Chapter 28

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"A New Chance to try again"


Maybe it was a bad idea for Nathalie to give me this car, after Clair had said kai was shot, I was shock, but after everything had registered, I asked her which hospital he's at and took off before they can talk to me, they kept calling after me but I got into the car and drove away.

I was driving really fast, which wasn't a good idea but didn't had time to register what was good and bad because even if a cop car was blowing on me to stop I would keep driving with cops trailing my ass.

I had my phone in my hand calling Kai number still hoping it was all a dream or prank but he still wasn't picking up.

"Pick up the phone god damn it"

I was about to jump another red light when a jeep came from one of the cross road, I didn't see it but when I did I swerve the car away and lost control of the wheels slamming into a big tree.

I kept looking at my phone in the passenger seat with kai name on it as everything went blank.


I got consciousness, and saw Clair and Ari Crying, they were saying something but I couldn't figure out what, they were talking but I wasn't hearing.

I tried to get up but felt pain, I touch my head and felt something wet, I looked at my hand and saw blood.

"Ally, Ally please stay awake" Ari said to me while crying. "Can someone help me get her out the car and into that one" I heard her shout which made my head ache.

I felt my body being lift and then put down again, I was about to close my eyes when Ari Clap my face easy telling me to stay awake.

"Pleas Ally stay awake, we are close to the hospital" she said still crying.

Yes the hospital, I have to see kai, is he okay.

"I have to see kai" is said trying to get up.

"Ari yes you will see kai, but first we need you treated" she told me when the car came to a sudden stop and Clair was shouting for help.

I was lift out the car again and placed on something, what is happening?

I was being pushed somewhere, I looked away from the bright light that was shining in my eyes and face, when I saw kai being pushed on a cart, I called his name but nothing came out, I tried getting up but was pinned down, I looked to the source and saw a man in white coat, I tried fighting but felt weak and everything went blank again.



After I called Ally parents and told them what happen I head inside the hospital with Clair, I really didn't want to tell ally father he just got his heart transplants, I didn't want nothing to happen to him but I had no choice.

We saw Davis, Ian, Sean, and Lana in the waiting area as we enter, Ian came over to me and I hug crying.

"I saw Ally came in here, what happened to her" He asked rubbing my bad.

"Sh-s-she m-meet with an accident" I stuttered finding it hard to speak.

"Ari i'm sorry i'm so so sorry, we shouldn't have gone none of this would have happened"

I didn't response not because i blame him because I don't, but because my words aren't coming out.

"Don't touch me" I heard Clair shouted making me look up.

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