Chapter 14

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"I rather hang with the nerd"

I walked out my house the exact moment Kai was about to knock on the door.

His hands were left midair and his eyes scan me up and down, somehow i find myself wondering if I look good.

Since when have I started to care about what I wear and how I look?

I had on a white shirt with a jumper and my short hair was left down hanging right above my shoulders. I also decided to wear my contacts and not the glasses.

"Excited I see" he said with a smug look on his face. I scan him and he is wearing a denim jean and a black fitted jersey, his muscles on full display for me.

"Take a picture sweetie it will last longer"

I looked up at his face and his all boy smirk was present which made me roll my eyes.

"I would, but I love my phone and prefer it without a crack" I told him smiling which made him laugh.

"You look beautiful" he suddenly admit as he held the car door open for me.

"You don't look bad yourself" I told him with a smirk of my own and enter the car.

"You seriously brought us to an arcade?" Kai asked with a surprise look on his face.


"You really are a nerd" he said smiling now.

"Did I ever deny it?" I asked and enter my favorite arcade as a kid and even now.

"Alsay?" Jonny the owner asked as I enter. He had always called me Alsay instead of Alyssa for some reason.

"Hey Jonny" I said smiling big at him.

"Haven't seen you in a while kiddo"

"I know just been busy, but now I'm here to show that delinquent over there the legal ways to have fun" I told him pointing at Kai who was looking around the place.

"Interesting, well let's begin" Jonny said walking into another room at the far end from all the games.

"Where are we going?" Kai asked beside me.

"You'll see" just as I said that Jonny opened a curtain leading to a big place with compartment of laser tag, paint ball, pools, bowling, climb the wall, etc.

Kai eyes lit with excited then he turned to me "Prepare to be a sole loser" he said with a smirk but I just shrug.

"More action, less talking Reid" I said winking at him.

"Are you sure this is the place you want me to show you that" he said smiling at me, I took a while to process what he mean and when I did my eyes opened wide.

That stupid pervert.

"How? Just how?" Kai asked with a shock look on his face.

"What? How I beat you at all the games? Simple I'm a pro" I said smiling big.

"But you're a girl"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear you just say that" I said kind of offended.

"I underestimated you" he said coming close to me.

"Yes you did, so who's the sole loser now Kai?"

"Me" he mumble easily

"What I can't hear you" I said enjoying this.

"Me" he said a little louder.

"A little louder Kai"

"Me!!" he shout which made me laugh.

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