're going over at Clair's" I told Ari getting off the bed.

"Urgh do this mean I have to see Ian and Kai?" Ari asked groaning.

"I told you not to blame Ian for Kai, in fact we shouldn't blame nobody but me, he don't know I like him and it's pretty obvious he just like me as a friend, so stop being a baby and talk to Ian, you like him and he likes you" I told Ari walking into my bathroom before she can reply.

"Ally" Kai said surprise and then excited as I enter the house.

He hugged me, and then pulled away.

"We need to talk" he said sternly now. I see his personality disorder is back.

He grab my hands and started pulling me up the stairs. I looked back at Ian, Ari and Clair then my eyes drift to a short hair blond girl she must be Mai, and god is she beautiful! No wonder Kai likes her I'm a girl and I would have dated her if I was a boy with no second thought.

She's perfect and I'm me.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked as we enter his bedroom.



"Why were you ignoring me?"

"I wasn't"

"Really because aria keep answering your phone, my text message never got a respond and for some reason I think Clair keep inviting Mai over so I wouldn't go out to come see you" with every word he keep stepping closer and closer to me while I keep backing away.

"I was sick"

"Sick with what?" He ask still stepping close to me.

"Um I uh well I uh" I sigh hard giving up.

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