Chapter 21

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"Can't resist the passion"

"Morning mom, dad" I said as I walked into the dinner room.

"Morning, darling how are you feeling"

"Um I'm good, I'm going over at Clair's with Ari"

"That's great, um but uh"

"What is it mom?" I asked eating my pancake and bacon.

"Debbie, I mean your mother-"

"She's not my mother you are" I said bluntly stopping her.


"No mom I want nothing to do with that woman"


Beep, beep

"That must be Ari, see you guys later"

"Be safe" she said as I began heading to the door.

"Oh ally, you owe Kai an explanation about the whole situation" she said as I exist the house.

Psk he owe me an explanation, I stayed locked up in my room for a week finding a lot excuse as to why he kiss me.

I ignored everybody but not really because of the kiss but because of that woman, why is she even here? Honestly as much as I want to know the answer I don't want to talk to her or even see her.

"Kai" I said as I met the car.

Really?!? I was hoping I'll see him when I meet the house not now, he's another reason why I was ignoring everyone also.

That guy corrupts my brain a lot.

And the kiss arghh I feel like a whoring joey now.

It's just a kiss

Really it isn't just a kiss, it was my first kiss, I know he don't like me well as anything more than a friend.

"Earth to ally" he said waving his hands in my face.


"Are you coming?"

"Oh um yes, uh where's Ari?"

"She got busy to I volunteer to pick you up"

Of course you did.

"Did you say something?" He asked as he enter the driver seat.

"No" I simply reply entering the car also.

The ride have been silent and awkward so far, with neither of us saying a word.

Trust me I'm grateful for the silence.

But he had other plans.

"Are we going to talk about what happened?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking out the window.

He must have gotten mad because the car came to a sudden halt making me swing forward.

"Are you stupid" I shout shooting him a glare.

"No but you're acting like you are" he shout also.

"Screw you Kai" I said folding my hands letting out a huff.

"Look I don't want to fight so-"

"Kai can we just go, please" I said cutting him off. I was really not in the mood to talk about my mom nor the kiss I just wanted to forget everything.

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