Chapter 24

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"The most dangerous lies are the lies you tell yourself"


"But there is no music" I said when I put my hands in his.

"I've got that covered" he said smiling.

Suddenly music came on, it was like he came out here prepared to ask me to dance with him.

The song playing was you and I (Nobody in the world) by John Legend.

You fix your make up, just so
Guess you don't know, that your beautiful
Try on every dress that you own
You were fine in my eyes, a half hour ago If your mirror won't make it any clearer I'll
Be the one to let you know

When the music began my body started moving it was like all my moves came back to me and my body just moved to the lyric with him following me.

Out of all the girls
you my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight All of the stars, you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world but you

I slowly began to get lost in the song and the moment, why did i feel this song was for me, was for us, like he was speaking to me through this song.

You stop the room when we walk in
Spotlights on everybody staring
Tell all of these boys, they wasting their time
Stop standing in line, cause you're all mine And this evening I, won't let the feeling die
I never want to leave your side Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl

I was actually surprise he was keeping up with me, it was as if we practice this when in reality we didn't.

Ain't nobody in the world tonight All of the stars you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world You keep wondering if you're what I'm wanting
You don't even have to try You don't have to try
Don't try
Don't try
You don't have to tryout of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight All of the stars, they don't shine brighter than you are
Ain't nobody in the world but you and I

When the song was finishing he pulled me to him, we were so close to each other, our nose was touching.

You and I
you and I
Nobody in the world tonight
Ain't nobody in the world but you and I

His hands slowly moved up to my cheeks and around my neck, he was staring me in the eyes, his hands slowly began to draw circle on my cheeks and neck where they were all the while still looking at me.

And I couldn't look away I don't know how long we stayed like that until he spoke.

"You're so beautiful" he mumble

"Ally, i'm going to kiss you" before i can process what he said his lips were on mine.

I didn't move for a while shock from his bold behavior, but my body give in and I found myself kissing him back.

I put my hands around his neck and back pulling him close to me like i was starving for him.

I don't know how long we were there or how long we were kissing.

We finally broke away when we heard a crashing sound, I looked to the source and saw Mai standing looking at us in shock.

I looked at Kai then back at her touching my lips.

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