Chapter 12

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"It's okay to be smart"
"Just go in and do it" Kai said pushing me towards the store.

"Yes I'm hungry" Ari whined

"You can do it" Clair said encouraging me.

They are talking like this is not a crime.

Yes! Kai dare me to shop lift something from a store!!! I can go to fricking jail and they are somehow making it seems like nothing, even my own best friend!

I think I need to find a new best friend.

Right now I would rather be curled up in bed reading the vampire diaries book edition but noooo I had to receive a text from Kai saying he wants to meet me.

When I met up with him Ari, Clair and Ian were with him. Then he had the nerves to say he have a dare for me.


I don't think this guy have a life none of them for that fact.

"Yes because shop lifting is so not a crime" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"It's only a crime if you get caught "kai said standing next to me.

"Gee thanks, that helps a lot" I said rolling my eyes. This is not how I planned my weekend.

It have been 2 week since the whole me slapping joey, ditching last period, and my dad walking back again events happened.

No, The 2 week wasn't good because joey made sure to make my life hell for slapping her and getting her detention.

Such a hypocrite. She slammed my head to a locker and made me got cleaning service for slapping her.

A slap she deserved.

Kai didn't dare me the whole 2 week in fact he just kept aggravating me with his constant flirting and perverted mind.

"You dared me to say I'm gay in front of the school, its pay back princess" kai said winking at me.

Back with the names I see.

"Not that it was nothing, girls were still throwing them self at you"

He smirk "It's my charm"

"Your ego is the size of this earth" I mumble which made him laugh.

"Less talking more stealing" he said pushing me forward to the store.

This guy will be the cause of me having my first record ever.

Lord save me.

I walked into the store and saw a middle age woman behind the counter, and barely 2 customer in the store. I began to panic, my palms were sweating, I can't do this.

I walked around the store, scanning the shelves while glancing at the woman behind the counter to make sure she's not looking at me and she wasn't she was busy reading a newspaper.

I picked up a large tin of Pringles and was about to put it into the big jacket I had on which by the way belongs to Kai but I stopped.

I can't do this, I can't.

I picked up a pack of gum and quickly stick it in my jeans and head to the counter.

"Will that be all?" She asked as I paid for the Pringle.

"Yes thank you" I said collecting my change.

I walked out and head to where the other were with a smile.

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