Chapter 16

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"Compliment or insult"


I woke up to a splitting head ache, my eyes were close scared to open, afraid that it would just cause me more pain.

I groaned and push myself up so I can brace my back against my bed head.

"Seems like you could use these" a voice said.

I opened my eyes to see ally at my bedroom door she walked in and the sun ray hit against her hair, she's really beautiful.

"Here" she said holding out a glass of water and two pills for me.

"Thanks" I mumbled taking the stuff for her. I Drink the water and then threw the pills in my mouth drinking more water.

"Are you okay?" She asked concern. Then yesterday came rushing back to me, my dad and mom came home.

"I'm fine" I told her looking down. We were silent neither of us saying anything and it was killing me.

I looked at my bed stand and saw it was 12:00.

"Where are the others?"

"Their downstairs with um your mother watching TV" she said but looked like she was thinking about something else.

"Um I'll go down back, just came to see if you had woken up" she said and walked out the door.

I watch her walked out but I wanted her to stay with me but of course I wasn't going to tell her that.

I can't believe I told her she remind me of Mai, yes I remember everything from last night, I'm the kind of person that would be high but still remember what I did and say.

She sort of remind me of Mai with her kindness and politeness. But she is innocent, she is scared to let go and have fun even if she wants too while Mai was never afraid she was innocent but bad at the same time.

Ally she is unique her smile, laugh, voice. I like her I like her so damn much.

But I can't tell her Ian and Clair have tried to persuade me to tell her but ally is different.

She don't think about love and stuff she don't really believe in it, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I know she only sees me as a friend and I'll be broken if I tell her how I feel and she left me.

I shook my head and walked into my bathroom to take a shower and fix myself up.


"Hey mom" I said kissing her on the cheeks while i sit between ally and her.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" she asked rubbing my back.

"I'm good" I lied.

I looked at the TV screen and saw them watching vampire diaries Ally's favorite show ever. If you even so diss one of the Salvatore brother, or bonnie, or Caroline she will kill you, she nearly stab me with a fork the last time I diss Stephan.

"What are you smiling about?" Mom asked looking at me.

I shook my head watching at ally who have her full attention on the screen.

I got up and went to the kitchen feeling hunger kicking in.

I took out a slice of pizza I saw in the fridge, no I didn't eat a random pizza there was a whole box.

"Hey" Clair said coming into the kitchen.

"Heyy" I said offering her a smile, she looked puzzled.

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