Chapter 7

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"From nerd to hot mama"

"Are you fucking serious?" Clair asked in shock, looking at me from head to toe.

"Stop swearing damn and what are you talking about"

"Are you really wearing that?" she asked. I looked in my mirror at my outfit and I saw nothing wrong with it I had on a loose long sleeve jersey and a blue jeans. What is wrong with it?!??

"Holy god what are you wearing" ari said in shock as she enter my room. What the hell is up with them and my outfit? I'm beginning to get irritated.

"What is wrong with my outfit?"

"You look like you are going to visit your old grandmother in the homes" Clair said like it wasn't insulting at all. Awesome friends I have. Friends it feel nice to say friends and not just friend.

"Where are the clothes I bought for you?" ari asked this time.

"Closet" I mumble. She walked to the closet and couple minutes later walked back with a black leather short skirt with a netty stockings and a white tank top that says I'm different.

"Change into these now" I was about to object when both her and Clair give me the shut up look. Nice two against one real fair.

"Hurry we have your hair and make up to do and the guys are waiting for us at the party" Clair shout to me in the bathroom and I mimic her. I know I was being childish but that's just me at times.

After I finish dressing with the clothes ari picked out I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't look that bad, it's been a long time since I dress like this. I walked out the door and both girls' eyes were on me and they had content smiles.

"Perfect now hair and makeup, sit" Clair dragged me to my dresser with mirror.

Couples minutes later and they had finish vandalizing me.

"Wow" both said as they look at me.

"I look awful don't I?"

"Take a look for yourself" they spin the chair around and I was in awe, I looked different I actually looked like a normal teen that don't have a worry in the world.

"You look amazing but let's add a little touch" ari said wiggling her eye brows. She went to her bag and pulled out a little container.

She rest it in front of me and it was brown contacts. I looked back at her in shock.

"I know, I'm awesome as I said, I know you are obsess with brown eyes so I went Wednesday and apply for these for you, you can get your dream eyes for couple hours or whenever you want" she said smiling, even I was she really is awesome and I love her.

"Thank you ari, I love you"

"Omg are you people trying to make me cry" Clair said fanning her eyes. I took off my glasses and put the contacts on and I could see just as clear as I could with the glasses.

*Party venue*

When we arrive music was blasting from a mansion, the house was really huge that I didn't want to call it a house, I would be disrespecting it. A lot like a lot of cars were parked outside and kids, drunk kids and sober kids were outside either talking or making out. We got inside and it was kind of crowded, I looked around and saw people on sofa smoking and talking and drinking while others were on the dance floor grinding on each other some even look like they were having sex in the middle of the floor. I was regretting my choice about coming here.

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