chapter 10

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"Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength"
I groaned waking up because the sun ray was affecting me. But how? My bed was position away from my window.

I rubbed my eyes and open them.

"Okay this is not my room" where the hell am I, because it isn't Ari room either.

Okay no need to panic ally

"You're awake" someone said making me look up then breathe a sigh of relieve it's just Kai

Wait OMG a shirtless Kai, breath ally breath, god why do he have to get packs.

Why, why, why do he have to be so hot?

"Finish checking me out" he said making me look up at him and of course he had a smirk on ha I hate when guys smirk seems like that's the only face expression they knows.

"You wish I was checking you out" I said looking away which made him laugh.

"Yea, yea, I put a toothbrush and towel in the bathroom" he told me walking to where ever he were before he came here.

I went and did my stuff before I head outside and saw Kai frying egg wow this is a sight I never thought I would see.

"You can cook?" I asked sitting on a chair by the counter.

"No, not really just basis stuff, I see you don't want to sit on the counter no more"

"Ohh and what do you mean? Better yet how am I here"

"You don't remember anything?" He asked with a raise eyebrow.

"Well I remember coming here, playing that stupid beer pong game them coming in here and I eat a piece of pie"

"Well one you ate the whole pie and the pie wasn't any normal pie it had marijuana in it" he said while putting bacon into the pan.

"What!!! I did drugs" I shouted but then a splitting headache hit me causing me to hold my head.

"After effect you're not use to it, drink this" he hand me a glass of water and a blue tablet.

I took it and drink it praying it works.

"I'm dead, if my mom finds out she will ship me off to a deserted island" Wait my mom Omg she must be worried about me.

"Don't worry Ari called her and told her you would be sleeping over by her" he said like he just read my mind. I shook my head not wanting to reply.

"Here" he putted a plate with egg, bacon and pancakes in front of me.

"Hmmm" I moaned it taste good he had some skills even if it's not enough. I hear him laughing which made me look at him.

"Good to know my cooking is good" he said with his own plate in front of him.

I smile and began eating again. I took my phone out to call my mom and saw Monday big on my screen Omg School I have school.

"Burger kings" I muttered causing him to look at me weird.

"We have school"

"So?" He said not moved.

"So? So we have to go" I said obviously.

"It's already half day, half of our classes are finish" he said turning on the TV.

"I don't care, I need to go to school" I said getting up, walking back into the room I woke up in.

"And you're coming" I said over my shoulder to him and he curse under his breath which made me laugh.

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