Chapter 15

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"The bitter past of the delinquent"
"Omg did I really do that" I asked laughing.

"Yes you did, I guess there is a little delinquent buried deep in you" Kai said looking at me.

Well ladies and gentlemen you must be wondering what I'm talking about.

Well Kai and I just spray paint a building. Wait 5 building I dare him to do it and he dare me to do it with him.

We nearly got caught by the time we met the fifth building. A police was chasing us but we ran away.

"Do you think Clair and Ian is home?"


"No we're here" I jumped when I heard the voice behind us.

Which belongs to Ari.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same" she said switching her gaze between Kai and I.

Lord. I know what's running in her brains.

"Well then I guess it's a sleep over" Clair cheer.

Kai opened the door and we all went in but suddenly the light came one causing all of us to scream well except Ian and kai.

"Dad?" Kai asked. I looked up and saw a white man with brown hair and blue eyes that are pretty cold.

A look from him would have me running under a rock.

"Where were you guys?" He asked sternly. When suddenly a lady walked up behind him she was beautiful she had brown hair with brown eyes like Kai's.

And she also looked like she was mix with Irish and Filipino.

"Uncle Thomas we um, we went out" Clair said looking Down.

"On a school night and you're coming home what 1 in a morning" he shout easily, but you can hear the sternness in his voice.

"I told you guys we came here for a new start, not for you to do all the shit you did back in California"

"Dad we-"

"Shut up" he shout louder. I flinch back and out of reflex I grab Kai's hands but I quickly pulled away.

"You especially I told you if you don't get your act together you will be going to boarding school in England" Kai's dad scold.

But something in me sink with knowing he could be sent away.

"If you would shut up and listening you would know we don't have school tomorrow and don't even bring that England shit to me just send me away and done, it's what you wanted to do for years now" Kai shout back but what I didn't expect him to do was grab my hands and pulled me up the stairs with him.

We enter his bedroom and he let go of my hands and heading straight to his bathroom slamming the door shut.

Leaving me standing in the middle of his room looking like a lost puppy.

After couple minutes pass and he didn't come out, I walked to the door and heard cursing on the other side. I was about to knock when the door suddenly open and I'm pulled to a Chest.

I stiffen up for a while because of the sudden gesture but after I catch myself I snake my arms around him.

Hugging him back, he put his face between my neck and inhale my scent. But I didn't move away I just wanted to hold him because I think he needs a friend right now.

Any knowledgeable person can tell that Kai and his father don't have a good father son relationship.

We stood there hugging each other for god knows how long I wasn't complaining he smells good but Clair came in.

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